jquery Programming Glossary: involving
Close a SELECT dropdown list programatically with Javascript/jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10851882/close-a-select-dropdown-list-programatically-with-javascript-jquery stable build of Chrome and none of the other answers involving .blur work for me. This question asks the inverse Programmatically..
Make named anchor bookmarks appear always at top of the screen when clicked http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12238099/make-named-anchor-bookmarks-appear-always-at-top-of-the-screen-when-clicked The farms employ a state of the art feedlot design involving the integration of the standard components into a fully functional..
If a DOM Element is removed, are its listeners also removed from memory? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12528049/if-a-dom-element-is-removed-are-its-listeners-also-removed-from-memory the memory. A few exceptions to this rule are cases involving circular references closures and cross page leaks. So what about..
Memory leak involving jQuery Ajax requests http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1455947/memory-leak-involving-jquery-ajax-requests leak involving jQuery Ajax requests I have a webpage that's leaking memory..
How do I display epub format book in pure HTML5/CSS/Jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14562580/how-do-i-display-epub-format-book-in-pure-html5-css-jquery going to need to figure out some combination of logic involving windowing framing clipping offsetting and or using regions to..
javascript not working on dynamically added tabs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15135701/javascript-not-working-on-dynamically-added-tabs added tabs I am facing a strange bug at the moment involving javascript. I have used jquery ui tabs to dynamically add and..
How to post JSON data to Action Method ? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15793976/how-to-post-json-data-to-action-method deserialize them on the server side for every request involving non primitive parameters Note this is my action method. As for..
jQuery fadeIn IE Png Issue when loading from external http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1808015/jquery-fadein-ie-png-issue-when-loading-from-external can do. EDIT The following page seems to have a solution involving the old AlphaImageLoader filter and a parent div with the opacity..
How to detect ctrl+v ,Ctrl+c using Javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2903991/how-to-detect-ctrlv-ctrlc-using-javascript the jQuery library. EDIT removed 3 redundant lines involving e.which thanks to Tim Down's suggestion see comments share..
Wait until all jquery ajax request are done? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3709597/wait-until-all-jquery-ajax-request-are-done opinion it makes for a clean and clear syntax and avoids involving any global variables such as ajaxStart and ajaxStop which could..
jQuery animate scrolltop on Opera bug http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4880743/jquery-animate-scrolltop-on-opera-bug the flicker and odd scroll position. Better solution not involving user agent sniffing From http w3fools.com js script.js find..
jQuery memory leak patterns and causes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5046016/jquery-memory-leak-patterns-and-causes Ajax call leaks memory in Internet Explorer Memory leak involving jQuery Ajax requests Resources on the web How to attach objects..
How to Generate All Possible CSS 2 Selector Combinations? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5135287/how-to-generate-all-possible-css-2-selector-combinations First let's stick to a narrow class of selectors involving tag names class names and IDs nothing fancy like E F or E F..
Get the Highlighted/Selected text http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5379120/get-the-highlighted-selected-text is relatively simple. There's no benefit to be gained by involving jQuery since you need nothing other than the window and document..
Get random item from JavaScript array http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5915096/get-random-item-from-javascript-array I get random item from items I am using jQuery so answers involving jQuery are welcome. javascript jquery arrays random share..
:touch CSS pseudo-class or something similar? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6063308/touch-css-pseudo-class-or-something-similar I am wondering if there is a simpler way to do it without involving Javascript. javascript jquery html css mobile share improve..
In an AJAX call, 302 is not followed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6955308/in-an-ajax-call-302-is-not-followed is said to be 'canceled'. If I visit the same page without involving javascript everything works fine and as I said the AJAX works..
Origin 'url' is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7216059/origin-url-is-not-allowed-by-access-control-allow-origin directly. There are work arounds for this limitation involving the insertion of script tags JS files loaded via script tags..
Custom Resizable Handles in JQuery UI http://stackoverflow.com/questions/958419/custom-resizable-handles-in-jquery-ui make it resizable but seem to be running into a few issues involving custom drag handles. The JQuery documentation on the Resizable..
Close a SELECT dropdown list programatically with Javascript/jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10851882/close-a-select-dropdown-list-programatically-with-javascript-jquery I'm not sure about anyone else but I'm using the latest stable build of Chrome and none of the other answers involving .blur work for me. This question asks the inverse Programmatically open a drop down menu The conclusion that seemed to be..
Make named anchor bookmarks appear always at top of the screen when clicked http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12238099/make-named-anchor-bookmarks-appear-always-at-top-of-the-screen-when-clicked record keeping and obtain information for bench marking decisions. The farms employ a state of the art feedlot design involving the integration of the standard components into a fully functional operating system. This consists of housing feeding watering..
