

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:51

jquery Programming Glossary: delete

Local form editing demo and jqGrid 4.4.1


only if the property not exist postdata idname rowid delete postdata id_in_postdata prepare postdata for tree grid if grid_p.treeGrid.. function i if postdata.hasOwnProperty this delete postdata this decode data if there encoded with autoencode.. changes to the server so I use processing true setting and delete the row manually in onclickSubmit onclickSubmit function options..

How to set/unset cookie with jQuery?


carhartl jquery cookie You can then do .cookie test 1 To delete .removeCookie test Additionally to set a timeout of a certain.. is omitted then the cookie becomes a session cookie and is deleted when the browser exits. To cover all the options .cookie test..

jQuery memory leak with DOM removal


events and data associated with the DOM elements being deleted. When I call the removeWithoutLeaking function then my memory.. OK IE does not appear to recover the space when you delete a key from an Object. Either way this is an example of the sort..

Jquery: how to detect a textbox's content has changed


if the ascii code of the pressed key is a letter backspace delete Use closures to remember what was the text in the textbox before..

How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background?


reference and update a DOM node. And if we want to delete a log entry we have to code against the DOM for that too. How..

jquery live hover


I'm using the following jquery code to show a contextual delete button only for table rows we are hovering with our mouse. This..

Should one replace the usage addJSONData of jqGrid to the usage of setGridParam(), and trigger('reloadGrid')?


allow you to customize this process. First of all one can delete or rename any standard parameter sent to the server with respect..

jqgrid add row and send data to webservice for insert


JSON encoded. Almost the same settings can be used for the delete jQuery.extend jQuery.jgrid.del ajaxDelOptions contentType application.. if String.Compare oper del StringComparison.Ordinal 0 TODO delete the data identified by the id You don't wrote which type has..

Multiple search with multiplefields by default


You will see UPDATE In another answer you will find how to delete the last line of the searching dialog with Inv No which are..

Can jQuery .keypress() detect more than one key at the same time?


function e keys e.which true document .keyup function e delete keys e.which I've put together a demo here http jsfiddle.net..

Browser Memory Usage Comparison: inline onClick vs. using JQuery .bind()


row has data columns followed by 4 icon 'button' columns delete three other business functions that make AJAX calls back to..

(Deep) copying an array using jQuery [duplicate]


contains a pointer to a 0 0 rather than a value. Likewise delete b 0 0 also causes a 0 0 to be deleted and b 0 0 99 also changes.. a value. Likewise delete b 0 0 also causes a 0 0 to be deleted and b 0 0 99 also changes the value of a 0 0 to 99. jQuery's..

Background-color hex to JavaScript variable


^rgb d s d s d parts now should be rgb 0 70 255 0 70 255 delete parts 0 for var i 1 i 3 i parts i parseInt parts i .toString..

How to implement “confirmation” dialog in Jquery UI dialog?


items and next to each individual of them I would have a delete button for each of them. the psuedo html setup will be something..

make iframe height dynamic based on content inside- JQUERY/Javascript


'idIframe' if iFrameID here you can make the height I delete it first then I make it again iFrameID.height iFrameID.height..

Use jQuery to change an HTML tag?


end up with h5 Hello h5 after the click. I realize you can delete the p tag and replace it with an h5 but is there anyway to actually..

How to allow only numeric (0-9) in HTML inputbox using jQuery?


#txtboxToFilter .keydown function event Allow backspace delete tab escape enter and . if .inArray event.keyCode 46 8 9 27 13..

GUI-based or Web-based JSON editor that works like property explorer [closed]


and three rows for arr_list ... with the ability to delete or add additional rows by clicking on a X next to each row in..

Image Upload with Preview and Delete


Upload with Preview and Delete Have the followig questions and need answers regarding the..

How to Delete Session Cookie?


to Delete Session Cookie How to dynamically via javascript delete a session..

