jquery Programming Glossary: javascript's
Understanding bitwise operations in javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1003879/understanding-bitwise-operations-in-javascript Assuming you have no more than 32 bits you can use JavaScript's built in parseInt function to convert your string of 1s and..
regex allows one character (it should not) why? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18646862/regex-allows-one-character-it-should-not-why of providing a String as your regular expression use JavaScript's literal regular expression delimiters. So rather than this .inputmask..
jQuery equivalent of JavaScript's addEventListener method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2398099/jquery-equivalent-of-javascripts-addeventlistener-method equivalent of JavaScript's addEventListener method I'm trying to find the jQuery equivalent..
functions inside or outside jquery document ready http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2645344/functions-inside-or-outside-jquery-document-ready ensures a faster resolve of the function name because of JavaScript's scope chains. Put it outside if it's a reusable component so..
Convert MySql DateTime stamp into JavaScript's Date format http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3075577/convert-mysql-datetime-stamp-into-javascripts-date-format MySql DateTime stamp into JavaScript's Date format Does anyone know how I can take a mysql datetime.. DD HH MM SS and either parse it or convert it to work in JavaScript's Date function such as.. Date 'YYYY MM DD HH MM SS Thank you..
Client-side javascript to support promises, futures, etc http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3249646/client-side-javascript-to-support-promises-futures-etc improve this question I'm the developer of FutureJS JavaScript's Async Toolbox TM or at least that's the goal . Docs v2.x obsolete..
Returning value from confirmation dialog using JQuery UI dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3560872/returning-value-from-confirmation-dialog-using-jquery-ui-dialog here is to simulate submission by button click. More like JavaScript's confirm method. javascript jquery html jquery ui share improve..
Jquery/Ajax call with timer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4542863/jquery-ajax-call-with-timer If you want to set something on a timer you can use JavaScript's setTimeout or setInterval methods setTimeout expression timeout..
Any JQuery alert() replacement for JavaScript's native one? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4913594/any-jquery-alert-replacement-for-javascripts-native-one JQuery alert replacement for JavaScript's native one I would like to replace the native javascript alert..
Setting z-index on draggable elements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5217311/setting-z-index-on-draggable-elements of max number of 2^31 in javascript. refer What is JavaScript's Max Int What's the highest Integer value a Number can go to..
What is the difference between JavaScript and jQuery [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6707395/what-is-the-difference-between-javascript-and-jquery that makes it easier to program. For example instead of JavaScript's document.getElementById 'myDiv' .style.backgroundColor #FFF..
jQuery difference between :eq() and :nth-child() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7039966/jquery-difference-between-eq-and-nth-child For all other selector expressions however jQuery follows JavaScript's 0 indexed counting. Therefore given a single containing two..
.delay() and .setTimeout() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7407935/delay-and-settimeout a way to cancel the delay delay is not a replacement for JavaScript's native setTimeout function which may be more appropriate for..
How to get current date in jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8398897/how-to-get-current-date-in-jquery this question Date is not part of jQuery it is one of JavaScript's features. See the documentation on Date object . You can do..
How to apply a timeout if a function hasn't been called 1 of N records in 3 seconds http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8752575/how-to-apply-a-timeout-if-a-function-hasnt-been-called-1-of-n-records-in-3-seco javascript jquery share improve this question Use JavaScript's setTimeout method to invoke a method to remove the styling after..
How to capture submit event using jQuery in an ASP.NET application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1230573/how-to-capture-submit-event-using-jquery-in-an-asp-net-application code into the existing __doPostBack. Take advantage of Javascript's functional nature and create a hook for adding functionality..
Can you autoplay HTML5 videos on the iPad? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12496144/can-you-autoplay-html5-videos-on-the-ipad using JavaScript. What this means in terms of code is that Javascript's play and load methods are inactive until the user initiates..
Elapsed time from a given time in the database http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15001152/elapsed-time-from-a-given-time-in-the-database time. To get the elapsed time updating dynamically you use Javascript's setInterval function. To stop updating the elapsed time use.. function. To stop updating the elapsed time use Javascript's clearTimeout function. I lifted the prettyPrintTime function..
How to wait 5 seconds with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1836105/how-to-wait-5-seconds-with-jquery Solution There are a few different ways to achieve this Javascript's built in setTimeout method jQuery's delay method available in..
