jquery Programming Glossary: fieldset
Prevent form redirect OR refresh on submit? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1263852/prevent-form-redirect-or-refresh-on-submit to perform a function. Here's the form form id contactForm fieldset label for Name Name label input id contactName type text fieldset.. label for Name Name label input id contactName type text fieldset fieldset label for Email Email label input id contactEmail type.. Name Name label input id contactName type text fieldset fieldset label for Email Email label input id contactEmail type text..
jQuery Mobile: How to correctly submit form data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15205437/jquery-mobile-how-to-correctly-submit-form-data class ui body ui body a ui corner all data ajax false fieldset div data role fieldcontain label for username Enter your username.. button data theme b name submit id submit value Submit fieldset form div div data theme a data role footer data position..
Check if checkbox is checked with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2204250/check-if-checkbox-is-checked-with-jquery ID and then select them by name or by a containing element fieldset id checkArray input type checkbox name chk value Apples input.. value Apples input type checkbox name chk value Bananas fieldset And now the jQuery var atLeastOneIsChecked '#checkArray checkbox..
MVC 3 jQuery Validation/globalizing of number/decimal field http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5199835/mvc-3-jquery-validation-globalizing-of-number-decimal-field script @using Html.BeginForm @Html.ValidationSummary true fieldset legend Product legend div class editor label @Html.LabelFor.. model model.price div p input type submit value Save p fieldset The result Unfortunately I can't submit an image here so please..
Wildcards in jQuery selectors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5376431/wildcards-in-jquery-selectors
HTML Entity Decode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5796718/html-entity-decode return false With the html form action # method post fieldset label for string Enter a html encoded string to decode label.. to decode label input type text name string id string fieldset fieldset input type submit value decode fieldset form div id.. label input type text name string id string fieldset fieldset input type submit value decode fieldset form div id output div..
Submit form in rails 3 in an ajax way (with jQuery) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6723334/submit-form-in-rails-3-in-an-ajax-way-with-jquery function this .serialize first form form_for users do f fieldset legend Basic details legend f.label school f.text_field school.. f.text_field school size 45 class round id school br fieldset p button_to save and continue class savebutton p end second.. class savebutton p end second form form_for courses do c fieldset legend Your current classes legend label class label c.text_field..
How to simplify my statefull interlaced modal dialogs in ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8541821/how-to-simplify-my-statefull-interlaced-modal-dialogs-in-asp-net-mvc pagina. @using Html.BeginForm @Html.AntiForgeryToken div fieldset legend Item legend div class editor label @Html.LabelFor.. value saveitem name action saveitem id action saveitem p fieldset div div jquery asp.net asp.net mvc jquery ui design patterns..
Prevent form redirect OR refresh on submit? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1263852/prevent-form-redirect-or-refresh-on-submit I want it to NOT refresh OR redirect. I just want jQuery to perform a function. Here's the form form id contactForm fieldset label for Name Name label input id contactName type text fieldset fieldset label for Email Email label input id contactEmail.. a function. Here's the form form id contactForm fieldset label for Name Name label input id contactName type text fieldset fieldset label for Email Email label input id contactEmail type text fieldset fieldset class noHeight textarea id contactMessage.. Here's the form form id contactForm fieldset label for Name Name label input id contactName type text fieldset fieldset label for Email Email label input id contactEmail type text fieldset fieldset class noHeight textarea id contactMessage..
jQuery Mobile: How to correctly submit form data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15205437/jquery-mobile-how-to-correctly-submit-form-data h3 Login Page h3 div div data role content form id check user class ui body ui body a ui corner all data ajax false fieldset div data role fieldcontain label for username Enter your username label input type text value name username id username.. type password value name password id password div input type button data theme b name submit id submit value Submit fieldset form div div data theme a data role footer data position fixed div div div data role page id second div data theme a..
Check if checkbox is checked with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2204250/check-if-checkbox-is-checked-with-jquery checkbox name chk id chk value Bananas Instead drop the ID and then select them by name or by a containing element fieldset id checkArray input type checkbox name chk value Apples input type checkbox name chk value Bananas fieldset And now the.. element fieldset id checkArray input type checkbox name chk value Apples input type checkbox name chk value Bananas fieldset And now the jQuery var atLeastOneIsChecked '#checkArray checkbox checked' .length 0 or without the container var atLeastOneIsChecked..
MVC 3 jQuery Validation/globalizing of number/decimal field http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5199835/mvc-3-jquery-validation-globalizing-of-number-decimal-field jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js type text javascript script @using Html.BeginForm @Html.ValidationSummary true fieldset legend Product legend div class editor label @Html.LabelFor model model.name div div class editor field @Html.EditorFor.. @Html.EditorFor model model.price @Html.ValidationMessageFor model model.price div p input type submit value Save p fieldset The result Unfortunately I can't submit an image here so please follow this link to see the result http www.designvision.dk..
Wildcards in jQuery selectors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5376431/wildcards-in-jquery-selectors
HTML Entity Decode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5796718/html-entity-decode varTitle ' div ' .html theString .text '#output' .text varTitle return false With the html form action # method post fieldset label for string Enter a html encoded string to decode label input type text name string id string fieldset fieldset input..
Submit form in rails 3 in an ajax way (with jQuery) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6723334/submit-form-in-rails-3-in-an-ajax-way-with-jquery application.js .savebutton .click function 'form' .submit function this .serialize first form form_for users do f fieldset legend Basic details legend f.label school f.text_field school size 45 class round id school br fieldset p button_to save.. users do f fieldset legend Basic details legend f.label school f.text_field school size 45 class round id school br fieldset p button_to save and continue class savebutton p end second form form_for courses do c fieldset legend Your current classes.. round id school br fieldset p button_to save and continue class savebutton p end second form form_for courses do c fieldset legend Your current classes legend label class label c.text_field subject size 45 class round br fieldset p button_to save..
How to simplify my statefull interlaced modal dialogs in ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8541821/how-to-simplify-my-statefull-interlaced-modal-dialogs-in-asp-net-mvc div div id formcontent @Html.ValidationSummary true Erro na pagina. @using Html.BeginForm @Html.AntiForgeryToken div fieldset legend Item legend div class editor label @Html.LabelFor m m.p01campo01 div div class editor field @Html.TextBoxFor.. background #ffffff url '@Url.Content ~ Images img02.png ' value saveitem name action saveitem id action saveitem p fieldset div div jquery asp.net asp.net mvc jquery ui design patterns share improve this question nobody really want to help..