jquery Programming Glossary: figured
jqPlot resizing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10191122/jqplot-resizing and it should sometimes be 31. The only solution then I figured out was to set the ticks myself. In this case you do not need..
How do I pass a Dictionary as a parameter to an ActionResult method from jQuery/Ajax? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1077481/how-do-i-pass-a-dictionary-as-a-parameter-to-an-actionresult-method-from-jquery actionresult share improve this question At last I figured it out Thanks for the suggestions everyone I finally figured.. it out Thanks for the suggestions everyone I finally figured out the best solution is to pass JSON via the Http Post and..
Force a browser to save file as after clicking link [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11353425/force-a-browser-to-save-file-as-after-clicking-link of recognized mime types using ONLY JavaScript almost figured out.. Is there a way to force a browser with a js routine to..
CORS with jQuery and XDomainRequest in IE8/9 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11487216/cors-with-jquery-and-xdomainrequest-in-ie8-9 server but it has exactly the same problem. Edit OK so I figured out that part of the problem was that I was using POST over..
Knockout Inline Edit Binding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13354491/knockout-inline-edit-binding other than jQuery or used more than just a binding . So I figured I would share the simple one I came up with other answer's of..
Jquery dialog partial view server side validation on Save button click http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16245584/jquery-dialog-partial-view-server-side-validation-on-save-button-click AdminSearchResult AdminSearchResult return View I figured that any button click method in dialog should be a ajax ified..
Prototyping Object in Javascript breaks jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1827458/prototyping-object-in-javascript-breaks-jquery Object and Array prototypes. Through trial and error I've figured out that adding any function to Object.prototype no matter it's..
How to hide optgroup/option elements? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2731668/how-to-hide-optgroup-option-elements html option optgroup share improve this question I figured that this solution works fine for me Make another select e.g...
add javascript into a html page with jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3418041/add-javascript-into-a-html-page-with-jquery javascript jquery html share improve this question I figured out a great solution Insert your Google Adsense code anywhere..
jQuery Ajax returning 404 Error, but correct Response http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3445270/jquery-ajax-returning-404-error-but-correct-response 3.x website hosted by Dreamhost. MORE INFO OK I've figured out that when I include WordPress's wp blog header.php file..
Select values of checkbox group with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/416752/select-values-of-checkbox-group-with-jquery stumped on how to grab all the values using jQuery. I figured I can select the group using input @name 'user_group ' .val..
Circumventing Chrome Access-control-allow-origin on the local file system? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4742467/circumventing-chrome-access-control-allow-origin-on-the-local-file-system origin policy share improve this question I think I've figured it out. All I really needed to do was add a callback into my..
JQuery is waiting for images to load before executing document.ready http://stackoverflow.com/questions/477463/jquery-is-waiting-for-images-to-load-before-executing-document-ready made me aware of the problem I made a test file becasue I figured something more complex was going on but I still had the same..
What good is JSLint if jQuery fails the validation [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/505251/what-good-is-jslint-if-jquery-fails-the-validation different methods to clean up and test my JavaScript. I figured just like any other language one way to get better is to read..
jQuery .find() doesn't return data in IE but does in Firefox and Chrome http://stackoverflow.com/questions/562283/jquery-find-doesnt-return-data-in-ie-but-does-in-firefox-and-chrome to suit my needs. Since jQuery is cross platform I figured I wouldn't have to deal with this mess. Edit I've found that..
jQuery plugin template - best practice, convention, performance and memory impact http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5980194/jquery-plugin-template-best-practice-convention-performance-and-memory-impac impact I've started to write few jQuery plugins and figured it'd be nice to setup my IDE with a jQuery plugin template...
$this vs $(this) in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7389944/this-vs-this-in-jquery What does this represent above Just when I think I have it figured out ... javascript jquery share improve this question this..
How can I hold Twitter Bootstrap Popover open until my mouse moves into it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7703878/how-can-i-hold-twitter-bootstrap-popover-open-until-my-mouse-moves-into-it this question With bootstrap tested with version 2 I figured out the following code a rel popover .popover offset 10 trigger..
How to Extend Twitter Bootstrap Plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9137311/how-to-extend-twitter-bootstrap-plugin this .closest .modal .modal showFooterMessage EDIT OK I figured out how to do this function var extensionMethods displayFooterMessage..
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < — in jQuery ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14053484/uncaught-syntaxerror-unexpected-token-in-jquery-ajax asp.net ajax web services share improve this question Figured it out your breaking the Same origin policy as your site and..