How can I use $(this) inside of Fancybox's onComplete event? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3920937/how-can-i-use-this-inside-of-fancyboxs-oncomplete-event currentArray currentIndex currentOpts They aren't using Javascript's call or apply to invoke this function as a method of an object...
I'd like to understand the jQuery plugin syntax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4484289/id-like-to-understand-the-jquery-plugin-syntax I'd just like to understand what is going on there from Javascript's point of view because it doesn't look like it follows any syntax..
Way to know if user clicked Cancel on a Javascript onbeforeunload Dialog? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4650692/way-to-know-if-user-clicked-cancel-on-a-javascript-onbeforeunload-dialog a particular page without having saved their work. I use Javascript's onbeforeunload event works great. Now I want to run some Javascript..
jQuery ajax and SSL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6418620/jquery-ajax-and-ssl The short answer is...well...you can't. It violates Javascript's same origin policy because it doesn't see the SSL url as being..
Convert js Array() to JSon object for use with JQuery .ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/713884/convert-js-array-to-json-object-for-use-with-jquery-ajax you are doing it with Arrays is just taking advantage of Javascript's treatment of Arrays and not really the right way of doing it...
How to replace javascript alert (which pops up where the event called it) with a jquery dialog box? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7702730/how-to-replace-javascript-alert-which-pops-up-where-the-event-called-it-with-a javascript jquery html css share improve this question Javascript's alert function runs before anything else so it's hard if not..
Sending files /file upload using ajax which works in IE9 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13483408/sending-files-file-upload-using-ajax-which-works-in-ie9 rendering a simple html form inside and sending it via javascript's form.submit and pinging it for checking it's uploaded. jQuery..
How do I build a specialized JQuery Timer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2803820/how-do-i-build-a-specialized-jquery-timer asp.net jquery share improve this question Use javascript's setInterval to run some code at an interval. jQuery's .ajax..
JQuery string contains check http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3728022/jquery-string-contains-check contains share improve this question You can use javascript's indexOf function. var str1 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP var str2 DEFG if..
What is the most efficient way to sort an Html Select's Options by value, while preserving the currently selected item? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/45888/what-is-the-most-efficient-way-to-sort-an-html-selects-options-by-value-while text value and selected properties but I don't think that javascript's built in Array.sort would work correctly. javascript jquery..
How to measure a time spent on a page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4667068/how-to-measure-a-time-spent-on-a-page api.jquery.com unload The only caveat here is that it uses javascript's beforeunload event which doesn't always fire with enough time..
Illegal operation on WrappedNative prototype object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5140156/illegal-operation-on-wrappednative-prototype-object it's completely stupid and violates the very premise of javascript's flexibility but it's what we now have to deal with. Same goes..
How to get the html code from a web page (different domain)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6853641/how-to-get-the-html-code-from-a-web-page-different-domain possible in the naive sense because you will get killed by javascript's same domain policy. Now if you have access to your own web server..
jQuery ajax success doesn't work with $(this)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6889855/jquery-ajax-success-doesnt-work-with-this have been set to something else. This is definitely one of javascript's nuances. Change your code to this .markRead .click function..
Understanding bitwise operations in javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1003879/understanding-bitwise-operations-in-javascript jquery binary compare bitwise share improve this question Assuming you have no more than 32 bits you can use JavaScript's built in parseInt function to convert your string of 1s and 0s into an integer and then test the flags using the and operator..
regex allows one character (it should not) why? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18646862/regex-allows-one-character-it-should-not-why from your String isn't seeing the backslash at all. Instead of providing a String as your regular expression use JavaScript's literal regular expression delimiters. So rather than this .inputmask 'Regex' regex 0 9 . 0 9 2 use this .inputmask 'Regex'..
jQuery equivalent of JavaScript's addEventListener method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2398099/jquery-equivalent-of-javascripts-addeventlistener-method equivalent of JavaScript's addEventListener method I'm trying to find the jQuery equivalent of this JavaScript method call document.addEventListener..
functions inside or outside jquery document ready http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2645344/functions-inside-or-outside-jquery-document-ready it inside so it won't pollute the global namespace. It also ensures a faster resolve of the function name because of JavaScript's scope chains. Put it outside if it's a reusable component so you could easily move it in a separate file and call from different..
