jquery Programming Glossary: fetch_assoc
jQuery/AJAX login form submit on enter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13715081/jquery-ajax-login-form-submit-on-enter username username AND password password stmt execute array ' username' user ' password' pass rows stmt fetchAll PDO FETCH_ASSOC affected_rows stmt rowCount if affected_rows 1 add the user to our session variables _SESSION 'username' username echo 'Correct'..
dynamic drop down box? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16924082/dynamic-drop-down-box CHARACTER SET utf8' sql SELECT FROM `category` WHERE `master` 0 statement objDb query sql list statement fetchAll PDO FETCH_ASSOC catch PDOException e echo 'There was a problem' DOCTYPE HTML html lang en head meta charset utf 8 title Dependable dropdown.. FROM `category` WHERE `master` statement objDb prepare sql statement execute array value list statement fetchAll PDO FETCH_ASSOC if empty list out array ' option value Select one option ' foreach list as row out ' option value '. row 'id' .' '. row..
index undefined when receiving $.post from jQuery? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17903067/index-undefined-when-receiving-post-from-jquery # . th echo th class 'content_th' . Project Name . th ...more table headers while row query_projectInfo fetch PDO FETCH_ASSOC echo tr echo td class 'content_td' . a href '#' . row 'account_id' . a . td echo td class 'content_td' . row 'project_name'..
jqtransform don't transform the values received from ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19403010/jqtransform-dont-transform-the-values-received-from-ajax ' code2' code2 PDO PARAM_STR 30 stmt bindParam ' code3' code3 PDO PARAM_INT stmt execute foreach stmt fetchAll PDO FETCH_ASSOC as result oras option value ' . result 'geonameid' . ' . result 'asciiname' . option return oras html for judetul div..
URL in ajax request in PHP MVC framework, don't know how? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8100262/url-in-ajax-request-in-php-mvc-framework-dont-know-how PDO ERRMODE_EXCEPTION stmt dbh prepare 'SELECT variety fruit_id FROM fruit limit 10' stmt setFetchMode PDO FETCH_ASSOC stmt execute data stmt fetchAll echo json_encode data And this is the view code DOCTYPE html html head meta charset utf..