

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:51

jquery Programming Glossary: degrees

jQuery rounded slider


radius deg atan Math.PI 180 180 final 0 360 positive degrees from mouse position X Math.round radius Math.sin deg Math.PI.. sliderW2 top Y radius sliderH2 AND FINALLY apply exact degrees to ball rotation slider.css WebkitTransform 'rotate ' deg 'deg.. '#test' .html 'angle deg ' deg To calculate the degrees first we need to get the mouse coordinates inside the parent..

Trying to use Google Places API with JQuery's getJSON function


Special color transition effect with pure jQuery animation // no ui or other libary


1 type byte blue idx 2 type byte hsla props hue idx 0 type degrees saturation idx 1 type percent lightness idx 2 type percent r.. idx 2 type percent r byte floor 0 max 255 percent max 1 degrees mod 360 floor 0 t f.support u h p 0 o j h.each u.style.cssText..

360 degrees rotating view in JavaScript [closed]


degrees rotating view in JavaScript closed Are there any good JavaScript..

How to rotate a div using jQuery [closed]


jsFiddle Demo . var rotation 0 jQuery.fn.rotate function degrees this .css ' webkit transform' 'rotate ' degrees 'deg ' ' moz.. function degrees this .css ' webkit transform' 'rotate ' degrees 'deg ' ' moz transform' 'rotate ' degrees 'deg ' ' ms transform'.. 'rotate ' degrees 'deg ' ' moz transform' 'rotate ' degrees 'deg ' ' ms transform' 'rotate ' degrees 'deg ' 'transform'..

Rotate sprite javascript


Math.atan2 e.pageY cannonY e.pageX cannonX Convert to degrees var degrees radians 180 Math.PI And this is where I am I mean.. e.pageY cannonY e.pageX cannonX Convert to degrees var degrees radians 180 Math.PI And this is where I am I mean since the.. x and y increase right and down . This makes the degrees of atan work clockwise instead of the usual counter clockwise..

Rotate text in IE, without it getting ugly


without it getting ugly I'd like to rotate a text by 90 degrees counter clockwise. Firefox and Chrome are no problem using webkit.. method writing mode can only rotate text clockwise 90 degrees . However in IE the rotated text looks like a badly scaled image..

jQuery rotate/transform


value into the function... in this example 45 for 45 degrees. function var elie #bkgimg rotate 45 function rotate degree..

How does jquery mobile hide mobile safari's addressbar?


if the window orientation registers as 0 or 180 degrees report portrait otherwise landscape isPortrait portrait_map..

jQuery rounded slider


y e.clientY elPos.y var atan Math.atan2 mPos.x radius mPos.y radius deg atan Math.PI 180 180 final 0 360 positive degrees from mouse position X Math.round radius Math.sin deg Math.PI 180 Y Math.round radius Math.cos deg Math.PI 180 slider.css.. radius Math.cos deg Math.PI 180 slider.css left X radius sliderW2 top Y radius sliderH2 AND FINALLY apply exact degrees to ball rotation slider.css WebkitTransform 'rotate ' deg 'deg ' slider.css ' moz transform' 'rotate ' deg 'deg ' PRINT.. slider.css ' moz transform' 'rotate ' deg 'deg ' PRINT DEGREES '#test' .html 'angle deg ' deg To calculate the degrees first we need to get the mouse coordinates inside the parent mouseCoordX clientX #container.offset .left mouseCoordY clientY..

Trying to use Google Places API with JQuery's getJSON function


Special color transition effect with pure jQuery animation // no ui or other libary


a b c d k rgba props red idx 0 type byte green idx 1 type byte blue idx 2 type byte hsla props hue idx 0 type degrees saturation idx 1 type percent lightness idx 2 type percent r byte floor 0 max 255 percent max 1 degrees mod 360 floor 0.. hue idx 0 type degrees saturation idx 1 type percent lightness idx 2 type percent r byte floor 0 max 255 percent max 1 degrees mod 360 floor 0 t f.support u h p 0 o j h.each u.style.cssText background color rgba 1 1 1 .5 t.rgba 1 u.style.backgroundColor.indexOf..

360 degrees rotating view in JavaScript [closed]


degrees rotating view in JavaScript closed Are there any good JavaScript libraries that can do this These are usually done in flash..

How to rotate a div using jQuery [closed]


further here you go. For more details and examples read on. jsFiddle Demo . var rotation 0 jQuery.fn.rotate function degrees this .css ' webkit transform' 'rotate ' degrees 'deg ' ' moz transform' 'rotate ' degrees 'deg ' ' ms transform' 'rotate.. read on. jsFiddle Demo . var rotation 0 jQuery.fn.rotate function degrees this .css ' webkit transform' 'rotate ' degrees 'deg ' ' moz transform' 'rotate ' degrees 'deg ' ' ms transform' 'rotate ' degrees 'deg ' 'transform' 'rotate ' degrees.. 0 jQuery.fn.rotate function degrees this .css ' webkit transform' 'rotate ' degrees 'deg ' ' moz transform' 'rotate ' degrees 'deg ' ' ms transform' 'rotate ' degrees 'deg ' 'transform' 'rotate ' degrees 'deg ' '.rotate' .click function rotation..

Rotate sprite javascript


obj.cannon .offset .top Get radians using atan2 var radians Math.atan2 e.pageY cannonY e.pageX cannonX Convert to degrees var degrees radians 180 Math.PI And this is where I am I mean since the image width is 100px and I need to move the background.. .offset .top Get radians using atan2 var radians Math.atan2 e.pageY cannonY e.pageX cannonX Convert to degrees var degrees radians 180 Math.PI And this is where I am I mean since the image width is 100px and I need to move the background position.. normal by 90 . Pay attention to the fact that the screen coordinates x and y increase right and down . This makes the degrees of atan work clockwise instead of the usual counter clockwise in coordinate systems where x and y increase right and up..

Rotate text in IE, without it getting ugly


text in IE without it getting ugly I'd like to rotate a text by 90 degrees counter clockwise. Firefox and Chrome are no problem using webkit transform origin top left webkit transform rotate 90deg.. DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage rotation 3 The other method writing mode can only rotate text clockwise 90 degrees . However in IE the rotated text looks like a badly scaled image on its side comparison below . Firefox Chrome vs Internet..

jQuery rotate/transform


call setTimeout function rotate degree 65 Then pass the desired value into the function... in this example 45 for 45 degrees. function var elie #bkgimg rotate 45 function rotate degree For webkit browsers e.g. Chrome elie.css WebkitTransform 'rotate..

How does jquery mobile hide mobile safari's addressbar?


eg use media queries element opacity if utils.supportOrientation if the window orientation registers as 0 or 180 degrees report portrait otherwise landscape isPortrait portrait_map window.orientation else isPortrait elem elem.clientWidth..