Convert MySql DateTime stamp into JavaScript's Date format http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3075577/convert-mysql-datetime-stamp-into-javascripts-date-format MySql DateTime stamp into JavaScript's Date format Does anyone know how I can take a mysql datetime stamp such as YYYY MM DD HH MM SS and either parse it or convert.. know how I can take a mysql datetime stamp such as YYYY MM DD HH MM SS and either parse it or convert it to work in JavaScript's Date function such as.. Date 'YYYY MM DD HH MM SS Thank you php javascript jquery mysql share improve this question ..
Client-side javascript to support promises, futures, etc http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3249646/client-side-javascript-to-support-promises-futures-etc the others javascript jquery future commonjs promise share improve this question I'm the developer of FutureJS JavaScript's Async Toolbox TM or at least that's the goal . Docs v2.x obsolete v1.x Development Production 3K minified and gzipped I..
Returning value from confirmation dialog using JQuery UI dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3560872/returning-value-from-confirmation-dialog-using-jquery-ui-dialog by bryan.taylor to do a form submission. What I want to do here is to simulate submission by button click. More like JavaScript's confirm method. javascript jquery html jquery ui share improve this question Your code is a bit convoluted I think..
Jquery/Ajax call with timer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4542863/jquery-ajax-call-with-timer jquery ajax timer setinterval share improve this question If you want to set something on a timer you can use JavaScript's setTimeout or setInterval methods setTimeout expression timeout setInterval expression interval Where expression is a function..
Any JQuery alert() replacement for JavaScript's native one? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4913594/any-jquery-alert-replacement-for-javascripts-native-one JQuery alert replacement for JavaScript's native one I would like to replace the native javascript alert with my own so that I would be able to control the theme..
Setting z-index on draggable elements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5217311/setting-z-index-on-draggable-elements .css z index a p Though this answer works it has the limitation of max number of 2^31 in javascript. refer What is JavaScript's Max Int What's the highest Integer value a Number can go to without losing precision for more info. share improve this..
What is the difference between JavaScript and jQuery [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6707395/what-is-the-difference-between-javascript-and-jquery to program. jQuery is sort of a wrapper around JavaScript that makes it easier to program. For example instead of JavaScript's document.getElementById 'myDiv' .style.backgroundColor #FFF in jQuery you simply do '#myDiv' .css 'background color' '#FFF'..
jQuery difference between :eq() and :nth-child() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7039966/jquery-difference-between-eq-and-nth-child of n is 1 indexed meaning that the counting starts at 1. For all other selector expressions however jQuery follows JavaScript's 0 indexed counting. Therefore given a single containing two li s 'li nth child 1 ' selects the first li while 'li eq 1 '..
.delay() and .setTimeout() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7407935/delay-and-settimeout effects. Because it is limited ”it doesn't for example offer a way to cancel the delay delay is not a replacement for JavaScript's native setTimeout function which may be more appropriate for certain use cases. Could someone please expand on this When..
How to get current date in jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8398897/how-to-get-current-date-in-jquery date in yyyy mm dd format. javascript jquery share improve this question Date is not part of jQuery it is one of JavaScript's features. See the documentation on Date object . You can do it like that var d new Date var month d.getMonth 1 var day d.getDate..
How to apply a timeout if a function hasn't been called 1 of N records in 3 seconds http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8752575/how-to-apply-a-timeout-if-a-function-hasnt-been-called-1-of-n-records-in-3-seco Any suggestions on how to create a timeout like this Thanks javascript jquery share improve this question Use JavaScript's setTimeout method to invoke a method to remove the styling after 3 seconds 3000 ms . See below var timeout function clearStyling..
How to capture submit event using jQuery in an ASP.NET application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1230573/how-to-capture-submit-event-using-jquery-in-an-asp-net-application one. Overload Render on the page and inject my own custom code into the existing __doPostBack. Take advantage of Javascript's functional nature and create a hook for adding functionality to __doPostBack. The first two seem undesirable for a couple..
Can you autoplay HTML5 videos on the iPad? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12496144/can-you-autoplay-html5-videos-on-the-ipad either set the controls attribute or provide a controller using JavaScript. What this means in terms of code is that Javascript's play and load methods are inactive until the user initiates playback unless the play or load method is triggered by user..
Elapsed time from a given time in the database http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15001152/elapsed-time-from-a-given-time-in-the-database and then compute its difference with the current system time. To get the elapsed time updating dynamically you use Javascript's setInterval function. To stop updating the elapsed time use Javascript's clearTimeout function. I lifted the prettyPrintTime..
