jquery Programming Glossary: fgetcsv
Creating a multidimensional object for XML export http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10835584/creating-a-multidimensional-object-for-xml-export BEN new.csv' r FALSE die 'Error opening file' headers fgetcsv handle 1024 ' ' complete array while row fgetcsv handle 1024.. headers fgetcsv handle 1024 ' ' complete array while row fgetcsv handle 1024 complete array_combine headers row fclose handle..
Ajax to php wont work http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11610974/ajax-to-php-wont-work 'w' email_addresses array Read the header headers fgetcsv input_file 0 fputcsv output_file headers Flip it so it becomes.. ID headers array_flip headers Read every row while row fgetcsv input_file 0 FALSE email row headers 'email' Do we already have.. opening a file ini_set 'auto_detect_line_endings' TRUE fgetcsv is returning a boolean value of false when it reaches the end..
Creating a multidimensional object for XML export http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10835584/creating-a-multidimensional-object-for-xml-export XMLObjectDetail PHP php if handle fopen 'upload BEN new.csv' r FALSE die 'Error opening file' headers fgetcsv handle 1024 ' ' complete array while row fgetcsv handle 1024 complete array_combine headers row fclose handle echo json_encode.. fopen 'upload BEN new.csv' r FALSE die 'Error opening file' headers fgetcsv handle 1024 ' ' complete array while row fgetcsv handle 1024 complete array_combine headers row fclose handle echo json_encode complete php javascript jquery json share..
Ajax to php wont work http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11610974/ajax-to-php-wont-work fopen input_filename 'r' output_file fopen output_filename 'w' email_addresses array Read the header headers fgetcsv input_file 0 fputcsv output_file headers Flip it so it becomes name ID headers array_flip headers Read every row while row.. 0 fputcsv output_file headers Flip it so it becomes name ID headers array_flip headers Read every row while row fgetcsv input_file 0 FALSE email row headers 'email' Do we already have this email address if isset email_addresses email continue.. Found someone with a similar problem here . Add line before opening a file ini_set 'auto_detect_line_endings' TRUE fgetcsv is returning a boolean value of false when it reaches the end of the file. From php manual fgetcsv returns NULL if an invalid..