Capturing “Delete” Keypress with jQuery


&ldquo Delete&rdquo Keypress with jQuery When using the example code from.. for the keypress event handler I'm unable to capture the Delete key. The snippet below is going to log 0 when the Delete key.. Delete key. The snippet below is going to log 0 when the Delete key is pressed in FireFox document .keypress function e console.log..

create, read, and erase cookies with jQuery [duplicate]


expires 7 Sample 3 Get a cookie alert .cookie example Delete the cookie .removeCookie example share improve this answer..

jQuery UI Dialog Button Icons


on a jQuery UI Dialog I've tried doing it this way #DeleteDialog .dialog resizable false height 150 modal true buttons.. .dialog resizable false height 150 modal true buttons 'Delete' function Do stuff this .dialog 'close' Cancel function .. cancel' '.ui dialog buttonpane' .find 'button contains Delete ' .addClass 'ui icon trash' The selectors in the open function..

jqGrid: Disable form fields when editing


use the navbar which is built in to jqGrid to Add Edit and Delete items from the grid. I've got this working like a charm except..

Unexpected token ILLEGAL in webkit


google chrome safari share improve this question Delete all invisible characters whitespace around that area then give..

jqGrid Reposition Delete Confirmation Box


Reposition Delete Confirmation Box I am currently using jqGrid with the navGrid.. it and it will be set to toTop true . So the Add Edit and Delete dialogs will be displayed always to the top of the grid which..

How to create jqGrid Context Menu?


left span span style font size 11px font family Verdana Delete Row span li ul div You can bind the context menu to the grid..

jqGrid resolve the grid pager ID dynamically?


function that show hide default Add Edit and Delete buttons. Here is the function function reconfigPermissions gridID..

How can i get jqgrid frozen columns to work with word wrap on


zIndex 1100 reloadAfterSubmit true url siteRoot controller Delete multipleSearch true beforeShowSearch function form '#searchmodfbox_'..

jQuery add HTML table column


like this table border 1 tbody tr td a href # class delete DELETE ROW a COL 1 td td a href # class delete DELETE COL a COL 2 td.. delete DELETE ROW a COL 1 td td a href # class delete DELETE COL a COL 2 td td a href # class delete DELETE COL a COL 3 td.. delete DELETE COL a COL 2 td td a href # class delete DELETE COL a COL 3 td td a href # class delete DELETE COL a COL 4 td..

Sending Data to ServiceStack RESTful service, getting 'Access is denied'


Allow Origin Access Control Allow Methods GET POST PUT DELETE OPTIONS NOW if I run the same service call through the REST.. Access Control Allow Methods POST GET OPTIONS GET POST PUT DELETE OPTIONS Content Type application json charset utf 8 Access Control.. Allow Origin Access Control Allow Methods GET POST PUT DELETE OPTIONS container.RegisterAutoWired Citation container.RegisterAutoWired..

How to send a PUT/DELETE request in jQuery?


to send a PUT DELETE request in jQuery GET .get .. POST .post .. What about PUT.. in jQuery GET .get .. POST .post .. What about PUT DELETE jquery httprequest share improve this question You could.. could use the ajax method .ajax url ' script.cgi' type 'DELETE' success function result Do something with the result share..

Problem with jQuery.ajax with 'delete' method in ie


them so it's best to do this for PUT requests as well as DELETE requests. javascript jquery ajax internet explorer share.. is GET . Note Other HTTP request methods such as PUT and DELETE can also be used here but they are not supported by all browsers...

Setting the content-type of requests performed by jQuery jqGrid


ajaxDelOptions contentType application json mtype DELETE ... How you can see my server is a RESTfull service developed..

A CORS POST request works from plain javascript, but why not with jQuery?


header 'Access Control Allow Methods GET POST PUT DELETE OPTIONS' header 'Access Control Max Age 604800' if you need..

How do I PUT data to Rails using JQuery


on rails ajax json share improve this question PUT and DELETE are not supported by all browsers RubyOnRails supports passing..

cross-origin 'Authorization'-header with jquery.ajax()


Allow Origin Access Control Allow Methods GET POST PUT DELETE Access Control Allow Headers Authorization Your server also..

How to execute ajax function onbeforeunload?


chat.php type GET return disconnected chat.php delete DELETE FROM queue WHERE id . _SESSION 'CHAT_QUEUE_ID' query etc Is..

