jquery Programming Glossary: invested
jQuery UI slider Touch & Drag/Drop support on Mobile devices http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13808663/jquery-ui-slider-touch-drag-drop-support-on-mobile-devices and drag. Instead you have to touch where you want the slider to go. jQuery mobile UI supports this but I have time invested into what is already there. The functionality we want Here What we are using Here On a desktop you can't tell the difference...
Resize SubGrid Columns on resizing main grid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14216113/resize-subgrid-columns-on-resizing-main-grid jqgrid share improve this question You question is very interesting but the answer isn't easy. Nevertheless I invested some time and provide you the following demo which shows how you can implement the solution. The implementation are based..
jqGrid with JSON data renders table as empty http://stackoverflow.com/questions/259435/jqgrid-with-json-data-renders-table-as-empty 1 records 10 rows id 2 1 cell 1 image Chief Scout Highest Award test 0 id 2 2 cell 2 image Link Badge When you are invested as a Scout you may be eligible to receive a Link Badge. See page 45 0 id 2 3 cell 3 image Pioneer Scout Upon completion.. to receive a Link Badge. See page 45 0 id 2 3 cell 3 image Pioneer Scout Upon completion of requirements the youth is invested as a Pioneer Scout 0 id 2 4 cell 4 image Voyageur Scout Award Voyageur Scout Award is the right after Pioneer Scout. 0 id..
Is pjax the way to go for “fluid” navigation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6148097/is-pjax-the-way-to-go-for-fluid-navigation it's not widely supported yet I may still use it. My main concern is running into big problems later when I've already invested my code in it without a lot of support. So I wanted to make sure there wasn't something else out there. Are there alternatives..
Bring selected rows to the top from the Jqgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8123825/bring-selected-rows-to-the-top-from-the-jqgrid your question so how one can implement sorting by multiselect column The question find is very interesting so I invested some time and could suggest a solution in case of jqGrid which hold local data datatype which is not 'xml' or 'json' or..