jquery Programming Glossary: irrelevant
Qaptcha - is it effective? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10609201/qaptcha-is-it-effective in the PHP session. Therefore the value of the key is irrelevant you just have to tell the server what it is before submitting..
Advanced JQuery Validation: Avoiding Validations on Certain Conditions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1316602/advanced-jquery-validation-avoiding-validations-on-certain-conditions I'm about to innundate you with I stripped out most of the irrelevant parts leaving in only those that demonstrate my methods of going..
jQuery Partial Selectors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1368591/jquery-partial-selectors of the table cells as a number are empty or the contents irrelevant. I use jQuery to hide all TD's and then jQuery to show them..
jQuery: Convert text URL to link as typing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14636218/jquery-convert-text-url-to-link-as-typing http jsfiddle.net 8hYSc 3 And here's a piece of stupid irrelevant code so that Stack Overflow will actually let me post my answer..
Error creating a '< previous' and 'next >' (date) link for jQueryUI datepicker using setdate http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1652948/error-creating-a-previous-and-next-date-link-for-jqueryui-datepicker-u function could have been named doSomething It's irrelevant to the original question about how to increment deincrement..
Set $_SESSION in ajax request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17537306/set-session-in-ajax-request is valid HTML or JS...any non PHP code in the page is irrelevant. Anyway by the time the browser runs your script above it looks..
Security error using CORS in IE10 with Node and Express http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18422980/security-error-using-cors-in-ie10-with-node-and-express url apiRoot endpoint success function response Omitted irrelevant code According to this article CORS is disabled in IE by default..
jQuery toggle show/hide elements after certain number of matching elements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2411588/jquery-toggle-show-hide-elements-after-certain-number-of-matching-elements all href # Z1R em 21 em a li ul div The 'all' class is irrelevant here and serves another purpose. Feel free to disregard it...
What happened to Dojo in 2008? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2450696/what-happened-to-dojo-in-2008 from running when Windows Vista starts video &mdash irrelevant . IT Dojo Add Copy To and Move To commands to Windows XP Explorer..
JQuery - is at least one checkbox checked http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2941746/jquery-is-at-least-one-checkbox-checked There are also other boxes in the element that are irrelevant to the check. The CSS class is unnecessary and only in place..
What are some good examples of JQuery using JSONP talking to .net? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/448879/what-are-some-good-examples-of-jquery-using-jsonp-talking-to-net send the response back. The server side language really is irrelevant. JSONP with WCF Good screencast a few articles below Rick Strahl..
Detecting onChange events from a CKEditor using Jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5143516/detecting-onchange-events-from-a-ckeditor-using-jquery but the keyword combination seems to bring up nothing but irrelevant results my google fu sucks . Thanks for any help Edit for var..
How to allow for a default submenu on a jQuery hover menu http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6154631/how-to-allow-for-a-default-submenu-on-a-jquery-hover-menu .show Not sure what's going on with the open class. It's irrelevant to this demo. if GBL_bNoDefaultMenu #snav .stop true true..
Send array to MVC controller via JSON? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7116099/send-array-to-mvc-controller-via-json already covered in this question it is not necessary. MVC3 irrelevant c# jquery asp.net mvc json share improve this question ..
jQuery - detecting the operating system and operating system version http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8774560/jquery-detecting-the-operating-system-and-operating-system-version slightly darker than the rest or simply not display irrelevant sections. For example for IE6 you must use Trixie I believe..
How to create separate Fancybox galleries on the same page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9486034/how-to-create-separate-fancybox-galleries-on-the-same-page who set up Fancybox was terminated because he was ... irrelevant. I am creating a product comparison page. Up to four products..
Qaptcha - is it effective? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10609201/qaptcha-is-it-effective the value submitted along with the form matches what is stored in the PHP session. Therefore the value of the key is irrelevant you just have to tell the server what it is before submitting the form. I suspect its only a matter of time before spammers..
Advanced JQuery Validation: Avoiding Validations on Certain Conditions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1316602/advanced-jquery-validation-avoiding-validations-on-certain-conditions visibility being set to 'hidden' . Please excuse the code I'm about to innundate you with I stripped out most of the irrelevant parts leaving in only those that demonstrate my methods of going about this. My body_onload javascrip method function body_onload..
jQuery Partial Selectors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1368591/jquery-partial-selectors tables which have nested tables. I using jQuery to hide some of the table cells as a number are empty or the contents irrelevant. I use jQuery to hide all TD's and then jQuery to show them for instance if they contain a P . Unfortunately some of the..
jQuery: Convert text URL to link as typing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14636218/jquery-convert-text-url-to-link-as-typing http stackoverflow.com a 1621309 96100 Putting it all together http jsfiddle.net 8hYSc 3 And here's a piece of stupid irrelevant code so that Stack Overflow will actually let me post my answer var fail Automated check that cannot be overridden share..