How to wait 5 seconds with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1836105/how-to-wait-5-seconds-with-jquery on the screen fades out or slides up. How can I achieve this Solution There are a few different ways to achieve this Javascript's built in setTimeout method jQuery's delay method available in jQuery 1.4 Example document .ready function setTimeout function..
How can I use $(this) inside of Fancybox's onComplete event? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3920937/how-can-i-use-this-inside-of-fancyboxs-oncomplete-event if .isFunction currentOpts.onComplete currentOpts.onComplete currentArray currentIndex currentOpts They aren't using Javascript's call or apply to invoke this function as a method of an object. In other words this will refer to the global scope of your..
I'd like to understand the jQuery plugin syntax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4484289/id-like-to-understand-the-jquery-plugin-syntax 'normal' function the this keyword is a DOM element jQuery I'd just like to understand what is going on there from Javascript's point of view because it doesn't look like it follows any syntax I've seen JS do before. So here's my list of questions..
Way to know if user clicked Cancel on a Javascript onbeforeunload Dialog? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4650692/way-to-know-if-user-clicked-cancel-on-a-javascript-onbeforeunload-dialog up a dialog box when someone tries to navigate away from a particular page without having saved their work. I use Javascript's onbeforeunload event works great. Now I want to run some Javascript code when the user clicks Cancel on the dialog that..
jQuery ajax and SSL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6418620/jquery-ajax-and-ssl secure jquery ajax security ssl share improve this question The short answer is...well...you can't. It violates Javascript's same origin policy because it doesn't see the SSL url as being from the same source as the non SSL url. I had the same problem..
Convert js Array() to JSon object for use with JQuery .ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/713884/convert-js-array-to-json-object-for-use-with-jquery-ajax
How to replace javascript alert (which pops up where the event called it) with a jquery dialog box? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7702730/how-to-replace-javascript-alert-which-pops-up-where-the-event-called-it-with-a too. But I need this done tonight if possible. James javascript jquery html css share improve this question Javascript's alert function runs before anything else so it's hard if not impossible to actually replace its default behavior. However..
Sending files /file upload using ajax which works in IE9 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13483408/sending-files-file-upload-using-ajax-which-works-in-ie9 words for sending files usually it's done using a hidden iframe rendering a simple html form inside and sending it via javascript's form.submit and pinging it for checking it's uploaded. jQuery has a lot of cool plugins for getting this job done there..
How do I build a specialized JQuery Timer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2803820/how-do-i-build-a-specialized-jquery-timer and cancel a request if it is still being server for 20 seconds. asp.net jquery share improve this question Use javascript's setInterval to run some code at an interval. jQuery's .ajax will return the XMLHTTPRequest object that you can abort. var..
JQuery string contains check http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3728022/jquery-string-contains-check out if str1 contains str2 javascript jquery string comparison contains share improve this question You can use javascript's indexOf function. var str1 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP var str2 DEFG if str1.indexOf str2 1 alert str2 found share improve this answer..
What is the most efficient way to sort an Html Select's Options by value, while preserving the currently selected item? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/45888/what-is-the-most-efficient-way-to-sort-an-html-selects-options-by-value-while in sorting helpers. I could make a 2d array of each item's text value and selected properties but I don't think that javascript's built in Array.sort would work correctly. javascript jquery arrays sorting html select share improve this question ..
How to measure a time spent on a page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4667068/how-to-measure-a-time-spent-on-a-page url log.php data 'timeSpent' end start See more here http api.jquery.com unload The only caveat here is that it uses javascript's beforeunload event which doesn't always fire with enough time to make an AJAX request like this so reasonably you will lose..
Illegal operation on WrappedNative prototype object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5140156/illegal-operation-on-wrappednative-prototype-object point and it considers this a devious tactic. I think it's completely stupid and violates the very premise of javascript's flexibility but it's what we now have to deal with. Same goes for something like var x document.createElement calling x..
How to get the html code from a web page (different domain)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6853641/how-to-get-the-html-code-from-a-web-page-different-domain html parsing share improve this question This isn't possible in the naive sense because you will get killed by javascript's same domain policy. Now if you have access to your own web server you could set up a service that listens for your request..
jQuery ajax success doesn't work with $(this)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6889855/jquery-ajax-success-doesnt-work-with-this can reference it later even when the actual this value may have been set to something else. This is definitely one of javascript's nuances. Change your code to this .markRead .click function var cId this .parents div .parents div .find #cId .val var field..