Extract drawingManager polygon path Google Maps on click http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15454919/extract-drawingmanager-polygon-path-google-maps-on-click google maps api 3 polygon share improve this question Figured it out I added function overlayClickListener function overlayClickListener..
jQuery: Ajax call to asp.net webservice fails, server return 500 error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2027960/jquery-ajax-call-to-asp-net-webservice-fails-server-return-500-error jquery ajax jquery ajax share improve this question Figured it out. When not sure what is happening use Fiddler. It clearly..
jQuery How do I focus on contents of iframe after clearing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2444647/jquery-how-do-i-focus-on-contents-of-iframe-after-clearing .focus jquery share improve this question Figured it out. I had to simply focus on the parent. And Jitter is correct..
Bind jQuery UI autocomplete using .live() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4551230/bind-jquery-ui-autocomplete-using-live arguments How can I use .live to bind autocomplete UPDATE Figured it out with Framer function '.search' .live 'keyup.autocomplete'..
File API File Upload - Read XMLHttpRequest in ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5181789/file-api-file-upload-read-xmlhttprequest-in-asp-net-mvc asp.net mvc file upload share improve this question Figured it out. Here is the C# code HttpPost public virtual string UploadFiles..
Jquery Mobile - Using image as link - Blue line below image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9593259/jquery-mobile-using-image-as-link-blue-line-below-image hyperlink formatting share improve this question Figured it out. This rule removes the blue line added by JQM .ui li..
jqPlot resizing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10191122/jqplot-resizing are still not every 3 months as each tick shows 30th day and it should sometimes be 31. The only solution then I figured out was to set the ticks myself. In this case you do not need min max and tickInterval any more. share improve this answer..
How do I pass a Dictionary as a parameter to an ActionResult method from jQuery/Ajax? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1077481/how-do-i-pass-a-dictionary-as-a-parameter-to-an-actionresult-method-from-jquery 0 id 200 300 values 1 FirstName Chris jquery asp.net mvc ajax actionresult share improve this question At last I figured it out Thanks for the suggestions everyone I finally figured out the best solution is to pass JSON via the Http Post and.. actionresult share improve this question At last I figured it out Thanks for the suggestions everyone I finally figured out the best solution is to pass JSON via the Http Post and use a custom ModelBinder to convert the JSON to a Dictionary...
Force a browser to save file as after clicking link [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11353425/force-a-browser-to-save-file-as-after-clicking-link clicking link duplicate Possible Duplicate Force file download of recognized mime types using ONLY JavaScript almost figured out.. Is there a way to force a browser with a js routine to save a file as save as after clicking link I need for images..
CORS with jQuery and XDomainRequest in IE8/9 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11487216/cors-with-jquery-and-xdomainrequest-in-ie8-9 doing wrong I have also tested with IE8 now using MS virtual server but it has exactly the same problem. Edit OK so I figured out that part of the problem was that I was using POST over HTTPS. Apparently XDomainRequest does not allow CORS over HTTPS...
Knockout Inline Edit Binding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13354491/knockout-inline-edit-binding binding but the only ones I found had external dependencies other than jQuery or used more than just a binding . So I figured I would share the simple one I came up with other answer's of course welcome especially those that only use knockout . ..
Jquery dialog partial view server side validation on Save button click http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16245584/jquery-dialog-partial-view-server-side-validation-on-save-button-click EditAdmin admin if button cancel return RedirectToAction AdminSearchResult AdminSearchResult return View I figured that any button click method in dialog should be a ajax ified and json ized. So i tried doing the following script src ....
Prototyping Object in Javascript breaks jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1827458/prototyping-object-in-javascript-breaks-jquery pretty mundane common task sort of functions added to the Object and Array prototypes. Through trial and error I've figured out that adding any function to Object.prototype no matter it's name or what it does causes javascript errors in jQuery..
How to hide optgroup/option elements? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2731668/how-to-hide-optgroup-option-elements value Uplands Uplands option optgroup select javascript jquery html option optgroup share improve this question I figured that this solution works fine for me Make another select e.g. #footer_canvas .after ' select id parkingLot select ' then..
add javascript into a html page with jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3418041/add-javascript-into-a-html-page-with-jquery div tag_2 br body html Tanks for your answers Lucas javascript jquery html share improve this question I figured out a great solution Insert your Google Adsense code anywhere on your page e.g. if your CMS only allows you to put this..
jQuery Ajax returning 404 Error, but correct Response http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3445270/jquery-ajax-returning-404-error-but-correct-response database being updated etc. I'm using jQuery 1.4.2 on a WordPress 3.x website hosted by Dreamhost. MORE INFO OK I've figured out that when I include WordPress's wp blog header.php file in the Ajax script I get the error. Also once upon a time these..
Select values of checkbox group with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/416752/select-values-of-checkbox-group-with-jquery Post these values are passed as an array but when I'm somewhat stumped on how to grab all the values using jQuery. I figured I can select the group using input @name 'user_group ' .val but that just grabs the value of the first checkbox in the list..