If a DOM Element is removed, are its listeners also removed from memory? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12528049/if-a-dom-element-is-removed-are-its-listeners-also-removed-from-memory question For the most part yes the 'current' browsers do release the memory. A few exceptions to this rule are cases involving circular references closures and cross page leaks. So what about older versions of Internet Explorer Older versions of IE..
Memory leak involving jQuery Ajax requests http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1455947/memory-leak-involving-jquery-ajax-requests leak involving jQuery Ajax requests I have a webpage that's leaking memory in both IE8 and Firefox the memory usage displayed in the Windows..
How do I display epub format book in pure HTML5/CSS/Jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14562580/how-do-i-display-epub-format-book-in-pure-html5-css-jquery if you decide you really want paginated display then you're going to need to figure out some combination of logic involving windowing framing clipping offsetting and or using regions to help you here. Some ebook readers just punt here and say what's..
javascript not working on dynamically added tabs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15135701/javascript-not-working-on-dynamically-added-tabs not working on dynamically added tabs I am facing a strange bug at the moment involving javascript. I have used jquery ui tabs to dynamically add and remove tabs in my website the content of the tab contains..
How to post JSON data to Action Method ? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15793976/how-to-post-json-data-to-action-method this Am I doomed to send serialized strings and have to manually deserialize them on the server side for every request involving non primitive parameters Note this is my action method. As for now everything I try results in the parameter is an array..
jQuery fadeIn IE Png Issue when loading from external http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1808015/jquery-fadein-ie-png-issue-when-loading-from-external in front of text or dynamic content there's not much you can do. EDIT The following page seems to have a solution involving the old AlphaImageLoader filter and a parent div with the opacity filter set http blog.mediaandme.be ref 17 share improve..
How to detect ctrl+v ,Ctrl+c using Javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2903991/how-to-detect-ctrlv-ctrlc-using-javascript
Wait until all jquery ajax request are done? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3709597/wait-until-all-jquery-ajax-request-are-done .ajax url someUrl dataType json data yourJsonData ... In my opinion it makes for a clean and clear syntax and avoids involving any global variables such as ajaxStart and ajaxStop which could have unwanted side effects as your page develops. If you..
jQuery animate scrolltop on Opera bug http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4880743/jquery-animate-scrolltop-on-opera-bug at the right place while the second starts at 0 causing the flicker and odd scroll position. Better solution not involving user agent sniffing From http w3fools.com js script.js find out what the hell to scroll html or body its like we can already..
jQuery memory leak patterns and causes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5046016/jquery-memory-leak-patterns-and-causes on SO Why does jQuery leak memory so badly Simple jQuery Ajax call leaks memory in Internet Explorer Memory leak involving jQuery Ajax requests Resources on the web How to attach objects and data to DOM with jQuery.data to avoid memory leak issues..
How to Generate All Possible CSS 2 Selector Combinations? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5135287/how-to-generate-all-possible-css-2-selector-combinations javascript jquery dom css selectors share improve this question First let's stick to a narrow class of selectors involving tag names class names and IDs nothing fancy like E F or E F . Let's also disallow combinations of class names .class1.class2.class3..
Get the Highlighted/Selected text http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5379120/get-the-highlighted-selected-text this question Getting the text the user has selected is relatively simple. There's no benefit to be gained by involving jQuery since you need nothing other than the window and document objects. function getSelectionText var text if window.getSelection..
Get random item from JavaScript array http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5915096/get-random-item-from-javascript-array array var items Array 523 3452 334 31 ...5346 How do I get random item from items I am using jQuery so answers involving jQuery are welcome. javascript jquery arrays random share improve this question var item items Math.floor Math.random..
:touch CSS pseudo-class or something similar? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6063308/touch-css-pseudo-class-or-something-similar desktop browsers and the active class is for touch browsers. I am wondering if there is a simpler way to do it without involving Javascript. javascript jquery html css mobile share improve this question There is no such thing as touch in the W3C..
In an AJAX call, 302 is not followed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6955308/in-an-ajax-call-302-is-not-followed is never followed and in the Chrome inspector the request is said to be 'canceled'. If I visit the same page without involving javascript everything works fine and as I said the AJAX works on my local machine but not on the production server. Does..
Origin 'url' is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7216059/origin-url-is-not-allowed-by-access-control-allow-origin developing a page for google.com you can't talk to google.com directly. There are work arounds for this limitation involving the insertion of script tags JS files loaded via script tags are not subject to the same origin policy and then using JSONP..
Custom Resizable Handles in JQuery UI http://stackoverflow.com/questions/958419/custom-resizable-handles-in-jquery-ui multiline TextBox HTML textarea and use JQuery UI to make it resizable but seem to be running into a few issues involving custom drag handles. The JQuery documentation on the Resizable method specifically that on the handles option suggests that..