jquery Programming Glossary: interprets
difference between $.getJSON and $.get http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1079205/difference-between-getjson-and-get jQuery sends an Accept application json header jQuery interprets the inbound response converts it into a JavaScript Object and..
What does !function ($) { $(function(){ }) }(window.jQuery) do? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10896749/what-does-function-function-window-jquery-do Something a a href # rel tooltip Something a As browsers interprets the markup sequentially it will execute the js code as soon..
jQuery getJSON cross domain http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11072620/jquery-getjson-cross-domain understand what is wrong.. http jsfiddle.net jzjVh Chrome interprets the file as Javascript.. IE9 except a warning because the file..
Difference between assigning function to variable or not http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11146814/difference-between-assigning-function-to-variable-or-not var x 10 You can imagine that the JavaScript engine interprets the code like this var x Declaration is hoisted to top of scope..
Excel like filtering in jqgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12869819/excel-like-filtering-in-jqgrid like words like Excel like filtering because everybody interprets it in different way. So I have to answer in the way how I interpret..
jQuery.css(): Firefox don't return 'auto' values http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13455931/jquery-css-firefox-dont-return-auto-values this question This is down to the browser and how it interprets the styles it is somewhat out of your control. However with..
Why is IE8 on XP not properly reading from XML using JQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2815673/why-is-ie8-on-xp-not-properly-reading-from-xml-using-jquery browsers read the element's content correctly while IE8 interprets it as an empty string jquery xml internet explorer share..
Using jQuery tablesorter to sort mm/yy dates http://stackoverflow.com/questions/450936/using-jquery-tablesorter-to-sort-mm-yy-dates myClass.init My problem is that the tableSorter interprets 00 as year 1900 instead of 2000 and hence the sorted data is..
jquery load() strips script tags - workaround? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6036870/jquery-load-strips-script-tags-workaround tag Doesn't matter see this updated example . The browser interprets the script tag according to the same rules it always applies...
How to get relative path in Javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6310620/how-to-get-relative-path-in-javascript I use this code in the main virtual directory Javascript interprets Controls ModelSelectorWebMethods.aspx getDeviceTypes to mean.. well. However from the page in a subdirectory Javascript interprets it to mean https mysite.com widget subdirectory Controls ModelSelectorWebMethods.aspx..
Is it possible to bind multiple event handlers to JqGrid events without overwriting previous ones? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6776696/is-it-possible-to-bind-multiple-event-handlers-to-jqgrid-events-without-overwrit in case that you want construct some classes which interprets jqGrid. Your current workaround is OK but have the restriction..
difference between $.getJSON and $.get http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1079205/difference-between-getjson-and-get use json here Saying that a request is for JSON means two things jQuery sends an Accept application json header jQuery interprets the inbound response converts it into a JavaScript Object and passes it into the callback so you don't have to mess with..
What does !function ($) { $(function(){ }) }(window.jQuery) do? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10896749/what-does-function-function-window-jquery-do . . . . a href # rel tooltip Something a a href # rel tooltip Something a a href # rel tooltip Something a As browsers interprets the markup sequentially it will execute the js code as soon as it face it as. And when it executes the JS block here it..
jQuery getJSON cross domain http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11072620/jquery-getjson-cross-domain success I read that i must make a request jsonp but I do not understand what is wrong.. http jsfiddle.net jzjVh Chrome interprets the file as Javascript.. IE9 except a warning because the file was blocked due to mime type mismatch .. I do not even understand..
Difference between assigning function to variable or not http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11146814/difference-between-assigning-function-to-variable-or-not for variable declarations console.log x undefined not TypeError var x 10 You can imagine that the JavaScript engine interprets the code like this var x Declaration is hoisted to top of scope value is `undefined` console.log x x 10 Assignment happens..
Excel like filtering in jqgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12869819/excel-like-filtering-in-jqgrid Advance jquery jqgrid share improve this question I don't like words like Excel like filtering because everybody interprets it in different way. So I have to answer in the way how I interpret it. I think that you should use jQuery UI MultiSelect..
jQuery.css(): Firefox don't return 'auto' values http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13455931/jquery-css-firefox-dont-return-auto-values prevent this I want to get jquery css firefox share improve this question This is down to the browser and how it interprets the styles it is somewhat out of your control. However with particular CSS and jQuery workarounds you should be able to..
Why is IE8 on XP not properly reading from XML using JQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2815673/why-is-ie8-on-xp-not-properly-reading-from-xml-using-jquery browsers foo 100 The output in IE8 on XP foo Why do webkit browsers read the element's content correctly while IE8 interprets it as an empty string jquery xml internet explorer share improve this question http stackoverflow.com questions 562283..
Using jQuery tablesorter to sort mm/yy dates http://stackoverflow.com/questions/450936/using-jquery-tablesorter-to-sort-mm-yy-dates sortList 0 0 widgets 'zebra' headers 5 sorter 'user birthdate' myClass.init My problem is that the tableSorter interprets 00 as year 1900 instead of 2000 and hence the sorted data is not correct. Any clue how can I resolve this I am using jQuery..
jquery load() strips script tags - workaround? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6036870/jquery-load-strips-script-tags-workaround Re your edit 1 no type declaration in the opening script tag Doesn't matter see this updated example . The browser interprets the script tag according to the same rules it always applies. 2 you're loading a page with script tags as part of the DOM..
How to get relative path in Javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6310620/how-to-get-relative-path-in-javascript Let's suppose that the name of my project is widget . When I use this code in the main virtual directory Javascript interprets Controls ModelSelectorWebMethods.aspx getDeviceTypes to mean https mysite.com widget Controls ModelSelectorWebMethods.aspx.. ModelSelectorWebMethods.aspx getDeviceTypes and all is well. However from the page in a subdirectory Javascript interprets it to mean https mysite.com widget subdirectory Controls ModelSelectorWebMethods.aspx getDeviceTypes and it doesn't work...
Is it possible to bind multiple event handlers to JqGrid events without overwriting previous ones? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6776696/is-it-possible-to-bind-multiple-event-handlers-to-jqgrid-events-without-overwrit for small projects where you use jqGrid but can be important in case that you want construct some classes which interprets jqGrid. Your current workaround is OK but have the restriction which you understand yourself. The main problem that in the..