jquery Programming Glossary: h2
Can jQuery provide the tag name? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1532331/can-jquery-provide-the-tag-name Consider these elements on a page h1 class rnd First h1 h2 id foo class rnd Second h2 h3 class rnd Third h3 h4 id bar class.. on a page h1 class rnd First h1 h2 id foo class rnd Second h2 h3 class rnd Third h3 h4 id bar class rnd Fourth h4 Now I want.. be that the H2 and H4 elements would then have an id of rndh2_1 rndh4_3 respectively. Any ideas on how I can discover the..
Simple ASP.NET MVC CRUD views opening/closing in JavaScript UI dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1843894/simple-asp-net-mvc-crud-views-opening-closing-in-javascript-ui-dialog Here is my final HTML HTML Output div id modalcontent h2 EditFood h2 div id form form method post action edit food Length.. my final HTML HTML Output div id modalcontent h2 EditFood h2 div id form form method post action edit food Length 8 input..
jquery with ASP.NET MVC - calling ajax enabled web service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2835957/jquery-with-asp-net-mvc-calling-ajax-enabled-web-service false else alert Hey dork please select a row script h2 Html.Encode ViewData Message h2 p To learn more about ASP.NET.. select a row script h2 Html.Encode ViewData Message h2 p To learn more about ASP.NET MVC visit a href http asp.net..
jQuery: how to get which button was clicked upon form submission? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5721724/jquery-how-to-get-which-button-was-clicked-upon-form-submission 'data ' data ' button ' which_button script head body h2 Here's my form h2 form action 'nothing' method 'post' name 'testform'.. ' button ' which_button script head body h2 Here's my form h2 form action 'nothing' method 'post' name 'testform' input type..
jQuery - Click event doesn't work on dynamically generated elements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6658752/jquery-click-event-doesnt-work-on-dynamically-generated-elements document .ready function button .click function h2 .html p class 'test' click me p .test .click function alert.. me p .test .click function alert script head body h2 h2 button generate new element button body html I was trying.. me p .test .click function alert script head body h2 h2 button generate new element button body html I was trying to..
How would I implement stackoverflow's hovering dialogs? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/758906/how-would-i-implement-stackoverflows-hovering-dialogs var err ' div ' .addClass 'error notification' .html ' h2 Paolo is awesome h2 click on this box to close ' .css 'left'.. 'error notification' .html ' h2 Paolo is awesome h2 click on this box to close ' .css 'left' this .position .left.. absolute z index 1 font size 100 .error notification h2 font family Trebuchet MS Helvetica sans serif font size 140..
Show and hide divs at a specific time interval using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/914951/show-and-hide-divs-at-a-specific-time-interval-using-jquery 2px solid #000 .js .display display none style head body h2 Example of using setInterval to trigger display of Div h2 p.. h2 Example of using setInterval to trigger display of Div h2 p The first div will display after 10 seconds... p div id 'container'..
BackboneJS Rendering Problems http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12004534/backbonejs-rendering-problems change to the server no save button required Great but the H2 at the start of the form is the same name as in the input you..
Fade in & out text loop - jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12065273/fade-in-out-text-loop-jquery in out text loop jQuery I have two quotes wrapped in H2 tags that I want to fade in and out using jQuery. When the page..
Can jQuery provide the tag name? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1532331/can-jquery-provide-the-tag-name _ i.toString The result I would like would be that the H2 and H4 elements would then have an id of rndh2_1 rndh4_3 respectively...
What happened to Dojo in 2008? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2450696/what-happened-to-dojo-in-2008 it Q2 2008 is the wrong place in time to study. Look at H2 2007. And see why jQuery has more mass appeal than Dojo or any..
jQuery animate height http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4603397/jquery-animate-height height to 30px and overflow Hidden. When I click on the H2 element I want animate the text to slideDown and if i click.. EDIT I also have more than one expand and more than one H2 and text is different into div so the height is not fix... I..
