jquery Programming Glossary: handler
Events triggered by dynamically generated element are not captured by event handler http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12829963/events-triggered-by-dynamically-generated-element-are-not-captured-by-event-hand by dynamically generated element are not captured by event handler I have a div with id modal generated dynamically with the jQuery.. dynamically with the jQuery load method '#modal' .load 'handlers word.edit.php' word.edit.php contains a few input element which.. for capturing the user's values is 'input' .keyup function handler this .val name this .attr 'name' This second code block seems..
event.preventDefault() vs. return false http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1357118/event-preventdefault-vs-return-false vs. return false When I want to prevent other event handlers from executing after a certain event is fired I can use one.. this question return false from within a jQuery event handler is effectively the same as calling both e.preventDefault and.. that this behaviour differs from normal non jQuery event handlers in which notably return false does not stop the event from..
Why does jQuery or a DOM method such as `getElementById` not find the element? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14028959/why-does-jquery-or-a-dom-method-such-as-getelementbyid-not-find-the-element to remember to put all DOM processing code in the event handlers. Example window.onload function process DOM elements here or.. code that affects DOM element should be inside that event handler. In fact the jQuery tutorial explicitly states As almost everything..
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14468659/jquery-mobile-document-ready-vs-page-events http sholsinger.com archive 2011 08 prevent jquery live handlers from firing multiple times pageChange event quirks triggering.. sets toPage to a string within the pagebeforechange event handler regardless of whether or not it was an object an infinite recursive..
How can I override the OnBeforeUnload dialog and replace it with my own? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/276660/how-can-i-override-the-onbeforeunload-dialog-and-replace-it-with-my-own a page a pretty common problem . window.onbeforeunload handler This works but it raises a default dialog with an irritating.. is called it will take the return value of the handler as window.event.returnValue . It will then parse the return..
jQuery callback on image load (even when the image is cached) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3877027/jquery-callback-on-image-load-even-when-the-image-is-cached is firing in the cache cased before you get the event handler bound. To fix this you can loop through checking and triggering..
How do I check a checkbox with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/426258/how-do-i-check-a-checkbox-with-jquery
jQuery Ajax POST example with php http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5004233/jquery-ajax-post-example-with-php .ajax url form.php type post data serializedData callback handler that will be called on success request.done function response.. to the console console.log Hooray it worked callback handler that will be called on failure request.fail function jqXHR textStatus.. following error occured textStatus errorThrown callback handler that will be called regardless if the request failed or succeeded..
Turning live() into on() in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8021436/turning-live-into-on-in-jquery Docs that should be perfectly valid right but the event handler never fires. Of course I've confirmed jQuery 1.7 is loaded and.. this question The on documentation states in bold Event handlers are bound only to the currently selected elements they must.. this .val Although it is better if you bind the event handler as close as possible to the elements that is to an element being..
jQuery Handler error is not a function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13107536/jquery-handler-error-is-not-a-function Handler error is not a function I am using jquery ajax fileupload ...
jQuery POST, Error 405 Method not allowed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13258014/jquery-post-error-405-method-not-allowed what I've been reading this is either a problem with the Handler Mappings in IIS or some configuration is needed in the web.config... include to all POSTS And or how to set up the correct Handler mapping in IIS as I am new to web development and find the number.. You'll need to open the IIS manager Default Web Site Handler Mappings Or the handler mappings specific to your web application..
Difference between jQuery `click`, `bind`, `live`, `delegate`, `trigger` and `on` functions (with an example)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2954932/difference-between-jquery-click-bind-live-delegate-trigger-and-on functions available they fall under the same Event Handler Attachment category in the API these are .trigger and .triggerHandler.. category in the API these are .trigger and .triggerHandler . .trigger 'eventName' has some shortcuts built in for the common.. the native event actions and bubbles up the DOM. .triggerHandler is usually for a different purpose here you're just trying to..