Local form editing demo and jqGrid 4.4.1


new_id else if typeof postdata idname undefined set id property only if the property not exist postdata idname rowid delete postdata id_in_postdata prepare postdata for tree grid if grid_p.treeGrid true if addMode tr_par_id grid_p.treeGridModel.. 'parent_id' postdata tr_par_id grid_p.selrow .each grid_p.treeReader function i if postdata.hasOwnProperty this delete postdata this decode data if there encoded with autoencode if grid_p.autoencode .each postdata function n v postdata.. because I use local data I don't want to send the changes to the server so I use processing true setting and delete the row manually in onclickSubmit onclickSubmit function options rowid var this this grid_id .jgrid.jqID this.id grid_p..

How to set/unset cookie with jQuery?


share improve this question See the plugin https github.com carhartl jquery cookie You can then do .cookie test 1 To delete .removeCookie test Additionally to set a timeout of a certain number of days 10 here on the cookie .cookie test 1 expires.. the cookie .cookie test 1 expires 10 If the expires option is omitted then the cookie becomes a session cookie and is deleted when the browser exits. To cover all the options .cookie test 1 expires 10 expires in 10 days path ' ' The value of the..

jQuery memory leak with DOM removal


each call which jQuery includes to prevent memory leaks from events and data associated with the DOM elements being deleted. When I call the removeWithoutLeaking function then my memory stays constant over time but when I call removeWithLeakage.. Although removeData should be removing those cache entries OK IE does not appear to recover the space when you delete a key from an Object. Either way this is an example of the sort of jQuery behaviour I don't appreciate. It is doing far..

Jquery: how to detect a textbox's content has changed


methods of doing this using the keyup event Check explictly if the ascii code of the pressed key is a letter backspace delete Use closures to remember what was the text in the textbox before the key stroke and check whether this has changed. Both..

How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background?


that I mentioned before. But more importantly we had to manually reference and update a DOM node. And if we want to delete a log entry we have to code against the DOM for that too. How do we test the logic apart from the DOM And what if we want..

jquery live hover


live hover I'm using the following jquery code to show a contextual delete button only for table rows we are hovering with our mouse. This works but not for rows that have been added with js ajax..

Should one replace the usage addJSONData of jqGrid to the usage of setGridParam(), and trigger('reloadGrid')?


inside the grid. There are a lot of jqGrid options which allow you to customize this process. First of all one can delete or rename any standard parameter sent to the server with respect to the prmNames option of jqGrid or add any more additional..

jqgrid add row and send data to webservice for insert


. Then the data which will be send to the server will be JSON encoded. Almost the same settings can be used for the delete jQuery.extend jQuery.jgrid.del ajaxDelOptions contentType application json serializeDelData function postData if postData.exercise_value.. 0 TODO modify the data identified by the id else if String.Compare oper del StringComparison.Ordinal 0 TODO delete the data identified by the id You don't wrote which type has exercise_id integer or string. If you use string ids the code..

Multiple search with multiplefields by default


you can receive a good starting point. See on the demo . You will see UPDATE In another answer you will find how to delete the last line of the searching dialog with Inv No which are not the part of the searching rules from the postData.filters..

Can jQuery .keypress() detect more than one key at the same time?


use the keydown and keyup events. var keys document .keydown function e keys e.which true document .keyup function e delete keys e.which I've put together a demo here http jsfiddle.net gFcuU . It's kind of fun though I noticed my keyboard is only..

Browser Memory Usage Comparison: inline onClick vs. using JQuery .bind()


I actually have a table generated using JQGrid and each row has data columns followed by 4 icon 'button' columns delete three other business functions that make AJAX calls back to the server id description __more data_ _X__ _ __ ____ ____ ..

(Deep) copying an array using jQuery [duplicate]


I've used shift .shift above the point is just that b 0 0 contains a pointer to a 0 0 rather than a value. Likewise delete b 0 0 also causes a 0 0 to be deleted and b 0 0 99 also changes the value of a 0 0 to 99. jQuery's extend method does perform.. is just that b 0 0 contains a pointer to a 0 0 rather than a value. Likewise delete b 0 0 also causes a 0 0 to be deleted and b 0 0 99 also changes the value of a 0 0 to 99. jQuery's extend method does perform a deep copy when a true value is..

Background-color hex to JavaScript variable


0 70 255 get this in whatever way. var parts rgbString.match ^rgb d s d s d parts now should be rgb 0 70 255 0 70 255 delete parts 0 for var i 1 i 3 i parts i parseInt parts i .toString 16 if parts i .length 1 parts i '0' parts i var hexString '#'..

