

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:52

jquery Programming Glossary: delta

How to disable browser or element scrollbar, but allow scrolling with wheel or arrow keys?


div here div script #example .bind mousewheel function ev delta var scrollTop this .scrollTop this .scrollTop scrollTop Math.round.. this .scrollTop this .scrollTop scrollTop Math.round delta script This is a quick mockup you'd have to adjust the numbers..

Correctly calling setGridWidth on a jqGrid inside a jQueryUI Dialog


bdiv jQuery .ui jqgrid bdiv gviewNode if bdiv.length var delta bdiv 0 .scrollHeight bdiv 0 .clientHeight var height grid.height.. bdiv 0 .clientHeight var height grid.height if delta 0 height height delta 0 grid.setGridHeight height delta var.. var height grid.height if delta 0 height height delta 0 grid.setGridHeight height delta var fixGridSize function..

Slider with buttons. How to improve?


this .data 'x' event.clientX .mousewheel function event delta this.scrollLeft delta 30 .css 'overflow' 'hidden' 'cursor' '.. .mousewheel function event delta this.scrollLeft delta 30 .css 'overflow' 'hidden' 'cursor' ' moz grab' share improve..

jQuery UI Resizable alsoResize reverse


alsoResize to alsoResizeReverse and subtracting the delta instead of adding it what makes the resize reversed . The original.. os self.originalSize op self.originalPosition var delta height self.size.height os.height 0 width self.size.width os.width.. 'top' 'left' function i prop var sum start prop 0 delta prop 0 subtracting instead of adding if sum sum 0 style prop..

jQuery - how to wait for the 'end' or 'resize' event and only then perform an action?


var rtime new Date 1 1 2000 12 00 00 var timeout false var delta 200 window .resize function rtime new Date if timeout false.. Date if timeout false timeout true setTimeout resizeend delta function resizeend if new Date rtime delta setTimeout resizeend.. resizeend delta function resizeend if new Date rtime delta setTimeout resizeend delta else timeout false alert 'Done resizing'..

Run setTimeout only when tab is active


this question Here you go function var time 10000 delta 100 tid tid setInterval function if window.blurred return time.. tid setInterval function if window.blurred return time delta if time 0 clearInterval tid myFunction time passed do your.. 0 clearInterval tid myFunction time passed do your work delta window.onblur function window.blurred true window.onfocus function..

Display 2 weeks in jQuery FullCalendar


var formatDate calendar.formatDate function render date delta if delta addMonths date delta date.setDate 1 var start cloneDate.. calendar.formatDate function render date delta if delta addMonths date delta date.setDate 1 var start cloneDate date.. function render date delta if delta addMonths date delta date.setDate 1 var start cloneDate date true start.setDate 1..

How to disable browser or element scrollbar, but allow scrolling with wheel or arrow keys?


height 200px overflow hidden insert enough text to overflow div here div script #example .bind mousewheel function ev delta var scrollTop this .scrollTop this .scrollTop scrollTop Math.round delta script This is a quick mockup you'd have to adjust.. script #example .bind mousewheel function ev delta var scrollTop this .scrollTop this .scrollTop scrollTop Math.round delta script This is a quick mockup you'd have to adjust the numbers since for me this scrolls a bit slowly. keyCode reference..

Correctly calling setGridWidth on a jqGrid inside a jQueryUI Dialog


var bdiv jQuery #gview_ grid 0 .id .ui jqgrid bdiv var bdiv jQuery .ui jqgrid bdiv gviewNode if bdiv.length var delta bdiv 0 .scrollHeight bdiv 0 .clientHeight var height grid.height if delta 0 height height delta 0 grid.setGridHeight height.. .ui jqgrid bdiv gviewNode if bdiv.length var delta bdiv 0 .scrollHeight bdiv 0 .clientHeight var height grid.height if delta 0 height height delta 0 grid.setGridHeight height delta var fixGridSize function grid this.fixGridWidth grid this.fixGridHeight.. if bdiv.length var delta bdiv 0 .scrollHeight bdiv 0 .clientHeight var height grid.height if delta 0 height height delta 0 grid.setGridHeight height delta var fixGridSize function grid this.fixGridWidth grid this.fixGridHeight grid In this..

Slider with buttons. How to improve?


jQuery UI Resizable alsoResize reverse


Only a few things had to be changed such as the obvious renaming alsoResize to alsoResizeReverse and subtracting the delta instead of adding it what makes the resize reversed . The original alsoResize code starts on line 2200 in this version of.. function event ui var self this .data resizable o self.options os self.originalSize op self.originalPosition var delta height self.size.height os.height 0 width self.size.width os.width 0 top self.position.top op.top 0 left self.position.left.. c 'width' 'height' 'top' 'left' .each css 'width' 'height' 'top' 'left' function i prop var sum start prop 0 delta prop 0 subtracting instead of adding if sum sum 0 style prop sum null Opera fixing relative position if relative .test..

jQuery - how to wait for the 'end' or 'resize' event and only then perform an action?


so you don't have to dig through his post's link source var rtime new Date 1 1 2000 12 00 00 var timeout false var delta 200 window .resize function rtime new Date if timeout false timeout true setTimeout resizeend delta function resizeend if.. timeout false var delta 200 window .resize function rtime new Date if timeout false timeout true setTimeout resizeend delta function resizeend if new Date rtime delta setTimeout resizeend delta else timeout false alert 'Done resizing' Thanks.. function rtime new Date if timeout false timeout true setTimeout resizeend delta function resizeend if new Date rtime delta setTimeout resizeend delta else timeout false alert 'Done resizing' Thanks sime.vidas for the code share improve this..

Run setTimeout only when tab is active


come back for another 8000ms. javascript jquery share improve this question Here you go function var time 10000 delta 100 tid tid setInterval function if window.blurred return time delta if time 0 clearInterval tid myFunction time passed.. question Here you go function var time 10000 delta 100 tid tid setInterval function if window.blurred return time delta if time 0 clearInterval tid myFunction time passed do your work delta window.onblur function window.blurred true window.onfocus.. function if window.blurred return time delta if time 0 clearInterval tid myFunction time passed do your work delta window.onblur function window.blurred true window.onfocus function window.blurred false Live demo http jsfiddle.net simevidas..

Display 2 weeks in jQuery FullCalendar


calendar 'month' var opt t.opt var renderBasic t.renderBasic var formatDate calendar.formatDate function render date delta if delta addMonths date delta date.setDate 1 var start cloneDate date true start.setDate 1 var end addMonths cloneDate start.. 'month' var opt t.opt var renderBasic t.renderBasic var formatDate calendar.formatDate function render date delta if delta addMonths date delta date.setDate 1 var start cloneDate date true start.setDate 1 var end addMonths cloneDate start 1 var.. var renderBasic t.renderBasic var formatDate calendar.formatDate function render date delta if delta addMonths date delta date.setDate 1 var start cloneDate date true start.setDate 1 var end addMonths cloneDate start 1 var visStart cloneDate..