

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:03:39

jquery Programming Glossary: handleresponse

Can somebody explain jQuery queue to me? [closed]


geocoder.geocode 'address' '55 Broadway New York NY 10006' handleResponse function handleResponse results status if status google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK.. '55 Broadway New York NY 10006' handleResponse function handleResponse results status if status google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK var..

Drop-down list using ajax and jquery


method 'GET' http.open method url http.onreadystatechange handleResponse http.send null function handleResponse if http.readyState 4.. handleResponse http.send null function handleResponse if http.readyState 4 http.status 200 var response http.responseText..

How to implement a chat room using Jquery/PHP?


this.comet.timestamp response 'timestamp' this.comet.handleResponse response this.comet.noerror true onComplete function transport.. false this.ajax.comet this disconnect function handleResponse function response 'content' .innerHTML ' div ' response 'msg'..

AJAX and MVC (C#)


retrieveData Controller GetList #dropDownId .val handleResponse function handleResponse data Ok now we have the JSON data we.. GetList #dropDownId .val handleResponse function handleResponse data Ok now we have the JSON data we need to do something with.. GetPagedData #pageNumber .val #dropDownId .val null handleResponse I've intentionally ignored figuring out both the page number..

Can somebody explain jQuery queue to me? [closed]


map.queue function next find stackoverflow's whois address geocoder.geocode 'address' '55 Broadway New York NY 10006' handleResponse function handleResponse results status if status google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK var location results 0 .geometry.location.. find stackoverflow's whois address geocoder.geocode 'address' '55 Broadway New York NY 10006' handleResponse function handleResponse results status if status google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK var location results 0 .geometry.location map.setZoom 13 map.setCenter..

Drop-down list using ajax and jquery


function sendRequest method url if method 'get' method 'GET' http.open method url http.onreadystatechange handleResponse http.send null function handleResponse if http.readyState 4 http.status 200 var response http.responseText if response document.getElementById.. url if method 'get' method 'GET' http.open method url http.onreadystatechange handleResponse http.send null function handleResponse if http.readyState 4 http.status 200 var response http.responseText if response document.getElementById second_dropdown_code..

How to implement a chat room using Jquery/PHP?


the server response var response transport.responseText.evalJSON this.comet.timestamp response 'timestamp' this.comet.handleResponse response this.comet.noerror true onComplete function transport send a new ajax request when this request is finished if.. function comet.connect 5000 else this.comet.connect this.comet.noerror false this.ajax.comet this disconnect function handleResponse function response 'content' .innerHTML ' div ' response 'msg' ' div ' doRequest function request new Ajax.Request this.url..

AJAX and MVC (C#)


The path parameter is our JSON controller action function updateList retrieveData Controller GetList #dropDownId .val handleResponse function handleResponse data Ok now we have the JSON data we need to do something with it. I'm adding it to another dropdown... JSON controller action function updateList retrieveData Controller GetList #dropDownId .val handleResponse function handleResponse data Ok now we have the JSON data we need to do something with it. I'm adding it to another dropdown. #otherDropDownId option.. JSON controller action function updateList retrieveData Controller GetPagedData #pageNumber .val #dropDownId .val null handleResponse I've intentionally ignored figuring out both the page number and the filters they would follow essentially the same principles...