How to implement “confirmation” dialog in Jquery UI dialog?


ugly javascript alert box. In my scenario I have a list of items and next to each individual of them I would have a delete button for each of them. the psuedo html setup will be something follows ul li ITEM a href url to remove span itemId span..

make iframe height dynamic based on content inside- JQUERY/Javascript


function iframeLoaded var iFrameID document.getElementById 'idIframe' if iFrameID here you can make the height I delete it first then I make it again iFrameID.height iFrameID.height iFrameID.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight px script..

Use jQuery to change an HTML tag?


p section to change to as an example an h5 tag so you'd end up with h5 Hello h5 after the click. I realize you can delete the p tag and replace it with an h5 but is there anyway to actually modify an HTML tag jquery share improve this question..

How to allow only numeric (0-9) in HTML inputbox using jQuery?


if you want to build it yourself. document .ready function #txtboxToFilter .keydown function event Allow backspace delete tab escape enter and . if .inArray event.keyCode 46 8 9 27 13 190 1 Allow Ctrl A event.keyCode 65 event.ctrlKey true Allow..

GUI-based or Web-based JSON editor that works like property explorer [closed]


lastmod and a table of input type text controls with three columns and three rows for arr_list ... with the ability to delete or add additional rows by clicking on a X next to each row in the table. Big Idea The big idea behind this is that the user..

Image Upload with Preview and Delete


Upload with Preview and Delete Have the followig questions and need answers regarding the following script that will Preview a Photo before upload. The..

How to Delete Session Cookie?


to Delete Session Cookie How to dynamically via javascript delete a session cookie without manually restarting the browser I read..

Capturing “Delete” Keypress with jQuery


&ldquo Delete&rdquo Keypress with jQuery When using the example code from the jQuery documentation for the keypress event handler I'm.. When using the example code from the jQuery documentation for the keypress event handler I'm unable to capture the Delete key. The snippet below is going to log 0 when the Delete key is pressed in FireFox document .keypress function e console.log.. for the keypress event handler I'm unable to capture the Delete key. The snippet below is going to log 0 when the Delete key is pressed in FireFox document .keypress function e console.log e.which Seems there's gotta be a way to capture the..

create, read, and erase cookies with jQuery [duplicate]


jQuery UI Dialog Button Icons


UI Dialog Button Icons Is it possible to add icons to the buttons on a jQuery UI Dialog I've tried doing it this way #DeleteDialog .dialog resizable false height 150 modal true buttons 'Delete' function Do stuff this .dialog 'close' Cancel function.. a jQuery UI Dialog I've tried doing it this way #DeleteDialog .dialog resizable false height 150 modal true buttons 'Delete' function Do stuff this .dialog 'close' Cancel function this .dialog 'close' open function '.ui dialog buttonpane'.. buttonpane' .find 'button contains Cancel ' .addClass 'ui icon cancel' '.ui dialog buttonpane' .find 'button contains Delete ' .addClass 'ui icon trash' The selectors in the open function seem to be working fine. If I add the following to open..

jqGrid: Disable form fields when editing


background information I suppose. Let's get to the point I use the navbar which is built in to jqGrid to Add Edit and Delete items from the grid. I've got this working like a charm except for one thing some fields may only be enabled or visible..

Unexpected token ILLEGAL in webkit


Problem at line 22 character 2 Unexpected ' . javascript jquery google chrome safari share improve this question Delete all invisible characters whitespace around that area then give it another try. I've seen that error in Safari when copy..

jqGrid Reposition Delete Confirmation Box


Reposition Delete Confirmation Box I am currently using jqGrid with the navGrid del set to true. Problem is when a user clicks on delete.. parameter but and delGridRow and editGridRow dosn't use it and it will be set to toTop true . So the Add Edit and Delete dialogs will be displayed always to the top of the grid which can be inside of inviable area. To fix the problem you can..

How to create jqGrid Context Menu?


li li id del span class ui icon ui icon trash style float left span span style font size 11px font family Verdana Delete Row span li ul div You can bind the context menu to the grid rows inside of loadComplete after the rows are placed in the..

jqGrid resolve the grid pager ID dynamically?


