jquery Programming Glossary: field1
jQuery Validate - require at least one field in a group to be filled http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1300994/jquery-validate-require-at-least-one-field-in-a-group-to-be-filled 1 .fillone Code inside the html file input id field1 class fillone type text value name field1 input id field2 class.. file input id field1 class fillone type text value name field1 input id field2 class fillone type text value name field2 input..
How to display messages from jQuery Validate plugin inside of Tooltipster tooltips? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14741688/how-to-display-messages-from-jquery-validate-plugin-inside-of-tooltipster-toolti .validate initialize jQuery Validate other options rules field1 required true email true field2 required true minlength.. tooltipster HTML form id myform input type text name field1 input type text name field2 br input type submit form How would..
Javascript/JQuery remove from tabindex http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1987927/javascript-jquery-remove-from-tabindex link from the tabindex tab order p input type text name field1 id field1 value a href ..a url.. id link1 more info a p p input.. the tabindex tab order p input type text name field1 id field1 value a href ..a url.. id link1 more info a p p input type text.. type text name field2 id field2 value p The tab order is field1 link1 field2 and I want it to be field1 field2 without link1..
Creating a JQueryscript for GM - Trouble by rewriting the JS code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3110231/creating-a-jqueryscript-for-gm-trouble-by-rewriting-the-js-code Bitte korrigieren Sie Ihre Eingabe. field.focus sums up field1 field4 result appears in field5 function calculate var summe.. calculate var summe 1 window.document.getElementById 'field1' .value 1 window.document.getElementById 'field2' .value 1 window.document.getElementById.. huhu .style.display inline document.getElementById field1_show .style.display none document.getElementById field1_hide..
How to prevent form element from sending some fields we don't want? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3223365/how-to-prevent-form-element-from-sending-some-fields-we-dont-want form action abc def.aspx method get input type text name field1 input type text name field2 input type text name field3 input.. Output of form submission looks like below abc def.aspx field1 val1 field2 val2 field3 val3 field4 val4 field5 val5 final finalQuery.. On the onsubmit handler formElement .submit function this.field1 .remove removing field 1 from query return true send Disabling..
Submit form using AJAX and jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/425095/submit-form-using-ajax-and-jquery form method get action page.html input type hidden name field1 value value1 input type hidden name field2 value value2 select..
Extending XHTML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/434450/extending-xhtml onvalidate return this .find ' value ' .length 0 input id field1 type text input id field2 type text input id field3 type text..
How to add a 'submitHandler' function when using jQuery Unobtrusive Validation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4747017/how-to-add-a-submithandler-function-when-using-jquery-unobtrusive-validation when initialising like so #my_form .validate rules field1 required field1 email true field2 required submitHandler function.. like so #my_form .validate rules field1 required field1 email true field2 required submitHandler function form if confirm..
is there an api in jqgrid to add advanced filters to post data? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5272850/is-there-an-api-in-jqgrid-to-add-advanced-filters-to-post-data .addFilteritem field cn value jqgrid #grid .addFilteritem field1 eq value2 to help generate to top postdata filter code i tried..
jQuery Validate - require at least one field in a group to be filled http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1300994/jquery-validate-require-at-least-one-field-in-a-group-to-be-filled this example jQuery.validator.addClassRules fillone require_from_group 1 .fillone Code inside the html file input id field1 class fillone type text value name field1 input id field2 class fillone type text value name field2 input id field3 class.. fillone require_from_group 1 .fillone Code inside the html file input id field1 class fillone type text value name field1 input id field2 class fillone type text value name field2 input id field3 class fillone type text value name field3 input..
How to display messages from jQuery Validate plugin inside of Tooltipster tooltips? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14741688/how-to-display-messages-from-jquery-validate-plugin-inside-of-tooltipster-toolti for Validate plugin document .ready function '#myform' .validate initialize jQuery Validate other options rules field1 required true email true field2 required true minlength 5 jQuery for Tooltipster plugin document .ready function.. .ready function '.tooltip' .tooltipster options initialize tooltipster HTML form id myform input type text name field1 input type text name field2 br input type submit form How would I integrate the usage of these two jQuery plugins so that..