Queue AJAX calls http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4797566/queue-ajax-calls and calls the callback when its finished function taskHandler task callback task.item .load task.url function call an option.. buffer object with a taskhandler var buffer new Buffer taskHandler for i 0 i loadingItems.length i title attribute is the URL to.. for the wall of code. Just implement your own Task and Handler. The Buffer will work as long as the handler calls the second..
jQuery autocomplete tagging plug-in like StackOverflow's input tags? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/519107/jquery-autocomplete-tagging-plug-in-like-stackoverflows-input-tags magicsuggest demo http ioncache.github.com Tag Handler demo http archive.plugins.jquery.com project jQueryTagEditor..
.NET Simple Form Submit via AJAX and JQUERY http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6330384/net-simple-form-submit-via-ajax-and-jquery div CodeBehind in a .ashx public class insertEmail IHttpHandler public void ProcessRequest HttpContext context string strConnection.. though instead of creating an ASPX Page I use ASHX Generic Handler page that does not contain any ASP.NET Page Cycle faster to.. load and it's a simple page. if you want to use a Generic Handler instead create inside asynchronous folder a file called inserEmail.ashx..
passing parameter to Http Handler from jQuery call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6828089/passing-parameter-to-http-handler-from-jquery-call parameter to Http Handler from jQuery call I am trying to call my custom Htpp Handler.. from jQuery call I am trying to call my custom Htpp Handler and want to pass some parameter's but i am unable to retrieve.. i am unable to retrieve those param's value on the http Handler process request method. I use code like .. At Client Side .ajax..
jQuery Event Handler created in loop http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7774636/jquery-event-handler-created-in-loop Event Handler created in loop So I have a group of events like this '#slider..
$(window).unload is not firing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9385778/window-unload-is-not-firing script type text javascript window .unload function alert Handler for .unload was called. script If I look at the view source..
JQuery Event Handlers - What's the “Best” method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9730277/jquery-event-handlers-whats-the-best-method Event Handlers What's the &ldquo Best&rdquo method What's the difference.. one seems to work and the other does not. For example Handler 2 below does not work while Handler 1 does. In order to make.. does not. For example Handler 2 below does not work while Handler 1 does. In order to make this work I had to implement Handler..
Events triggered by dynamically generated element are not captured by event handler http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12829963/events-triggered-by-dynamically-generated-element-are-not-captured-by-event-hand triggered by dynamically generated element are not captured by event handler I have a div with id modal generated dynamically with the jQuery load method '#modal' .load 'handlers word.edit.php' word.edit.php.. by event handler I have a div with id modal generated dynamically with the jQuery load method '#modal' .load 'handlers word.edit.php' word.edit.php contains a few input element which are loaded into a modal div . Using jQuery's keyup method.. text name translations' i ' ' .appendTo '#modal' The code for capturing the user's values is 'input' .keyup function handler this .val name this .attr 'name' This second code block seems to work for the original elements but it is not fired by the..
event.preventDefault() vs. return false http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1357118/event-preventdefault-vs-return-false vs. return false When I want to prevent other event handlers from executing after a certain event is fired I can use one of two techniques. I'll use jQuery in the examples but this.. events event handling event propagation share improve this question return false from within a jQuery event handler is effectively the same as calling both e.preventDefault and e.stopPropagation on the passed jQuery.Event object. e.preventDefault.. event from bubbling up and return false will do both. Note that this behaviour differs from normal non jQuery event handlers in which notably return false does not stop the event from bubbling up . Source John Resig http www.mail archive.com jquery..
Why does jQuery or a DOM method such as `getElementById` not find the element? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14028959/why-does-jquery-or-a-dom-method-such-as-getelementbyid-not-find-the-element in the document you place the JavaScript code you just have to remember to put all DOM processing code in the event handlers. Example window.onload function process DOM elements here or does not work IE 8 and below document.addEventListener 'DOMContentLoaded'.. what jQuery is doing with .ready docs . All your jQuery code that affects DOM element should be inside that event handler. In fact the jQuery tutorial explicitly states As almost everything we do when using jQuery reads or manipulates the document..