Multiple Row Auto Calculation and CheckBox? How to reduce it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8571405/multiple-row-auto-calculation-and-checkbox-how-to-reduce-it script form name payform method POST action payment.php H2 Pay Invoices H2 table border 0 begin of the table tr td b.. payform method POST action payment.php H2 Pay Invoices H2 table border 0 begin of the table tr td b Date b td td b..
jQuery: How to select “from here until the next H2”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/863356/jquery-how-to-select-from-here-until-the-next-h2 How to select &ldquo from here until the next H2&rdquo I'm setting up a very straightforward FAQ page with jQuery... the header with '#faq h2' . Simple right Click on the H2 and use this.next to make the next paragraph show up. The caveat.. the question that was clicked on and the next question H2 header javascript jquery dom jquery selectors selectors share..
Can jQuery provide the tag name? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1532331/can-jquery-provide-the-tag-name but .attr doesn't take tag or tagname . Here's what I mean. Consider these elements on a page h1 class rnd First h1 h2 id foo class rnd Second h2 h3 class rnd Third h3 h4 id bar class rnd Fourth h4 Now I want to run something like this to.. or tagname . Here's what I mean. Consider these elements on a page h1 class rnd First h1 h2 id foo class rnd Second h2 h3 class rnd Third h3 h4 id bar class rnd Fourth h4 Now I want to run something like this to ensure that my elements all.. this .attr tag _ i.toString The result I would like would be that the H2 and H4 elements would then have an id of rndh2_1 rndh4_3 respectively. Any ideas on how I can discover the tag name of the element represented by this jquery share..
Simple ASP.NET MVC CRUD views opening/closing in JavaScript UI dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1843894/simple-asp-net-mvc-crud-views-opening-closing-in-javascript-ui-dialog using MVC 2 and EditorFor in my code but that shouldn't matter Here is my final HTML HTML Output div id modalcontent h2 EditFood h2 div id form form method post action edit food Length 8 input id CommonName class text box single line type.. 2 and EditorFor in my code but that shouldn't matter Here is my final HTML HTML Output div id modalcontent h2 EditFood h2 div id form form method post action edit food Length 8 input id CommonName class text box single line type text value name..
jquery with ASP.NET MVC - calling ajax enabled web service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2835957/jquery-with-asp-net-mvc-calling-ajax-enabled-web-service .jqGrid 'editGridRow' gr height 280 reloadAfterSubmit false else alert Hey dork please select a row script h2 Html.Encode ViewData Message h2 p To learn more about ASP.NET MVC visit a href http asp.net mvc title ASP.NET MVC Website.. height 280 reloadAfterSubmit false else alert Hey dork please select a row script h2 Html.Encode ViewData Message h2 p To learn more about ASP.NET MVC visit a href http asp.net mvc title ASP.NET MVC Website http asp.net mvc a . p table id..
jQuery: how to get which button was clicked upon form submission? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5721724/jquery-how-to-get-which-button-was-clicked-upon-form-submission var which_button ' ' this is what I want to know alert 'data ' data ' button ' which_button script head body h2 Here's my form h2 form action 'nothing' method 'post' name 'testform' input type 'hidden' name 'data' value 'blahdatayadda'.. ' ' this is what I want to know alert 'data ' data ' button ' which_button script head body h2 Here's my form h2 form action 'nothing' method 'post' name 'testform' input type 'hidden' name 'data' value 'blahdatayadda' input type 'submit'..
jQuery - Click event doesn't work on dynamically generated elements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6658752/jquery-click-event-doesnt-work-on-dynamically-generated-elements text javascript src jquery.js script script type text javascript document .ready function button .click function h2 .html p class 'test' click me p .test .click function alert script head body h2 h2 button generate new element button.. function button .click function h2 .html p class 'test' click me p .test .click function alert script head body h2 h2 button generate new element button body html I was trying to generate a new tag with class name test in h2 by clicking.. button .click function h2 .html p class 'test' click me p .test .click function alert script head body h2 h2 button generate new element button body html I was trying to generate a new tag with class name test in h2 by clicking the..