Javascript/JQuery remove from tabindex http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1987927/javascript-jquery-remove-from-tabindex then followed by another INPUT text box. I want to remove the link from the tabindex tab order p input type text name field1 id field1 value a href ..a url.. id link1 more info a p p input type text name field2 id field2 value p The tab order is.. by another INPUT text box. I want to remove the link from the tabindex tab order p input type text name field1 id field1 value a href ..a url.. id link1 more info a p p input type text name field2 id field2 value p The tab order is field1 link1.. field1 value a href ..a url.. id link1 more info a p p input type text name field2 id field2 value p The tab order is field1 link1 field2 and I want it to be field1 field2 without link1 in the tabindex order at all. Aside from reordering via the..
Creating a JQueryscript for GM - Trouble by rewriting the JS code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3110231/creating-a-jqueryscript-for-gm-trouble-by-rewriting-the-js-code 3 alert Sie haben digits.length 1 Sonderzeichen verwendet. Bitte korrigieren Sie Ihre Eingabe. field.focus sums up field1 field4 result appears in field5 function calculate var summe 1 window.document.getElementById 'field1' .value 1 window.document.getElementById.. sums up field1 field4 result appears in field5 function calculate var summe 1 window.document.getElementById 'field1' .value 1 window.document.getElementById 'field2' .value 1 window.document.getElementById 'field3' .value 1 window.document.getElementById.. expand and clap information function show document.getElementById huhu .style.display inline document.getElementById field1_show .style.display none document.getElementById field1_hide .style.display inline function hide document.getElementById..
How to prevent form element from sending some fields we don't want? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3223365/how-to-prevent-form-element-from-sending-some-fields-we-dont-want can I exclude those fields from being submitted using jQuery form action abc def.aspx method get input type text name field1 input type text name field2 input type text name field3 input type text name field4 input type text name field5 input type.. input type hidden name final input type submit value Send form Output of form submission looks like below abc def.aspx field1 val1 field2 val2 field3 val3 field4 val4 field5 val5 final finalQuery javascript jquery forms share improve this question.. share improve this question Remove the element on submit. On the onsubmit handler formElement .submit function this.field1 .remove removing field 1 from query return true send Disabling the form element also stops it from being entered into the..
Submit form using AJAX and jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/425095/submit-form-using-ajax-and-jquery but I can't find the simple solution. Say I have an HTML form form method get action page.html input type hidden name field1 value value1 input type hidden name field2 value value2 select name status option value option option value good Good option..
Extending XHTML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/434450/extending-xhtml return this.value.length 0 Example 2 wrapper div v onvalidate return this .find ' value ' .length 0 input id field1 type text input id field2 type text input id field3 type text div Example 3 predefined input id name type text v validation..
How to add a 'submitHandler' function when using jQuery Unobtrusive Validation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4747017/how-to-add-a-submithandler-function-when-using-jquery-unobtrusive-validation With jQuery validate you would add the option handleSubmit when initialising like so #my_form .validate rules field1 required field1 email true field2 required submitHandler function form if confirm 'Are you sure ' form.submit But you don't.. validate you would add the option handleSubmit when initialising like so #my_form .validate rules field1 required field1 email true field2 required submitHandler function form if confirm 'Are you sure ' form.submit But you don't need to initialise..
is there an api in jqgrid to add advanced filters to post data? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5272850/is-there-an-api-in-jqgrid-to-add-advanced-filters-to-post-data like jqgrid #grid .addPostDataFilters AND jqgrid #grid .addFilteritem field cn value jqgrid #grid .addFilteritem field1 eq value2 to help generate to top postdata filter code i tried this but it doesn't seem to work .jqGrid setGridParam editurl..