jquery Programming Glossary: irow
How to fire loadComplete after new row is added in jqgrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13761222/how-to-fire-loadcomplete-after-new-row-is-added-in-jqgrid icon alert having date difference more than 90 days var iRow row trClasses cell icfgName getColumnIndexByName grid 'cfgName'.. 'tr' rowid tr 0 .id goToViewAllPage rowid for iRow 0 iRow cRows iRow 1 row rows iRow row.id is the rowid trClasses.. 'tr' rowid tr 0 .id goToViewAllPage rowid for iRow 0 iRow cRows iRow 1 row rows iRow row.id is the rowid trClasses row.className.split..
jqGrid access cell data while it is being edited http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5121350/jqgrid-access-cell-data-while-it-is-being-edited calculateTotal afterSaveCell function rowid name val iRow iCol calculateTotal function calculateTotal var totalAmount..
Hide Grouping Heading in jqgrid if every row inside it is hidden http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6939096/hide-grouping-heading-in-jqgrid-if-every-row-inside-it-is-hidden i .find span.ui icon .click function var len data.length iRow for iRow 0 iRow len iRow item data iRow if item.isEqual.. icon .click function var len data.length iRow for iRow 0 iRow len iRow item data iRow if item.isEqual rows.namedItem.. .click function var len data.length iRow for iRow 0 iRow len iRow item data iRow if item.isEqual rows.namedItem..
jqGrid iterate over the grid Data in a subgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7080859/jqgrid-iterate-over-the-grid-data-in-a-subgrid var grid '#grid' 0 rows grid.rows cRows rows.length iRow row trClasses for iRow 0 iRow cRows iRow row rows iRow row.id.. 0 rows grid.rows cRows rows.length iRow row trClasses for iRow 0 iRow cRows iRow row rows iRow row.id is the rowid trClasses.. grid.rows cRows rows.length iRow row trClasses for iRow 0 iRow cRows iRow row rows iRow row.id is the rowid trClasses row.className.split..
jqgrid client side sorting with server side paging - data disappears http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9030302/jqgrid-client-side-sorting-with-server-side-paging-data-disappears 'clientArray' afterSaveCell function rowid cellname value iRow iCol onPaging function #table .setGridParam datatype 'json'..
How to fire loadComplete after new row is added in jqgrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13761222/how-to-fire-loadcomplete-after-new-row-is-added-in-jqgrid else grid.show emptyMsgDiv.hide for showlink and icon alert having date difference more than 90 days var iRow row trClasses cell icfgName getColumnIndexByName grid 'cfgName' iupdateDate getColumnIndexByName grid 'updateDate' iconverted.. e var td e.target .closest 'td' text td.text tr td.closest 'tr' rowid tr 0 .id goToViewAllPage rowid for iRow 0 iRow cRows iRow 1 row rows iRow row.id is the rowid trClasses row.className.split ' ' if .inArray 'jqgrow' trClasses.. e var td e.target .closest 'td' text td.text tr td.closest 'tr' rowid tr 0 .id goToViewAllPage rowid for iRow 0 iRow cRows iRow 1 row rows iRow row.id is the rowid trClasses row.className.split ' ' if .inArray 'jqgrow' trClasses 0 the..
jqGrid access cell data while it is being edited http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5121350/jqgrid-access-cell-data-while-it-is-being-edited Issue height 100 cellEdit true gridComplete function calculateTotal afterSaveCell function rowid name val iRow iCol calculateTotal function calculateTotal var totalAmount 0 var totalTax 0 var grid jQuery #list var ids grid.jqGrid..
Hide Grouping Heading in jqgrid if every row inside it is hidden http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6939096/hide-grouping-heading-in-jqgrid-if-every-row-inside-it-is-hidden this.id ghead_ i rows.namedItem this.id ghead_ i .find span.ui icon .click function var len data.length iRow for iRow 0 iRow len iRow item data iRow if item.isEqual rows.namedItem item._id_ .hide else hide the grouping.. this.id ghead_ i rows.namedItem this.id ghead_ i .find span.ui icon .click function var len data.length iRow for iRow 0 iRow len iRow item data iRow if item.isEqual rows.namedItem item._id_ .hide else hide the grouping row .. ghead_ i rows.namedItem this.id ghead_ i .find span.ui icon .click function var len data.length iRow for iRow 0 iRow len iRow item data iRow if item.isEqual rows.namedItem item._id_ .hide else hide the grouping row '#' this.id..
jqGrid iterate over the grid Data in a subgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7080859/jqgrid-iterate-over-the-grid-data-in-a-subgrid hidden first row used internally to set the width of the columns. var grid '#grid' 0 rows grid.rows cRows rows.length iRow row trClasses for iRow 0 iRow cRows iRow row rows iRow row.id is the rowid trClasses row.className.split ' ' if .inArray.. internally to set the width of the columns. var grid '#grid' 0 rows grid.rows cRows rows.length iRow row trClasses for iRow 0 iRow cRows iRow row rows iRow row.id is the rowid trClasses row.className.split ' ' if .inArray 'jqgrow' trClasses 0 .. to set the width of the columns. var grid '#grid' 0 rows grid.rows cRows rows.length iRow row trClasses for iRow 0 iRow cRows iRow row rows iRow row.id is the rowid trClasses row.className.split ' ' if .inArray 'jqgrow' trClasses 0 the row..
jqgrid client side sorting with server side paging - data disappears http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9030302/jqgrid-client-side-sorting-with-server-side-paging-data-disappears 18 multiselect true pager 'pager' cellEdit true cellsubmit 'clientArray' afterSaveCell function rowid cellname value iRow iCol onPaging function #table .setGridParam datatype 'json' .trigger reloadGrid loadComplete function data #table .setGridParam..
JQGRID: any easy way to implement undo on excel like jqGrid implementation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7016109/jqgrid-any-easy-way-to-implement-undo-on-excel-like-jqgrid-implementation var savedRows assetGrid.getGridParam 'savedRow' return savedRows savedRows.length 0 this.PutCellInEdit function cell irow icol edit assetGrid.editCell irow icol edit transfer focus to the input var inp cell .children input if inp inp.length.. 'savedRow' return savedRows savedRows.length 0 this.PutCellInEdit function cell irow icol edit assetGrid.editCell irow icol edit transfer focus to the input var inp cell .children input if inp inp.length 0 inp 0 .val '' inp 0 .focus this.HandleEditMode.. evt switch evt.keyCode down arrow case 40 if ele .parent .hasClass altered ele .parent .addClass altered irow this.GetRowIndex ele .parent icol this.GetColIndex ele .parent var prevcell irow icol #hidModStartCell .val prevcell..