How would I implement stackoverflow's hovering dialogs? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/758906/how-would-i-implement-stackoverflows-hovering-dialogs code '.showme' .click function '.error notification' .remove var err ' div ' .addClass 'error notification' .html ' h2 Paolo is awesome h2 click on this box to close ' .css 'left' this .position .left this .after err err.fadeIn 'fast' '.error.. function '.error notification' .remove var err ' div ' .addClass 'error notification' .html ' h2 Paolo is awesome h2 click on this box to close ' .css 'left' this .position .left this .after err err.fadeIn 'fast' '.error notification' .live.. cursor pointer display none padding 15px padding top 0 position absolute z index 1 font size 100 .error notification h2 font family Trebuchet MS Helvetica sans serif font size 140 font weight bold margin bottom 7px And click here to see it..
Show and hide divs at a specific time interval using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/914951/show-and-hide-divs-at-a-specific-time-interval-using-jquery Arial color #000 .display width 300px height 200px border 2px solid #000 .js .display display none style head body h2 Example of using setInterval to trigger display of Div h2 p The first div will display after 10 seconds... p div id 'container'.. 2px solid #000 .js .display display none style head body h2 Example of using setInterval to trigger display of Div h2 p The first div will display after 10 seconds... p div id 'container' div id 'div1' class 'display' style background color..
BackboneJS Rendering Problems http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12004534/backbonejs-rendering-problems the difference runs validations and automatically sync the change to the server no save button required Great but the H2 at the start of the form is the same name as in the input you need to update it. Oh and you need to update the name on the..
Fade in & out text loop - jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12065273/fade-in-out-text-loop-jquery in out text loop jQuery I have two quotes wrapped in H2 tags that I want to fade in and out using jQuery. When the page loads I want the first quote to fade in delay for a few..
Can jQuery provide the tag name? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1532331/can-jquery-provide-the-tag-name .attr tag returns undefined this .attr id rnd this .attr tag _ i.toString The result I would like would be that the H2 and H4 elements would then have an id of rndh2_1 rndh4_3 respectively. Any ideas on how I can discover the tag name of the..
What happened to Dojo in 2008? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2450696/what-happened-to-dojo-in-2008 0.4 stuff which was of no use for them. So there you have it Q2 2008 is the wrong place in time to study. Look at H2 2007. And see why jQuery has more mass appeal than Dojo or any other competitor . But let's go to now . In my unscientific..
jQuery animate height http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4603397/jquery-animate-height div I want to show just 2 rows of the text as default so I put height to 30px and overflow Hidden. When I click on the H2 element I want animate the text to slideDown and if i click another time it will slideUp to the default height 30px . I'm.. 30px . I'm trying many things with jQuery but it doesn't work. EDIT I also have more than one expand and more than one H2 and text is different into div so the height is not fix... I would like to slide to the auto height or 100 . Can someone..
Multiple Row Auto Calculation and CheckBox? How to reduce it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8571405/multiple-row-auto-calculation-and-checkbox-how-to-reduce-it sum to 2 decimal places #answer .html sum.toFixed 2 script form name payform method POST action payment.php H2 Pay Invoices H2 table border 0 begin of the table tr td b Date b td td b Invoice b td td b Ammount b td td b Outstanding.. places #answer .html sum.toFixed 2 script form name payform method POST action payment.php H2 Pay Invoices H2 table border 0 begin of the table tr td b Date b td td b Invoice b td td b Ammount b td td b Outstanding b td td b..
jQuery: How to select “from here until the next H2”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/863356/jquery-how-to-select-from-here-until-the-next-h2 How to select &ldquo from here until the next H2&rdquo I'm setting up a very straightforward FAQ page with jQuery. Like so h2 What happens when you click on this question.. p This is all inside a very specific div so I'll be selecting the header with '#faq h2' . Simple right Click on the H2 and use this.next to make the next paragraph show up. The caveat with this page is that a non programmer will be maintaining.. can I have my this.next routine select everything between the question that was clicked on and the next question H2 header javascript jquery dom jquery selectors selectors share improve this question Interesting problem. First let..