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14468659/jquery-mobile-document-ready-vs-page-events Gajotres Yerv9 Tnx to the sholsinger for this solution http sholsinger.com archive 2011 08 prevent jquery live handlers from firing multiple times pageChange event quirks triggering twice Sometimes pagechange event can trigger twice and it.. the toPage within the event. If the developer consistently sets toPage to a string within the pagebeforechange event handler regardless of whether or not it was an object an infinite recursive loop will result. The pageload event passes the new..
How can I override the OnBeforeUnload dialog and replace it with my own? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/276660/how-can-i-override-the-onbeforeunload-dialog-and-replace-it-with-my-own I need to warn users about unsaved changes before they leave a page a pretty common problem . window.onbeforeunload handler This works but it raises a default dialog with an irritating standard message that wraps my own text. I need to either completely.. be removed or altered. The problem seems to be When onbeforeunload is called it will take the return value of the handler as window.event.returnValue . It will then parse the return value as a string unless it is null . Since false is parsed..
jQuery callback on image load (even when the image is cached) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3877027/jquery-callback-on-image-load-even-when-the-image-is-cached improve this question If the src is already set then the event is firing in the cache cased before you get the event handler bound. To fix this you can loop through checking and triggering the event based off .complete like this img .one 'load'..
How do I check a checkbox with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/426258/how-do-i-check-a-checkbox-with-jquery
jQuery Ajax POST example with php http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5004233/jquery-ajax-post-example-with-php disabled true fire off the request to form.php request .ajax url form.php type post data serializedData callback handler that will be called on success request.done function response textStatus jqXHR log a message to the console console.log.. request.done function response textStatus jqXHR log a message to the console console.log Hooray it worked callback handler that will be called on failure request.fail function jqXHR textStatus errorThrown log the error to the console console.error.. errorThrown log the error to the console console.error The following error occured textStatus errorThrown callback handler that will be called regardless if the request failed or succeeded request.always function reenable the inputs inputs.prop..
Turning live() into on() in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8021436/turning-live-into-on-in-jquery ' .on 'change' function alert this .val Looking at the Docs that should be perfectly valid right but the event handler never fires. Of course I've confirmed jQuery 1.7 is loaded and running etc. There are no errors in the error log. What am.. javascript jquery jquery live jquery 1.7 share improve this question The on documentation states in bold Event handlers are bound only to the currently selected elements they must exist on the page at the time your code makes the call to .on.. .on 'change' 'select name^ income_type_ ' function alert this .val Although it is better if you bind the event handler as close as possible to the elements that is to an element being closer in the hierarchy. Update While answering another..
jQuery Handler error is not a function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13107536/jquery-handler-error-is-not-a-function Handler error is not a function I am using jquery ajax fileupload . the file is uploaded correctkly but i got error like TypeError..
jQuery POST, Error 405 Method not allowed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13258014/jquery-post-error-405-method-not-allowed i.extend.ajax i. anonymous function anonymous function From what I've been reading this is either a problem with the Handler Mappings in IIS or some configuration is needed in the web.config. Either way I have not found the correct solution. Could.. correct solution. Could anyone tell me what my web.config should include to all POSTS And or how to set up the correct Handler mapping in IIS as I am new to web development and find the number of options a bit overwhelming. The piece of javascript.. and is not supported disallowed by the designated handler. You'll need to open the IIS manager Default Web Site Handler Mappings Or the handler mappings specific to your web application In here you'll need to play with the handler mappings..
