jquery Programming Glossary: handlebars
limit results of each in handlebars.js http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10377700/limit-results-of-each-in-handlebars-js results of each in handlebars.js I have written a small plugin that displays tweets. following.. displays the tweets. script id tweets template type text x handlebars template #each this li p tweet p span id author author span.. loop. like for i 0 i 5 i display the tweets jquery html handlebars.js share improve this question I think you have two options..
Ember.js and jQuery Sortable. How to work around the metamorph scripts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11748164/ember-js-and-jquery-sortable-how-to-work-around-the-metamorph-scripts gave a try. It seems to work http jsfiddle.net Sly7 rLt5K handlebars script type text x handlebars data template name 'app' view.. http jsfiddle.net Sly7 rLt5K handlebars script type text x handlebars data template name 'app' view App.JQuerySortableView a href.. controller Remove Second Item a script script type text x handlebars data template name 'jquery sortable item' view.content.title..
How to outsource a template js to a different file when using Handlebars.js http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12035839/how-to-outsource-a-template-js-to-a-different-file-when-using-handlebars-js this template script script id some template type text x handlebars template #users username email script I want to out source it.. index.html this link script id some template type text x handlebars template src user_template.js script The problem is it doesn't.. doesn't work how do I do it javascript jquery html mvvm handlebars.js share improve this question You can use ajax to load..
Mismatched anonymous define() module http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15371918/mismatched-anonymous-define-module goes away. define app_name MyExampleApp shim 'ember' deps 'handlebars' 'jquery' exports 'Ember' 'jquery.ui' 'jquery' paths 'App' 'app.. 'app routes' libs 'jquery' 'libs jquery 1.9.1 jquery' 'handlebars' 'libs handlebars 1.0.rc.3 handlebars' 'ember' 'libs ember 1.0.0.. 'jquery' 'libs jquery 1.9.1 jquery' 'handlebars' 'libs handlebars 1.0.rc.3 handlebars' 'ember' 'libs ember 1.0.0 rc.2 ember' 'jquery.ui'..
How do I handle form submission in ember.js? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18309544/how-do-i-handle-form-submission-in-ember-js showing the use of value bindings script type text x handlebars data template name index h2 Index Content h2 input valueBinding..
How to make i18n with Handlebars.js (mustache templates)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7760332/how-to-make-i18n-with-handlebars-js-mustache-templates I18n.t str str Template script id my_template type x handlebars template div I18n myVar div script The primary advantage of..
Deferring removal of a view so it can be animated http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9925171/deferring-removal-of-a-view-so-it-can-be-animated see http jsfiddle.net 7EuSC Handlebars script type text x handlebars data template name tmpl button action hide hide button This..
How can I dynamically insert a new template into the DOM with Ember? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10200495/how-can-i-dynamically-insert-a-new-template-into-the-dom-with-ember display a CSS tooltip. I have the tooltip is a separate Handlebars template. What I'm trying to do is handle the click event to..
limit results of each in handlebars.js http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10377700/limit-results-of-each-in-handlebars-js Limit the size of your collection before handing it to Handlebars. Write your own block helper that lets you specify a limit... limit is fairly straight forward Warning untested code Handlebars.registerHelper 'each_upto' function ary max options if ary ary.length..
Will existing JavaScript frameworks incorporate CommonJS? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1999974/will-existing-javascript-frameworks-incorporate-commonjs server as on the client Custom Event Attribute Base Intl Handlebars IO YQL DataType DataSchema JSON etc... . That's really been..
How to make i18n with Handlebars.js (mustache templates)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7760332/how-to-make-i18n-with-handlebars-js-mustache-templates to make i18n with Handlebars.js mustache templates I'm currently using Handlebars.js associated.. with Handlebars.js mustache templates I'm currently using Handlebars.js associated with backbone and jQuery to make a web app almost.. we use with our project at work I just used a very simple Handlebars helper to facilitate the process to do the localization on the..
Mustache.js - display key instead of value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8961939/mustache-js-display-key-instead-of-value I display the key instead of the value using Mustache or Handlebars interval 2012 01 21 advertiser Advertisers 1 offer Life Insurance.. want to display key value pairs you can write a helper in Handlebars. http jsfiddle.net CPrkV 4 EDIT Seems like this isn't quite..
Deferring removal of a view so it can be animated http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9925171/deferring-removal-of-a-view-so-it-can-be-animated when the callback is finished see http jsfiddle.net 7EuSC Handlebars script type text x handlebars data template name tmpl button..
limit results of each in handlebars.js http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10377700/limit-results-of-each-in-handlebars-js results of each in handlebars.js I have written a small plugin that displays tweets. following is the code that loops and displays the tweets. script.. that displays tweets. following is the code that loops and displays the tweets. script id tweets template type text x handlebars template #each this li p tweet p span id author author span li each script But what I want to do is limit the number of.. the available tweets. How do I limit the tweets like in for loop. like for i 0 i 5 i display the tweets jquery html handlebars.js share improve this question I think you have two options Limit the size of your collection before handing it to Handlebars...
Ember.js and jQuery Sortable. How to work around the metamorph scripts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11748164/ember-js-and-jquery-sortable-how-to-work-around-the-metamorph-scripts to me that using Ember.CollectionView could solve this. So I gave a try. It seems to work http jsfiddle.net Sly7 rLt5K handlebars script type text x handlebars data template name 'app' view App.JQuerySortableView a href '#' action removeItem target controller.. could solve this. So I gave a try. It seems to work http jsfiddle.net Sly7 rLt5K handlebars script type text x handlebars data template name 'app' view App.JQuerySortableView a href '#' action removeItem target controller Remove Second Item a.. App.JQuerySortableView a href '#' action removeItem target controller Remove Second Item a script script type text x handlebars data template name 'jquery sortable item' view.content.title script javascript App Ember.Application.create App.ApplicationController..