EDIT With Oleg help I have been able to code a reconfigPermissions function that show hide default Add Edit and Delete buttons. Here is the function function reconfigPermissions gridID var enableRegistry CanModifyRegistry var ops '#add_' gridID..

How can i get jqgrid frozen columns to work with word wrap on


true closeAfterAdd true url siteRoot controller Add zIndex 1100 reloadAfterSubmit true url siteRoot controller Delete multipleSearch true beforeShowSearch function form '#searchmodfbox_' gridSelector 0 .id .width 560 else jQuery gridSelector..

jQuery add HTML table column


add HTML table column I have a HTML table like this table border 1 tbody tr td a href # class delete DELETE ROW a COL 1 td td a href # class delete DELETE COL a COL 2 td td a href # class delete DELETE COL a COL 3 td td a href #.. a HTML table like this table border 1 tbody tr td a href # class delete DELETE ROW a COL 1 td td a href # class delete DELETE COL a COL 2 td td a href # class delete DELETE COL a COL 3 td td a href # class delete DELETE COL a COL 4 td td a href #.. td a href # class delete DELETE ROW a COL 1 td td a href # class delete DELETE COL a COL 2 td td a href # class delete DELETE COL a COL 3 td td a href # class delete DELETE COL a COL 4 td td a href # class delete DELETE COL a COL 5 td td a href #..

Sending Data to ServiceStack RESTful service, getting 'Access is denied'


true GlobalResponseHeaders Access Control Allow Origin Access Control Allow Methods GET POST PUT DELETE OPTIONS NOW if I run the same service call through the REST Console app in Chrome I get a valid response from ServiceStack... X Powered By ASP.NET ServiceStack 3.948 Win32NT .NET Access Control Allow Methods POST GET OPTIONS GET POST PUT DELETE OPTIONS Content Type application json charset utf 8 Access Control Allow Origin Cache Control private Content Length 58.. true GlobalResponseHeaders Access Control Allow Origin Access Control Allow Methods GET POST PUT DELETE OPTIONS container.RegisterAutoWired Citation container.RegisterAutoWired Driver container.RegisterAutoWired Vehicle..

How to send a PUT/DELETE request in jQuery?


to send a PUT DELETE request in jQuery GET .get .. POST .post .. What about PUT DELETE jquery httprequest share improve this question You.. to send a PUT DELETE request in jQuery GET .get .. POST .post .. What about PUT DELETE jquery httprequest share improve this question You could use the ajax method .ajax url ' script.cgi' type 'DELETE'..

Problem with jQuery.ajax with 'delete' method in ie


to send a PUT request but it officially does not support them so it's best to do this for PUT requests as well as DELETE requests. javascript jquery ajax internet explorer share improve this question Take a look at your type attribute type.. on type The type of request to make POST or GET default is GET . Note Other HTTP request methods such as PUT and DELETE can also be used here but they are not supported by all browsers. I would instead try and include this with your data and..

Setting the content-type of requests performed by jQuery jqGrid


ajaxEditOptions contentType application json ... .extend .jgrid.del ajaxDelOptions contentType application json mtype DELETE ... How you can see my server is a RESTfull service developed mainly in WFC and the rest in ASP.NET MVC . Because .jgrid.edit..

A CORS POST request works from plain javascript, but why not with jQuery?


Control Allow Credentials true' if this getRequestMethod 'OPTIONS' header 'Access Control Allow Methods GET POST PUT DELETE OPTIONS' header 'Access Control Max Age 604800' if you need special headers header 'Access Control Allow Headers x requested..

How do I PUT data to Rails using JQuery


use JSON What shall I do to put JSON to rails jquery ruby on rails ajax json share improve this question PUT and DELETE are not supported by all browsers RubyOnRails supports passing an extra parameter with your data called _method which will..

cross-origin 'Authorization'-header with jquery.ajax()


to do is to add the following response headers Access Control Allow Origin Access Control Allow Methods GET POST PUT DELETE Access Control Allow Headers Authorization Your server also needs to be configured to respond to HTTP OPTIONS requests...

How to execute ajax function onbeforeunload?


closeSession function closeSession .ajax url chat process chat.php type GET return disconnected chat.php delete DELETE FROM queue WHERE id . _SESSION 'CHAT_QUEUE_ID' query etc Is there any way to do this php javascript jquery onbeforeunload..