Difference between jQuery `click`, `bind`, `live`, `delegate`, `trigger` and `on` functions (with an example)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2954932/difference-between-jquery-click-bind-live-delegate-trigger-and-on for the updated question There are 2 main event handler triggering functions available they fall under the same Event Handler Attachment category in the API these are .trigger and .triggerHandler . .trigger 'eventName' has some shortcuts built in.. available they fall under the same Event Handler Attachment category in the API these are .trigger and .triggerHandler . .trigger 'eventName' has some shortcuts built in for the common events for example .click fn binds an event handler to.. in the order they were bound as the native event would fires the native event actions and bubbles up the DOM. .triggerHandler is usually for a different purpose here you're just trying to fire the bound handler s it doesn't cause the native event..
Queue AJAX calls http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4797566/queue-ajax-calls small handler that loads the task.url into the task.item and calls the callback when its finished function taskHandler task callback task.item .load task.url function call an option callback from the task if task.callback task.callback call.. task.callback call the buffer callback. callback create a buffer object with a taskhandler var buffer new Buffer taskHandler for i 0 i loadingItems.length i title attribute is the URL to get var ajaxURL loadingItems i .attr title ' ajaxPageContent.. ' buffer.append new Task loadingItems i ajaxURL Apologies for the wall of code. Just implement your own Task and Handler. The Buffer will work as long as the handler calls the second argument the callback when it's finished handling the task...
jQuery autocomplete tagging plug-in like StackOverflow's input tags? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/519107/jquery-autocomplete-tagging-plug-in-like-stackoverflows-input-tags github.com documentcloud visualsearch demo http nicolasbize.github.com magicsuggest demo http ioncache.github.com Tag Handler demo http archive.plugins.jquery.com project jQueryTagEditor demo http jquery.webspirited.com 2011 02 jquery tagit a jquery..
.NET Simple Form Submit via AJAX and JQUERY http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6330384/net-simple-form-submit-via-ajax-and-jquery true id checkbox1 runat server CssClass connectCheckbox div CodeBehind in a .ashx public class insertEmail IHttpHandler public void ProcessRequest HttpContext context string strConnection System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.. msg the string email inserted This is what I always do though instead of creating an ASPX Page I use ASHX Generic Handler page that does not contain any ASP.NET Page Cycle faster to load and it's a simple page. if you want to use a Generic Handler.. page that does not contain any ASP.NET Page Cycle faster to load and it's a simple page. if you want to use a Generic Handler instead create inside asynchronous folder a file called inserEmail.ashx and the full code would be public class insertEmail..
passing parameter to Http Handler from jQuery call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6828089/passing-parameter-to-http-handler-from-jquery-call parameter to Http Handler from jQuery call I am trying to call my custom Htpp Handler and want to pass some parameter's but i am unable to retrieve.. parameter to Http Handler from jQuery call I am trying to call my custom Htpp Handler and want to pass some parameter's but i am unable to retrieve those param's value on the http Handler process request method... my custom Htpp Handler and want to pass some parameter's but i am unable to retrieve those param's value on the http Handler process request method. I use code like .. At Client Side .ajax url 'VideoViewValidation.ashx' type 'POST' data 'Id'..
jQuery Event Handler created in loop http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7774636/jquery-event-handler-created-in-loop Event Handler created in loop So I have a group of events like this '#slider 1' .click function event switchBanners 1 true '#slider 2'..
$(window).unload is not firing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9385778/window-unload-is-not-firing section. The page has the following code @section scripts script type text javascript window .unload function alert Handler for .unload was called. script If I look at the view source I can see that the script is being added correctly in the page..
JQuery Event Handlers - What's the “Best” method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9730277/jquery-event-handlers-whats-the-best-method Event Handlers What's the &ldquo Best&rdquo method What's the difference between the following ways of attaching an event handler in.. function console.log this 5 I have found some cases where one seems to work and the other does not. For example Handler 2 below does not work while Handler 1 does. In order to make this work I had to implement Handler 3 which is obviously less.. have found some cases where one seems to work and the other does not. For example Handler 2 below does not work while Handler 1 does. In order to make this work I had to implement Handler 3 which is obviously less efficient. retrieveCust #bxRetrieveCustomer..