

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:52

jquery Programming Glossary: demand

jquery tooltip, but on click instead of hover


looks like a title tooltip but can be shown and hidden on demand instead of being tied to a hover jquery share improve this..

jQuery “Object doesn't support this property or method” in Internet Explorer


a website. I am attempting to create a new DOM element on demand using the following code container ' div id myContainer div..

Text blinking jQuery


Working example for JavaScriptResult in asp.net mvc


would result in lots of server requests Load classes on demand when they are needed or maybe even execute certain class functions.. needed or maybe even execute certain class functions on demand when and if they are needed. In this particular case the second..

How to make a JS horizontal content slide from px to % responsive


Please resize window to see what I mean. EDIT by popular demand. What I want In small screens say from 700 and down. I want..

Can I load external stylesheets on request?


the reduction is worth the added complexity of loading on demand and the slightly reduced responsiveness of the lightbox because.. responsiveness of the lightbox because when loading on demand the lightbox will have to wait for its own CSS and JS to load..

Can you clear jquery ajax cache?


show them on will using jquery but I'd rather have it on demand. Otherwise there will be so much crap hidden and it will slow..

jqGrid - Scrollbar missing on Safari Mobile


is that even though the CSS on your page may specifically demand that the div show a scroll bar mobile Safari removes it anyway...

HTML formatter/tidy/beautifier for JavaScript


that could format this into a more readable form on demand. javascript jquery html htmltidy beautifier share improve..

jquery simple image slider w/ajax


lots of images on it and only want to load extra images on demand. IE if the user clicks on it or mouses over whatever. Most if..

Reload chart data via JSON with Highcharts


different data into the pie chart based on user input on demand document .ready function This is an example of how I would..

How to get a cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) post request working


port 8081 that I am using to trigger a file conversion on demand. The file conversion is triggered by a AJAX POST request from..

jQuery: Why does .width() sometimes return 0 after inserting elements with .html()?


the reason and is there a work around Edit By popular demand EXAMPLE ajax.response is div class boxes div class box width..

Parsing XML with CDATA with JQuery


accomplished this jquery xml parsing fogbugz fogbugz on demand share improve this question It would seem that the XML parsing..

jQuery loading images on demand


loading images on demand I am trying to load images on demand in order to prevent downloading.. loading images on demand I am trying to load images on demand in order to prevent downloading of unneeded images. I am using..

How to get fullscreen video on jwplayer when using with fancybox


are planning to show them in fancybox is to call them on demand so with this html a class video href pathToVideo video.flv open..

Web Forms Tabular Control for this Scenario


in the page. Hence the table data should be loaded on demand only. When the page is loaded for the first time it should be..

jquery tooltip, but on click instead of hover


now to display on a click. How can I get a floating box that looks like a title tooltip but can be shown and hidden on demand instead of being tied to a hover jquery share improve this question If you feel like handcoding it this should do the..

jQuery “Object doesn't support this property or method” in Internet Explorer


Explorer I am using jQuery to add some dynamic content to a website. I am attempting to create a new DOM element on demand using the following code container ' div id myContainer div ' This works perfectly in Firefox and Safari but Internet Explorer..

Text blinking jQuery


Working example for JavaScriptResult in asp.net mvc


small sub set of up front known classes because otherwise this would result in lots of server requests Load classes on demand when they are needed or maybe even execute certain class functions on demand when and if they are needed. In this particular.. lots of server requests Load classes on demand when they are needed or maybe even execute certain class functions on demand when and if they are needed. In this particular case the second scenario would be much better and much more efficient in..

How to make a JS horizontal content slide from px to % responsive


how I want it to work .. until I get to less than 775px. Please resize window to see what I mean. EDIT by popular demand. What I want In small screens say from 700 and down. I want one panel to fill the screen. At a time. 2ND edit It works fine..

Can I load external stylesheets on request?


with the lightbox code in there and without to see whether the reduction is worth the added complexity of loading on demand and the slightly reduced responsiveness of the lightbox because when loading on demand the lightbox will have to wait for.. added complexity of loading on demand and the slightly reduced responsiveness of the lightbox because when loading on demand the lightbox will have to wait for its own CSS and JS to load before it can do its thing After minification and gzipping..

Can you clear jquery ajax cache?


updated version. I could probably hide all the paragraphs and show them on will using jquery but I'd rather have it on demand. Otherwise there will be so much crap hidden and it will slow down the page imagine if some guy has 50 rows and each one..

jqGrid - Scrollbar missing on Safari Mobile


own scroll bar even if there is overflow. The worst thing is that even though the CSS on your page may specifically demand that the div show a scroll bar mobile Safari removes it anyway. The bigger issue is figuring out a good UI pattern to demonstrate..

HTML formatter/tidy/beautifier for JavaScript


editor is normally a single line. So I would like a JavaScript that could format this into a more readable form on demand. javascript jquery html htmltidy beautifier share improve this question You may find this to be useful http github.com..

jquery simple image slider w/ajax


simple image slider w ajax I have a page with lots of images on it and only want to load extra images on demand. IE if the user clicks on it or mouses over whatever. Most if not all of the sliders i've seen use the hidden attribute..

Reload chart data via JSON with Highcharts


spending by category . Need to find how to load completely different data into the pie chart based on user input on demand document .ready function This is an example of how I would retrieve the value for the button .clickMe .click function..

How to get a cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) post request working


our library. The second server is a CherryPy python script port 8081 that I am using to trigger a file conversion on demand. The file conversion is triggered by a AJAX POST request from the page served from the XBMC server. Goto http machineA 8080..

jQuery: Why does .width() sometimes return 0 after inserting elements with .html()?


.find '...' .width but it still sometimes does not work. What's the reason and is there a work around Edit By popular demand EXAMPLE ajax.response is div class boxes div class box width A test 1 div div class box width B test 2 div div class box..

Parsing XML with CDATA with JQuery


would think that there's something out there. Has anyone else accomplished this jquery xml parsing fogbugz fogbugz on demand share improve this question It would seem that the XML parsing that's native to JQuery There is no XML parsing native..

jQuery loading images on demand


loading images on demand I am trying to load images on demand in order to prevent downloading of unneeded images. I am using jQuery. So far this.. loading images on demand I am trying to load images on demand in order to prevent downloading of unneeded images. I am using jQuery. So far this is what I have come up with '#region_image'..

How to get fullscreen video on jwplayer when using with fancybox


the performance and page load. The recommended method if you are planning to show them in fancybox is to call them on demand so with this html a class video href pathToVideo video.flv open my video in fancybox a use this script script type text..

Web Forms Tabular Control for this Scenario


based on the clicked menu item. There will be around 10 tables in the page. Hence the table data should be loaded on demand only. When the page is loaded for the first time it should be having data only in one table. Other tables should be blank...