Error creating a '< previous' and 'next >' (date) link for jQueryUI datepicker using setdate http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1652948/error-creating-a-previous-and-next-date-link-for-jqueryui-datepicker-u works correctly otherwise. Update per comment The refreshCalendar function could have been named doSomething It's irrelevant to the original question about how to increment deincrement the #datepicker field. That said here is the code. I could have..
Set $_SESSION in ajax request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17537306/set-session-in-ajax-request PHP doesn't speak JS and doesn't even care if what it generates is valid HTML or JS...any non PHP code in the page is irrelevant. Anyway by the time the browser runs your script above it looks like this ... success function jsonResponse var json JSON.parse..
Security error using CORS in IE10 with Node and Express http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18422980/security-error-using-cors-in-ie10-with-node-and-express was canceled by the user. The request uses jQuery .ajax url apiRoot endpoint success function response Omitted irrelevant code According to this article CORS is disabled in IE by default and must be enabled Internet Explorer ignores Access Control..
jQuery toggle show/hide elements after certain number of matching elements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2411588/jquery-toggle-show-hide-elements-after-certain-number-of-matching-elements a li li a class all href # Yoshimura em 21 em a li li a class all href # Z1R em 21 em a li ul div The 'all' class is irrelevant here and serves another purpose. Feel free to disregard it. javascript jquery jquery selectors share improve this question..
What happened to Dojo in 2008? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2450696/what-happened-to-dojo-in-2008 Dojo for Ajax &mdash ok it may be relevant . IT Dojo Stop programs from running when Windows Vista starts video &mdash irrelevant . IT Dojo Add Copy To and Move To commands to Windows XP Explorer with this registry hack &mdash not even close . Dragon..
JQuery - is at least one checkbox checked http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2941746/jquery-is-at-least-one-checkbox-checked class. It should returns true if at least one of them is checked. There are also other boxes in the element that are irrelevant to the check. The CSS class is unnecessary and only in place to create a way to identify the checkboxes in the group. It..
What are some good examples of JQuery using JSONP talking to .net? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/448879/what-are-some-good-examples-of-jquery-using-jsonp-talking-to-net the jsonp endpoint must then take and wrap the json in then send the response back. The server side language really is irrelevant. JSONP with WCF Good screencast a few articles below Rick Strahl has a blog post on it Another share improve this answer..
Detecting onChange events from a CKEditor using Jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5143516/detecting-onchange-events-from-a-ckeditor-using-jquery .change event never gets detected. I did some googling but the keyword combination seems to bring up nothing but irrelevant results my google fu sucks . Thanks for any help Edit for var i in CKEDITOR.instances CKEDITOR.instances i .on 'click' function..
How to allow for a default submenu on a jQuery hover menu http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6154631/how-to-allow-for-a-default-submenu-on-a-jquery-hover-menu 'class' .split ' ' 0 #snav ul .hide #snav .find subnav .show Not sure what's going on with the open class. It's irrelevant to this demo. if GBL_bNoDefaultMenu #snav .stop true true .slideDown 'fast' .addClass open else zEvent.currentTarget.nodeName..
Send array to MVC controller via JSON? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7116099/send-array-to-mvc-controller-via-json just to send an array from JSON that is rediculous as we've already covered in this question it is not necessary. MVC3 irrelevant c# jquery asp.net mvc json share improve this question Here is my demo use mvc2 hope some helps~ The key to success..
jQuery - detecting the operating system and operating system version http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8774560/jquery-detecting-the-operating-system-and-operating-system-version using so that I can highlight the most relevant instructions slightly darker than the rest or simply not display irrelevant sections. For example for IE6 you must use Trixie I believe to install userscripts and this is supported on Win XP only...
How to create separate Fancybox galleries on the same page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9486034/how-to-create-separate-fancybox-galleries-on-the-same-page but it is used widely on a site that I am working on. The person who set up Fancybox was terminated because he was ... irrelevant. I am creating a product comparison page. Up to four products will display on a single page. Each product may have up to..