Circumventing Chrome Access-control-allow-origin on the local file system? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4742467/circumventing-chrome-access-control-allow-origin-on-the-local-file-system alternatives javascript jquery google chrome same origin policy share improve this question I think I've figured it out. All I really needed to do was add a callback into my script tag. Final code I have an element named next... So in..
JQuery is waiting for images to load before executing document.ready http://stackoverflow.com/questions/477463/jquery-is-waiting-for-images-to-load-before-executing-document-ready Fortunately I had some slow loading images on my page which made me aware of the problem I made a test file becasue I figured something more complex was going on but I still had the same symptoms even with this simple file. head script type text..
What good is JSLint if jQuery fails the validation [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/505251/what-good-is-jslint-if-jquery-fails-the-validation jQuery fails the validation closed So I have been exploring different methods to clean up and test my JavaScript. I figured just like any other language one way to get better is to read good code. jQuery is very popular so it must have a certain..
jQuery .find() doesn't return data in IE but does in Firefox and Chrome http://stackoverflow.com/questions/562283/jquery-find-doesnt-return-data-in-ie-but-does-in-firefox-and-chrome stupid. That code above was scraped out of a forum and modified to suit my needs. Since jQuery is cross platform I figured I wouldn't have to deal with this mess. Edit I've found that if I load the page in Visual Studio 2008 and run it then it..
jQuery plugin template - best practice, convention, performance and memory impact http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5980194/jquery-plugin-template-best-practice-convention-performance-and-memory-impac plugin template best practice convention performance and memory impact I've started to write few jQuery plugins and figured it'd be nice to setup my IDE with a jQuery plugin template. I have been reading some articles and posts on this site related..
$this vs $(this) in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7389944/this-vs-this-in-jquery if type type 'height' this.height this.height jQuery What does this represent above Just when I think I have it figured out ... javascript jquery share improve this question this is just an ordinary variable. The character is a valid character..
How can I hold Twitter Bootstrap Popover open until my mouse moves into it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7703878/how-can-i-hold-twitter-bootstrap-popover-open-until-my-mouse-moves-into-it javascript jquery popover twitter bootstrap share improve this question With bootstrap tested with version 2 I figured out the following code a rel popover .popover offset 10 trigger 'manual' animate false html true placement 'left'..
How to Extend Twitter Bootstrap Plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9137311/how-to-extend-twitter-bootstrap-plugin message alert Hey Then I would want to call it as follows this .closest .modal .modal showFooterMessage EDIT OK I figured out how to do this function var extensionMethods displayFooterMessage function msg var args arguments 0 var that this ..
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < — in jQuery ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14053484/uncaught-syntaxerror-unexpected-token-in-jquery-ajax it EDIT Got alternative answer from this post . jquery asp.net ajax web services share improve this question Figured it out your breaking the Same origin policy as your site and web service are running in two different projects. Move the..
Extract drawingManager polygon path Google Maps on click http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15454919/extract-drawingmanager-polygon-path-google-maps-on-click iterate polygon vertices javascript jquery google maps google maps api 3 polygon share improve this question Figured it out I added function overlayClickListener function overlayClickListener overlay google.maps.event.addListener overlay..
jQuery: Ajax call to asp.net webservice fails, server return 500 error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2027960/jquery-ajax-call-to-asp-net-webservice-fails-server-return-500-error op HelloWorld and webservice works fine. What else asp.net jquery ajax jquery ajax share improve this question Figured it out. When not sure what is happening use Fiddler. It clearly shows that server could not create an instance of the service..
jQuery How do I focus on contents of iframe after clearing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2444647/jquery-how-do-i-focus-on-contents-of-iframe-after-clearing iframe#textarea1IFrame .contents .find body postContentClr.html .focus jquery share improve this question Figured it out. I had to simply focus on the parent. And Jitter is correct since I already declared it as a jQuery object it needn't..
Bind jQuery UI autocomplete using .live() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4551230/bind-jquery-ui-autocomplete-using-live function event ui source 'url.php' surpressed other arguments How can I use .live to bind autocomplete UPDATE Figured it out with Framer function '.search' .live 'keyup.autocomplete' function this .autocomplete source 'url.php' jquery..
File API File Upload - Read XMLHttpRequest in ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5181789/file-api-file-upload-read-xmlhttprequest-in-asp-net-mvc in IE Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated jquery asp.net mvc file upload share improve this question Figured it out. Here is the C# code HttpPost public virtual string UploadFiles object obj var length Request.ContentLength var..
Jquery Mobile - Using image as link - Blue line below image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9593259/jquery-mobile-using-image-as-link-blue-line-below-image about http i41.tinypic.com 2rhtvz8.png jquery image mobile hyperlink formatting share improve this question Figured it out. This rule removes the blue line added by JQM .ui li last child .ui li.ui field contain last child border bottom..