jquery Programming Glossary: file.name
Uploading Image to Amazon s3 with HTML, javascript & jQuery with Ajax Request (No PHP) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11240127/uploading-image-to-amazon-s3-with-html-javascript-jquery-with-ajax-request-n 0 var fd new FormData var key events new Date .getTime ' ' file.name fd.append 'key' key fd.append 'acl' 'public read' fd.append..
How to Preview Image, get file size, image height and width before upload? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12570834/how-to-preview-image-get-file-size-image-height-and-width-before-upload t file.type ext only file.type.split ' ' 1 n file.name s ~~ file.size 1024 'KB' '#uploadPreview' .append ' img src..
Send the download link of the uploaded file in a mail http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12869040/send-the-download-link-of-the-uploaded-file-in-a-mail download a href file.url class btn modal download title file.name rel file.thumbnail_url 'gallery' download file.name i class.. title file.name rel file.thumbnail_url 'gallery' download file.name i class icon download i Download a td Now I need to make..
How to upload a file only once with blueimp file upload plugin? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13304838/how-to-upload-a-file-only-once-with-blueimp-file-upload-plugin function index file console.info 'Selected file ' file.name filesCount drop function e data .each data.files function.. function index file console.info 'Selected file ' file.name filesCount done function e data .each data.result function..
How can I upload files asynchronously with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/166221/how-can-i-upload-files-asynchronously-with-jquery ' file' .change function var file this.files 0 var name file.name var size file.size var type file.type Your validation Now the..
BlueImp/jQuery file upload http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17396029/blueimp-jquery-file-upload .each data.result.files function index file ' p ' .text file.name .appendTo '#files' progressall function e data var progress..
JQuery Form Plugin File Upload using POST redirects to POST response http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20729645/jquery-form-plugin-file-upload-using-post-redirects-to-post-response file function name file formidable.File originalFileName file.name filePath file.path form.parse req return Update If I do .ajax..
File API File Upload - Read XMLHttpRequest in ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5181789/file-api-file-upload-read-xmlhttprequest-in-asp-net-mvc div li.appendChild div var fileInfo div strong Name strong file.name div fileInfo div strong Size strong parseInt file.size 1024..
Javascript Template Engine Use with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9520241/javascript-template-engine-use-with-jquery td class preview span class fade span td td class name file.name td td class size o.formatFileSize file.size td if file.error..
Uploading Image to Amazon s3 with HTML, javascript & jQuery with Ajax Request (No PHP) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11240127/uploading-image-to-amazon-s3-with-html-javascript-jquery-with-ajax-request-n uploadFile var file document.getElementById 'file' .files 0 var fd new FormData var key events new Date .getTime ' ' file.name fd.append 'key' key fd.append 'acl' 'public read' fd.append 'Content Type' file.type fd.append 'AWSAccessKeyId' 'YOUR ACCESS..
How to Preview Image, get file size, image height and width before upload? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12570834/how-to-preview-image-get-file-size-image-height-and-width-before-upload file image.onload function var w this.width h this.height t file.type ext only file.type.split ' ' 1 n file.name s ~~ file.size 1024 'KB' '#uploadPreview' .append ' img src ' this.src ' ' w 'x' h ' ' s ' ' t ' ' n ' br ' image.onerror..
Send the download link of the uploaded file in a mail http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12869040/send-the-download-link-of-the-uploaded-file-in-a-mail the file after uploaded it and here's the code td class download a href file.url class btn modal download title file.name rel file.thumbnail_url 'gallery' download file.name i class icon download i Download a td Now I need to make user can.. td class download a href file.url class btn modal download title file.name rel file.thumbnail_url 'gallery' download file.name i class icon download i Download a td Now I need to make user can send email with the downloaded url of the uploaded..
How to upload a file only once with blueimp file upload plugin? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13304838/how-to-upload-a-file-only-once-with-blueimp-file-upload-plugin '0 ' data.submit change function e data .each data.files function index file console.info 'Selected file ' file.name filesCount drop function e data .each data.files function index file console.info 'Selected file ' file.name filesCount.. ' file.name filesCount drop function e data .each data.files function index file console.info 'Selected file ' file.name filesCount done function e data .each data.result function index file vOutput tr vOutput td file td vOutput tr #MappeFileListe..
How can I upload files asynchronously with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/166221/how-can-i-upload-files-asynchronously-with-jquery if you want. For example in the onChange event of the file ' file' .change function var file this.files 0 var name file.name var size file.size var type file.type Your validation Now the Ajax submit with the button's click ' button' .click function..
BlueImp/jQuery file upload http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17396029/blueimp-jquery-file-upload 'W9UploadHandler.ashx' dataType 'json' done function e data .each data.result.files function index file ' p ' .text file.name .appendTo '#files' progressall function e data var progress parseInt data.loaded data.total 100 10 '#progress .bar'..
JQuery Form Plugin File Upload using POST redirects to POST response http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20729645/jquery-form-plugin-file-upload-using-post-redirects-to-post-response res.send path filePath name originalFileName .on file function name file formidable.File originalFileName file.name filePath file.path form.parse req return Update If I do .ajax instead of this.ajax . The file does not upload. The browser..
File API File Upload - Read XMLHttpRequest in ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5181789/file-api-file-upload-read-xmlhttprequest-in-asp-net-mvc it to the list of files var div document.createElement div li.appendChild div var fileInfo div strong Name strong file.name div fileInfo div strong Size strong parseInt file.size 1024 10 kb div fileInfo div strong Type strong file.type div div.innerHTML..
Javascript Template Engine Use with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9520241/javascript-template-engine-use-with-jquery for var i 0 file file o.files i i tr class template upload fade td class preview span class fade span td td class name file.name td td class size o.formatFileSize file.size td if file.error td class error colspan 2 span class label label important..