

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:51

jquery Programming Glossary: delayed

Is $(document).ready() also CSS ready?


completed I did some testing and indeed sometimes JS is delayed until the CSS is loaded. I don't know why because the waterfall..

Problems with Mobiscroll - orientationchange and access address bar crashes some mobile browsers


function debounced var obj this args arguments function delayed if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout null if timeout.. else if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout setTimeout delayed threshold 100 smartresize jQuery.fn sr function fn threshold..

jQuery ajax Page Reload


not. But I put it there to show how ajaxStop event is delayed to be triggered until all ongoing requests are done or completed..

Facebook Style AJAX Search


function debounced var obj this args arguments function delayed if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout null if timeout clearTimeout.. else if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout setTimeout delayed threshold 100 And then whenever I do anything that will benefit..

Idiomatic jQuery delayed event (only after a short pause in typing)? (e.g. timewatch/typewatch/keywatch)


jQuery delayed event only after a short pause in typing e.g. timewatch typewatch..

jquery delay() doesn't delay attr() in the queue


to get this effect fadeOut 500 and attr 'class' 'myClass' delayed by 600 millisecs.. then delay 600 again and fadeIn 500 . The.. . The delays happen correctly but the attr is not being delayed it fires when #myDiv is still fading ' '#myDiv' .fadeOut 500..

jQuery: delay() or timeout with stop()?


if i hover over #download the fadeIn should start 1second delayed. If i mouseout meanwhile the fadeIn shouldn't start. Get me..

delayed addclass/remove class function not working


addclass remove class function not working what am I doing..

window.resize in jquery firing multiple times


function debounced var obj this args arguments function delayed if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout null if timeout.. else if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout setTimeout delayed threshold 100 smartresize jQuery.fn sr function fn return fn..

Multiple AJAX requests delay each other


presses another button the sending of that new request is delayed until the previous script times out. I can't see anything wrong.. with the code on jQuery side. Why is the onclick event delayed function poll .ajax url xhr poll 1 data user_id app.user.id..

How to chain ajax calls using jquery


provided for failures. In each solution the Ajax calls are delayed until needed by wrapping them in a function and a new promise..

How can I prevent jquery.hover() from flickering other elements when moving the mouse between elements?


between the flash effect from the first fiddle or the delayed fade in effect from the second fiddle. share improve this answer..

time delayed redirect?


delayed redirect I have a website which slides to a section called.. 2 then redirect to my blog engine. Please suggest a time delayed redirect If i can redirect with a time delayed based on the.. a time delayed redirect If i can redirect with a time delayed based on the click of the blog li li data target blog data target..

Is $(document).ready() also CSS ready?


any JS code is then halted until all earlier requests have completed I did some testing and indeed sometimes JS is delayed until the CSS is loaded. I don't know why because the waterfall shows that the JS has completed loading long before downloading..

Problems with Mobiscroll - orientationchange and access address bar crashes some mobile browsers


debounce function func threshold execAsap var timeout return function debounced var obj this args arguments function delayed if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout null if timeout clearTimeout timeout else if execAsap func.apply obj args.. obj args timeout null if timeout clearTimeout timeout else if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout setTimeout delayed threshold 100 smartresize jQuery.fn sr function fn threshold execAsap return fn this.bind 'resize' debounce fn threshold..

jQuery ajax Page Reload


Facebook Style AJAX Search


debounce function func threshold execAsap var timeout return function debounced var obj this args arguments function delayed if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout null if timeout clearTimeout timeout else if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout.. obj args timeout null if timeout clearTimeout timeout else if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout setTimeout delayed threshold 100 And then whenever I do anything that will benefit from a debounce I can use it generically So your code would..

Idiomatic jQuery delayed event (only after a short pause in typing)? (e.g. timewatch/typewatch/keywatch)


jQuery delayed event only after a short pause in typing e.g. timewatch typewatch keywatch Here is some jQuery for a search box that I..

jquery delay() doesn't delay attr() in the queue


attr in the queue what is wrong in this code I'm trying to get this effect fadeOut 500 and attr 'class' 'myClass' delayed by 600 millisecs.. then delay 600 again and fadeIn 500 . The delays happen correctly but the attr is not being delayed it.. delayed by 600 millisecs.. then delay 600 again and fadeIn 500 . The delays happen correctly but the attr is not being delayed it fires when #myDiv is still fading ' '#myDiv' .fadeOut 500 .delay 600 .attr 'class' 'myClass' .delay 600 .fadeIn 500 ..

jQuery: delay() or timeout with stop()?


function to have a stop and a DELAY of like a 1sec. So if i hover over #download the fadeIn should start 1second delayed. If i mouseout meanwhile the fadeIn shouldn't start. Get me I don't really know how to do that any ideas regards matt javascript..

delayed addclass/remove class function not working


addclass remove class function not working what am I doing wroing here function 'ul li nth child 1 ' .addClass go .delay..

window.resize in jquery firing multiple times


debounce function func threshold execAsap var timeout return function debounced var obj this args arguments function delayed if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout null if timeout clearTimeout timeout else if execAsap func.apply obj args.. obj args timeout null if timeout clearTimeout timeout else if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout setTimeout delayed threshold 100 smartresize jQuery.fn sr function fn return fn this.bind 'resize' debounce fn this.trigger sr jQuery 'smartresize'..

Multiple AJAX requests delay each other


20 seconds. So when the long polling is idling and the user presses another button the sending of that new request is delayed until the previous script times out. I can't see anything wrong with the code on jQuery side. Why is the onclick event delayed.. until the previous script times out. I can't see anything wrong with the code on jQuery side. Why is the onclick event delayed function poll .ajax url xhr poll 1 data user_id app.user.id type POST dataType JSON success pollComplete error function..

How to chain ajax calls using jquery


provided the sccess function a similar function should be provided for failures. In each solution the Ajax calls are delayed until needed by wrapping them in a function and a new promise is created for each item in the list to build the chain. I..

How can I prevent jquery.hover() from flickering other elements when moving the mouse between elements?


time delayed redirect?


delayed redirect I have a website which slides to a section called blog in my HTML. I want the user to simply see the page for.. I want the user to simply see the page for a brief second or 2 then redirect to my blog engine. Please suggest a time delayed redirect If i can redirect with a time delayed based on the click of the blog li li data target blog data target activation.. second or 2 then redirect to my blog engine. Please suggest a time delayed redirect If i can redirect with a time delayed based on the click of the blog li li data target blog data target activation click class tile icon_add_favourite div h2..