

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:04:27

jquery Programming Glossary: in_array

Performance of OR operation ( || ) vs inArray()


want the fastest but the most readable way. And that's in_array JavaScript array.indexOf value 0 for more than 2 or 3 values... benchmark each with 1 million iterations 5.4829950332642 in_array the array is recreated everytime 2.9785749912262 in_array the.. in_array the array is recreated everytime 2.9785749912262 in_array the array is created only once 0.64996600151062 isset the array..

Paginate records on Client side issue


last or in range display if i 1 Or i this num_pages Or in_array i this range this return . i this current_page And _GET 'page'..

uploading, processing, storing and delivering user-provided files and images


'error' UPLOAD_ERR_OK type finfo file file 'tmp_name' if in_array type allowedTypes useFiles index file Do I want to set a maximum..

How to detect a mobile device in a web page


'wapi' 'wapp' 'wapr' 'webc' 'winw' 'winw' 'xda ' 'xda ' if in_array mobile_ua mobile_agents mobile_browser if strpos strtolower..

Writing own jQuery-PHP picture upload utility for site


'size' if strlen name list txt ext explode . name if in_array ext valid_formats if size 1024 1024 Image size max 1 MB actual_image_name..

Performance of OR operation ( || ) vs inArray()


jquery performance share improve this question You don't want the fastest but the most readable way. And that's in_array JavaScript array.indexOf value 0 for more than 2 or 3 values. The performance difference is negligible while a function.. in the end nobody will notice the difference. Here's a short benchmark each with 1 million iterations 5.4829950332642 in_array the array is recreated everytime 2.9785749912262 in_array the array is created only once 0.64996600151062 isset the array.. benchmark each with 1 million iterations 5.4829950332642 in_array the array is recreated everytime 2.9785749912262 in_array the array is created only once 0.64996600151062 isset the array way created only once and then the values were turned to..

Paginate records on Client side issue


range 0 this return . ... loop through all pages. if first last or in range display if i 1 Or i this num_pages Or in_array i this range this return . i this current_page And _GET 'page' 'All' a title Go to page i of this num_pages class current..

uploading, processing, storing and delivering user-provided files and images


finfo FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE foreach _FILES as index file if file 'error' UPLOAD_ERR_OK type finfo file file 'tmp_name' if in_array type allowedTypes useFiles index file Do I want to set a maximum filesize what is the size In this case you can safely..

How to detect a mobile device in a web page


' 'tosh' 'tsm ' 'upg1' 'upsi' 'vk v' 'voda' 'wap ' 'wapa' 'wapi' 'wapp' 'wapr' 'webc' 'winw' 'winw' 'xda ' 'xda ' if in_array mobile_ua mobile_agents mobile_browser if strpos strtolower _SERVER 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' 'windows' 0 mobile_browser 0 if strpos..

Writing own jQuery-PHP picture upload utility for site


POST name _FILES 'photoimg' 'name' size _FILES 'photoimg' 'size' if strlen name list txt ext explode . name if in_array ext valid_formats if size 1024 1024 Image size max 1 MB actual_image_name time . session_id. . . ext tmp _FILES 'photoimg'..