

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:51

jquery Programming Glossary: deg

jQuery rounded slider


2 var sliderH2 slider.height 2 var radius 200 var deg 0 var elP '#container' .offset var elPos x elP.left y elP.top.. elPos.y var atan Math.atan2 mPos.x radius mPos.y radius deg atan Math.PI 180 180 final 0 360 positive degrees from mouse.. radius deg atan Math.PI 180 180 final 0 360 positive degrees from mouse position X Math.round radius Math.sin deg Math.PI..

How to combine jQuery animate with css3 properties without using css transitions?


css but i want to do this with jQuery animate for rotating deg value according to my jQuery variatons. Is it possible use animate.. working '.red' .animate 'transform' 'rotate ' rotateVal 'deg ' 500 this way works but i don't want to do this with transitions.. transitions '.black' .css 'transform' 'rotate ' rotateVal 'deg ' 'transition' '1s' html span class black span span class red..

CSS rotation cross browser with jquery.animate()


DoRotate d #MyDiv1 .css ' moz transform' 'rotate ' d 'deg ' ' webkit transform' 'rotate ' d 'deg ' ' o transform' 'rotate.. 'rotate ' d 'deg ' ' webkit transform' 'rotate ' d 'deg ' ' o transform' 'rotate ' d 'deg ' ' ms transform' 'rotate.. transform' 'rotate ' d 'deg ' ' o transform' 'rotate ' d 'deg ' ' ms transform' 'rotate ' d 'deg ' 'transform' 'rotate ' d..

jQuery Mobile lock orientation


'body' .css webkit transform rotate new_orientation deg This is a risky way but thinks its the only way.. Hope this.. 'body' .css webkit transform rotate new_orientation deg I wrote this little script a while ago It fix the multiply..

jQuery rounded slider


'#container' var slider '#slider' var sliderW2 slider.width 2 var sliderH2 slider.height 2 var radius 200 var deg 0 var elP '#container' .offset var elPos x elP.left y elP.top var X 0 Y 0 var mdown false '#container' .mousedown function.. e if mdown var mPos x e.clientX elPos.x y e.clientY elPos.y var atan Math.atan2 mPos.x radius mPos.y radius deg atan Math.PI 180 180 final 0 360 positive degrees from mouse position X Math.round radius Math.sin deg Math.PI 180 Y Math.round.. y e.clientY elPos.y var atan Math.atan2 mPos.x radius mPos.y radius deg atan Math.PI 180 180 final 0 360 positive degrees from mouse position X Math.round radius Math.sin deg Math.PI 180 Y Math.round radius Math.cos deg Math.PI 180 slider.css..

How to combine jQuery animate with css3 properties without using css transitions?


I can manage this animation with css3 transition and jQuery css but i want to do this with jQuery animate for rotating deg value according to my jQuery variatons. Is it possible use animate with css3 property value with jQuery 1.8.0 Here is jsFiddle.. to inspect. jQuery var rotateVal 90 this method isn't working '.red' .animate 'transform' 'rotate ' rotateVal 'deg ' 500 this way works but i don't want to do this with transitions '.black' .css 'transform' 'rotate ' rotateVal 'deg ' 'transition'.. 'deg ' 500 this way works but i don't want to do this with transitions '.black' .css 'transform' 'rotate ' rotateVal 'deg ' 'transition' '1s' html span class black span span class red span Edit Vendor prefixes removed like webkit . Thanks to..

CSS rotation cross browser with jquery.animate()


document .ready function DoRotate 30 AnimateRotate 30 function DoRotate d #MyDiv1 .css ' moz transform' 'rotate ' d 'deg ' ' webkit transform' 'rotate ' d 'deg ' ' o transform' 'rotate ' d 'deg ' ' ms transform' 'rotate ' d 'deg ' 'transform'.. AnimateRotate 30 function DoRotate d #MyDiv1 .css ' moz transform' 'rotate ' d 'deg ' ' webkit transform' 'rotate ' d 'deg ' ' o transform' 'rotate ' d 'deg ' ' ms transform' 'rotate ' d 'deg ' 'transform' 'rotate ' d 'deg ' function AnimateRotate.. d #MyDiv1 .css ' moz transform' 'rotate ' d 'deg ' ' webkit transform' 'rotate ' d 'deg ' ' o transform' 'rotate ' d 'deg ' ' ms transform' 'rotate ' d 'deg ' 'transform' 'rotate ' d 'deg ' function AnimateRotate d #MyDiv2 .animate ' moz transform'..

jQuery Mobile lock orientation


var new_orientation orientation 0 180 orientation 'body' .css webkit transform rotate new_orientation deg This is a risky way but thinks its the only way.. Hope this helps please let me know See http jsfiddle.net aalouv sABRQ.. var new_orientation orientation 0 180 orientation 'body' .css webkit transform rotate new_orientation deg I wrote this little script a while ago It fix the multiply resize callback bug in iOS safari and the non late early trigger..