

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:54

jquery Programming Glossary: dependent

jQuery - How to remove cross domain limitation [duplicate]


take the general idea . It is however server side language dependent. The overall implementation will be the same however the code..

How to include multiple js files using jQuery $.getScript() method


function script is now loaded and executed. put your dependent JS here. what if the JS code is dependent on multiple JS files.. put your dependent JS here. what if the JS code is dependent on multiple JS files But I am wondering whether this method..

jQuery Set Select Index


selector share improve this question NOTE answer is dependent upon jQuery 1.6.1 '#selectBox nth child 4 ' .prop 'selected'..

dynamic drop down box?


true The 2nd drop down box is not showing the values dependent on the 1st drop down box as shown Can someone help me please...

How to use JQuery with Master Pages?


page ASP.NET mangles the names of the controls on the dependent pages. You'll need to figure out a way to find the right control..

How can I check if a jQuery plugin is loaded?


if the namespace exists if jQuery .pluginName run plugin dependent code dateJs however is not a jQuery plugin. It modifies extends..

Javascript callback for multiple ajax calls


needed for a final callback. The calls themselves are not dependent on one another they can all go at the same time however I would..

jqgrid incorrect select drop down option values in edit box


keyboard support in selects problem with refreshing dependent select in some browsers are fixed The new version of the demo..

has_many :through nested_form that can build multiple instances


models Class Farm ActiveRecord Base has_many farm_products dependent destroy has_many products through farm_products accepts_nested_attributes_for.. end class Product ActiveRecord Base has_many farm_products dependent destroy has_many farms through farm_products end class FarmProduct..

Jquery dependent drop down boxes populate- how


dependent drop down boxes populate how I've got dependent drop down boxes.. dependent drop down boxes populate how I've got dependent drop down boxes as shown on scenario below. Could anyone please.. options in HH2. I don't want to see 1 2. Basically HH2 is dependent on selected value in HH1 &mdash is this possible in JavaScript..

Customizing the Add/Edit Dialog in jqGrid


improve this question jqGrid has no simple support of dependent selects in the editoptions . So to implement is one have to.. to manually update the list of options of the second dependent select. In the demo you will find how you can implement dependent.. select. In the demo you will find how you can implement dependent selects. I used in the demo 'local' datatype and so set value..

How can I obtain the local time in jQuery?


I agree with @Josh the above code is completely client dependent. Let's try to do it better document .ready function var timezone..

Get cursor or text position in pixels for input element


Updated The function is pure JavaScript and not dependent on any plugin or framework The function assumes that the getBoundingClientRect..

how to replicate pinterest.com's absolute div stacking layout [closed]


less on browser resize and the vertical stacking is not dependent on adjacent column heights. The source code shows that each..

jQuery - How to remove cross domain limitation [duplicate]


Yahoo one here but remember it's Yahoo specific just take the general idea . It is however server side language dependent. The overall implementation will be the same however the code to do so will vary based on your server side language of choice..

How to include multiple js files using jQuery $.getScript() method


way to go. jQuery .getScript ' path to imported script.js' function script is now loaded and executed. put your dependent JS here. what if the JS code is dependent on multiple JS files But I am wondering whether this method can load multiple.. to imported script.js' function script is now loaded and executed. put your dependent JS here. what if the JS code is dependent on multiple JS files But I am wondering whether this method can load multiple scripts at one time Why I am asking this is..

jQuery Set Select Index


as selected based on it's index using jQuery Thanks jquery selector share improve this question NOTE answer is dependent upon jQuery 1.6.1 '#selectBox nth child 4 ' .prop 'selected' true To select via index '#selectBox option eq 3 ' .prop 'selected'..

dynamic drop down box?


array 'error' true else echo json_encode array 'error' true The 2nd drop down box is not showing the values dependent on the 1st drop down box as shown Can someone help me please. php jquery html share improve this question Here is an..

How to use JQuery with Master Pages?


Original answer left for comment context When you use a master page ASP.NET mangles the names of the controls on the dependent pages. You'll need to figure out a way to find the right control to add the handler to assuming you're adding the handler..

How can I check if a jQuery plugin is loaded?


on the jQuery scope. You could run a simple check to see if the namespace exists if jQuery .pluginName run plugin dependent code dateJs however is not a jQuery plugin. It modifies extends the javascript date object and is not added as a jQuery..

Javascript callback for multiple ajax calls


call does a distinct operation and returns back data that is needed for a final callback. The calls themselves are not dependent on one another they can all go at the same time however I would like to have a final callback when all three are complete...

jqgrid incorrect select drop down option values in edit box


previous or next navigation buttons in the editing form Improving keyboard support in selects problem with refreshing dependent select in some browsers are fixed The new version of the demo is here . The modified code of the demo you find below var..

has_many :through nested_form that can build multiple instances


build multiple instances I have the following code in my models Class Farm ActiveRecord Base has_many farm_products dependent destroy has_many products through farm_products accepts_nested_attributes_for farm_products end class Product ActiveRecord.. farm_products accepts_nested_attributes_for farm_products end class Product ActiveRecord Base has_many farm_products dependent destroy has_many farms through farm_products end class FarmProduct ActiveRecord Base belongs_to farm belongs_to product..

Jquery dependent drop down boxes populate- how


dependent drop down boxes populate how I've got dependent drop down boxes as shown on scenario below. Could anyone please suggest.. dependent drop down boxes populate how I've got dependent drop down boxes as shown on scenario below. Could anyone please suggest how to achieve the result using JQuery Javascript.. Hour I would like to show only 3 0 where 0 is 24 hour select options in HH2. I don't want to see 1 2. Basically HH2 is dependent on selected value in HH1 &mdash is this possible in JavaScript Could you please show me how if possible jquery share..

Customizing the Add/Edit Dialog in jqGrid


data using json. javascript jquery jquery ui jqgrid share improve this question jqGrid has no simple support of dependent selects in the editoptions . So to implement is one have to use change event on the main select to manually update the list.. to implement is one have to use change event on the main select to manually update the list of options of the second dependent select. In the demo you will find how you can implement dependent selects. I used in the demo 'local' datatype and so set.. to manually update the list of options of the second dependent select. In the demo you will find how you can implement dependent selects. I used in the demo 'local' datatype and so set value property of the editoptions instead of dataUrl but the main..

How can I obtain the local time in jQuery?


12 alert Good morning. else alert Good afternoon. Update I agree with @Josh the above code is completely client dependent. Let's try to do it better document .ready function var timezone Europe Berlin .getJSON http json time.appspot.com time.json..

Get cursor or text position in pixels for input element


var pixelPosition getTextBoundingRect input 6 Function dependencies Updated The function is pure JavaScript and not dependent on any plugin or framework The function assumes that the getBoundingClientRect method exist. Text ranges are used when they're..

how to replicate pinterest.com's absolute div stacking layout [closed]


specifically how the number of columns adjusts to fit more less on browser resize and the vertical stacking is not dependent on adjacent column heights. The source code shows that each div is position absolute. A co founder has answered a Quora..