

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:52

jquery Programming Glossary: deltay

Jquery Tools Touch horizontal only disable vertical touch


animated var t e.touches 0 deltaX touch.x t.clientX deltaY touch.y t.clientY absX Math.abs deltaX added absY Math.abs.. t.clientY absX Math.abs deltaX added absY Math.abs deltaY added Only consider the event when the delta in the desired.. vertical absY absX vertical absX absY added self vertical deltaY 0 vertical deltaX 0 'next' 'prev' e.preventDefault I've tried..

How to make jQuery draggable with fixed X and Y axis?


deltaX Math.abs originalPosition.left ui.position.left var deltaY Math.abs originalPosition.top ui.position.top var newDrag options.dynamic.. false var xMax newDrag Math.max deltaX deltaY deltaX ui.helper.data 'draggableXY.xMax' ui.helper.data 'draggableXY.xMax'..

JQuery draggable with ease


deltaX Math.abs originalPosition.left ui.position.left var deltaY Math.abs originalPosition.top ui.position.top var newDrag options.dynamic.. false var xMax newDrag Math.max deltaX deltaY deltaX ui.helper.data 'draggableXY.xMax' ui.helper.data 'draggableXY.xMax'..

Jquery Tools Touch horizontal only disable vertical touch


e only deal with one finger if e.touches.length 1 itemWrap.is animated var t e.touches 0 deltaX touch.x t.clientX deltaY touch.y t.clientY absX Math.abs deltaX added absY Math.abs deltaY added Only consider the event when the delta in.. var t e.touches 0 deltaX touch.x t.clientX deltaY touch.y t.clientY absX Math.abs deltaX added absY Math.abs deltaY added Only consider the event when the delta in the desired axis is greater than the one in the other. if vertical.. the desired axis is greater than the one in the other. if vertical absY absX vertical absX absY added self vertical deltaY 0 vertical deltaX 0 'next' 'prev' e.preventDefault I've tried this in Android with the native and Opera browsers and..

How to make jQuery draggable with fixed X and Y axis?


ui.helper.data 'draggableXY.originalPosition' var deltaX Math.abs originalPosition.left ui.position.left var deltaY Math.abs originalPosition.top ui.position.top var newDrag options.dynamic ui.helper.data 'draggableXY.newDrag' ui.helper.data.. ui.helper.data 'draggableXY.newDrag' ui.helper.data 'draggableXY.newDrag' false var xMax newDrag Math.max deltaX deltaY deltaX ui.helper.data 'draggableXY.xMax' ui.helper.data 'draggableXY.xMax' xMax var newPosition ui.position if xMax newPosition.top..

JQuery draggable with ease


ui.helper.data 'draggableXY.originalPosition' var deltaX Math.abs originalPosition.left ui.position.left var deltaY Math.abs originalPosition.top ui.position.top var newDrag options.dynamic ui.helper.data 'draggableXY.newDrag' ui.helper.data.. ui.helper.data 'draggableXY.newDrag' ui.helper.data 'draggableXY.newDrag' false var xMax newDrag Math.max deltaX deltaY deltaX ui.helper.data 'draggableXY.xMax' ui.helper.data 'draggableXY.xMax' xMax var newPosition ui.position if xMax newPosition.top..