How to outsource a template js to a different file when using Handlebars.js http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12035839/how-to-outsource-a-template-js-to-a-different-file-when-using-handlebars-js js to a different file when using Handlebars.js I have this template script script id some template type text x handlebars template #users username email script I want to out source it to a file called user_template.js which will look like this.. look like this #users username email and make in the main index.html this link script id some template type text x handlebars template src user_template.js script The problem is it doesn't work how do I do it javascript jquery html mvvm handlebars.js.. template src user_template.js script The problem is it doesn't work how do I do it javascript jquery html mvvm handlebars.js share improve this question You can use ajax to load the template file. With jQuery .get user_template.js function..
Mismatched anonymous define() module http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15371918/mismatched-anonymous-define-module an anonymous module. When I take out that call the error goes away. define app_name MyExampleApp shim 'ember' deps 'handlebars' 'jquery' exports 'Ember' 'jquery.ui' 'jquery' paths 'App' 'app main' 'models' 'app models' 'views' 'app views' 'controllers'.. 'app controllers' 'templates' 'app templates' 'routes' 'app routes' libs 'jquery' 'libs jquery 1.9.1 jquery' 'handlebars' 'libs handlebars 1.0.rc.3 handlebars' 'ember' 'libs ember 1.0.0 rc.2 ember' 'jquery.ui' 'libs jquery.ui 1.9.2 jquery ui.. 'templates' 'app templates' 'routes' 'app routes' libs 'jquery' 'libs jquery 1.9.1 jquery' 'handlebars' 'libs handlebars 1.0.rc.3 handlebars' 'ember' 'libs ember 1.0.0 rc.2 ember' 'jquery.ui' 'libs jquery.ui 1.9.2 jquery ui 1.9.2.custom.min'..
How do I handle form submission in ember.js? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18309544/how-do-i-handle-form-submission-in-ember-js so alert now we can submit the model this.get model The template showing the use of value bindings script type text x handlebars data template name index h2 Index Content h2 input valueBinding model.firstName input valueBinding model.lastName button..
How to make i18n with Handlebars.js (mustache templates)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7760332/how-to-make-i18n-with-handlebars-js-mustache-templates 'I18n' function str return I18n undefined I18n.t str str Template script id my_template type x handlebars template div I18n myVar div script The primary advantage of this is that there's no expensive pre post processing on the..
Deferring removal of a view so it can be animated http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9925171/deferring-removal-of-a-view-so-it-can-be-animated view which removes the view when the callback is finished see http jsfiddle.net 7EuSC Handlebars script type text x handlebars data template name tmpl button action hide hide button This is my test view which is faded in and out script JavaScript..
How can I dynamically insert a new template into the DOM with Ember? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10200495/how-can-i-dynamically-insert-a-new-template-into-the-dom-with-ember main template I have a help button that when clicked should display a CSS tooltip. I have the tooltip is a separate Handlebars template. What I'm trying to do is handle the click event to insert the popup into the DOM and display it. I cannot figure..
limit results of each in handlebars.js http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10377700/limit-results-of-each-in-handlebars-js share improve this question I think you have two options Limit the size of your collection before handing it to Handlebars. Write your own block helper that lets you specify a limit. The actual each implementation is pretty simple so adapting.. is pretty simple so adapting it to include an upper limit is fairly straight forward Warning untested code Handlebars.registerHelper 'each_upto' function ary max options if ary ary.length 0 return options.inverse this var result for var i..
Will existing JavaScript frameworks incorporate CommonJS? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1999974/will-existing-javascript-frameworks-incorporate-commonjs which are just as applicable to app development on the server as on the client Custom Event Attribute Base Intl Handlebars IO YQL DataType DataSchema JSON etc... . That's really been the design goal from the start It's a web for lack of a better..
How to make i18n with Handlebars.js (mustache templates)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7760332/how-to-make-i18n-with-handlebars-js-mustache-templates to make i18n with Handlebars.js mustache templates I'm currently using Handlebars.js associated with backbone and jQuery to make a web app almost totally.. to make i18n with Handlebars.js mustache templates I'm currently using Handlebars.js associated with backbone and jQuery to make a web app almost totally client side rendered and I'm having issues with.. solution. To build on Gazler's solution using I18n.js which we use with our project at work I just used a very simple Handlebars helper to facilitate the process to do the localization on the fly Handler Handlebars.registerHelper 'I18n' function str..
Mustache.js - display key instead of value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8961939/mustache-js-display-key-instead-of-value I am using this data here http pastie.org 3231052 How can I display the key instead of the value using Mustache or Handlebars interval 2012 01 21 advertiser Advertisers 1 offer Life Insurance cost_type CPA revenue_type CPA ... etc ... jquery mustache.. handlebars.js share improve this question If you want to display key value pairs you can write a helper in Handlebars. http jsfiddle.net CPrkV 4 EDIT Seems like this isn't quite what you want but it's possible to come up with a helper that..
Deferring removal of a view so it can be animated http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9925171/deferring-removal-of-a-view-so-it-can-be-animated create a hide function on your view which removes the view when the callback is finished see http jsfiddle.net 7EuSC Handlebars script type text x handlebars data template name tmpl button action hide hide button This is my test view which is faded..