jquery Programming Glossary: h4
Very Simple, Very Smooth, JavaScript Marquee http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10547797/very-simple-very-smooth-javascript-marquee h1 Hello World h1 h2 I'll marquee twice h2 h3 I go fast h3 h4 Left to right h4 h5 I'll defer that question h5 Jquery code.. h2 I'll marquee twice h2 h3 I go fast h3 h4 Left to right h4 h5 I'll defer that question h5 Jquery code function .fn.textWidth.. 'h1' .marquee 'h2' .marquee count 2 'h3' .marquee speed 5 'h4' .marquee leftToRight true 'h5' .marquee count 1 speed 2 .done..
jQuery Mobile: Sending data from one page to the another http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14776387/jquery-mobile-sending-data-from-one-page-to-the-another data inset true ul div content div data role footer h4 Players list h4 div footer div page index div data role page.. ul div content div data role footer h4 Players list h4 div footer div page index div data role page id detail data.. id data inset true ul div content div data role footer h4 Players list h4 div footer div page detail body html and this..
What are available solutions of a browser / mobile phone detection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15055277/what-are-available-solutions-of-a-browser-mobile-phone-detection PHP API Example title head body h3 WURFL XML INFO h3 ul li h4 VERSION php echo wurflInfo version h4 li ul div id content User.. XML INFO h3 ul li h4 VERSION php echo wurflInfo version h4 li ul div id content User Agent b php echo htmlspecialchars..
Can jQuery provide the tag name? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1532331/can-jquery-provide-the-tag-name h1 h2 id foo class rnd Second h2 h3 class rnd Third h3 h4 id bar class rnd Fourth h4 Now I want to run something like.. Second h2 h3 class rnd Third h3 h4 id bar class rnd Fourth h4 Now I want to run something like this to ensure that my elements.. the H2 and H4 elements would then have an id of rndh2_1 rndh4_3 respectively. Any ideas on how I can discover the tag name..
How to make Asynchronous(AJAX) File Upload using iframe? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2909442/how-to-make-asynchronousajax-file-upload-using-iframe user can see the uploaded files #ajaxResultTest .append h4 attachment.name attachment.id h4 'json' share improve this..
Multiple thead/tbody design http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3206239/multiple-thead-tbody-design 125px Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png alt Flag of USA h4 Additional information h4 ul li a href http en.wikipedia.org.. alt Flag of USA h4 Additional information h4 ul li a href http en.wikipedia.org wiki Usa USA on Wikipedia..
Fire jQuery event on div change http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4979738/fire-jquery-event-on-div-change remove div_changes iframe src 'http example.com' iframe h4 IANA Example domains h4 iframe src 'http example.com' iframe.. src 'http example.com' iframe h4 IANA Example domains h4 iframe src 'http example.com' iframe h4 IANA Example domains.. Example domains h4 iframe src 'http example.com' iframe h4 IANA Example domains h4 Update 2 You may want to include DOMSubtreeModified..
Persistent header in jQuery Mobile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6258866/persistent-header-in-jquery-mobile a href #bar bar a p div content div data role footer h4 Page Footer h4 div footer div page share improve this answer..
Very Simple, Very Smooth, JavaScript Marquee http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10547797/very-simple-very-smooth-javascript-marquee zrW5q hope this helps have a nice one cheers html h1 Hello World h1 h2 I'll marquee twice h2 h3 I go fast h3 h4 Left to right h4 h5 I'll defer that question h5 Jquery code function .fn.textWidth function var calc ' span style display.. this helps have a nice one cheers html h1 Hello World h1 h2 I'll marquee twice h2 h3 I go fast h3 h4 Left to right h4 h5 I'll defer that question h5 Jquery code function .fn.textWidth function var calc ' span style display none ' this .text.. width that.css marqueeCss go return dfd.promise jQuery 'h1' .marquee 'h2' .marquee count 2 'h3' .marquee speed 5 'h4' .marquee leftToRight true 'h5' .marquee count 1 speed 2 .done function 'h5' .css 'color' '#f00' share improve this answer..
jQuery Mobile: Sending data from one page to the another http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14776387/jquery-mobile-sending-data-from-one-page-to-the-another div data role content ul data role listview id ul_list data inset true ul div content div data role footer h4 Players list h4 div footer div page index div data role page id detail data add back btn true div data role header h1.. role content ul data role listview id ul_list data inset true ul div content div data role footer h4 Players list h4 div footer div page index div data role page id detail data add back btn true div data role header h1 Player detail h1.. div header div data role content ul data role listview id data inset true ul div content div data role footer h4 Players list h4 div footer div page detail body html and this is the script var lista new Array var squadraManager squadraManager.initArray..
What are available solutions of a browser / mobile phone detection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15055277/what-are-available-solutions-of-a-browser-mobile-phone-detection getDeviceForHttpRequest _SERVER html head title WURFL PHP API Example title head body h3 WURFL XML INFO h3 ul li h4 VERSION php echo wurflInfo version h4 li ul div id content User Agent b php echo htmlspecialchars ua b ul li ID php echo.. html head title WURFL PHP API Example title head body h3 WURFL XML INFO h3 ul li h4 VERSION php echo wurflInfo version h4 li ul div id content User Agent b php echo htmlspecialchars ua b ul li ID php echo requestingDevice id li li Brand Name..
Can jQuery provide the tag name? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1532331/can-jquery-provide-the-tag-name I mean. Consider these elements on a page h1 class rnd First h1 h2 id foo class rnd Second h2 h3 class rnd Third h3 h4 id bar class rnd Fourth h4 Now I want to run something like this to ensure that my elements all have an id if one wasn't.. on a page h1 class rnd First h1 h2 id foo class rnd Second h2 h3 class rnd Third h3 h4 id bar class rnd Fourth h4 Now I want to run something like this to ensure that my elements all have an id if one wasn't already defined function .rnd.. tag _ i.toString The result I would like would be that the H2 and H4 elements would then have an id of rndh2_1 rndh4_3 respectively. Any ideas on how I can discover the tag name of the element represented by this jquery share improve..
How to make Asynchronous(AJAX) File Upload using iframe? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2909442/how-to-make-asynchronousajax-file-upload-using-iframe
Multiple thead/tbody design http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3206239/multiple-thead-tbody-design td td Fifth Row td tr thead tbody tr td colspan 5 img src .. 125px Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png alt Flag of USA h4 Additional information h4 ul li a href http en.wikipedia.org wiki Usa USA on Wikipedia a li li a href http nationalatlas.gov.. tbody tr td colspan 5 img src .. 125px Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png alt Flag of USA h4 Additional information h4 ul li a href http en.wikipedia.org wiki Usa USA on Wikipedia a li li a href http nationalatlas.gov National Atlas of the..
Fire jQuery event on div change http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4979738/fire-jquery-event-on-div-change world h1 p This is an example. p div_eTypes insert insert remove div_changes iframe src 'http example.com' iframe h4 IANA Example domains h4 iframe src 'http example.com' iframe h4 IANA Example domains h4 Update 2 You may want to include.. an example. p div_eTypes insert insert remove div_changes iframe src 'http example.com' iframe h4 IANA Example domains h4 iframe src 'http example.com' iframe h4 IANA Example domains h4 Update 2 You may want to include DOMSubtreeModified as well.. div_changes iframe src 'http example.com' iframe h4 IANA Example domains h4 iframe src 'http example.com' iframe h4 IANA Example domains h4 Update 2 You may want to include DOMSubtreeModified as well because I've found out that DOMNodeInserted..
Persistent header in jQuery Mobile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6258866/persistent-header-in-jquery-mobile