jquery Programming Glossary: date.getday
How can I add n days to a date but exclude Sundays using yyyymmdd format? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12238220/how-can-i-add-n-days-to-a-date-but-exclude-sundays-using-yyyymmdd-format
How to use jQuery UI Calendar/Date PIcker for week rather than day? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1289633/how-to-use-jquery-ui-calendar-date-picker-for-week-rather-than-day new Date date.getFullYear date.getMonth date.getDate date.getDay endDate new Date date.getFullYear date.getMonth date.getDate.. new Date date.getFullYear date.getMonth date.getDate date.getDay 6 var dateFormat inst.settings.dateFormat .datepicker._defaults.dateFormat..
Can I highlight an entire week in the standard Jquery UI date picker? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2224135/can-i-highlight-an-entire-week-in-the-standard-jquery-ui-date-picker new Date date.getFullYear date.getMonth date.getDate date.getDay endDate new Date date.getFullYear date.getMonth date.getDate.. new Date date.getFullYear date.getMonth date.getDate date.getDay 6 var dateFormat inst.settings.dateFormat .datepicker._defaults.dateFormat..
Disable specific days of the week on jQuery UI datepicker [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2968414/disable-specific-days-of-the-week-on-jquery-ui-datepicker .datepicker beforeShowDay function date var day date.getDay return day 1 day 2 ‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€ You can see a working demo here..
jquery datepicker - beforeShowDay problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3812203/jquery-datepicker-beforeshowday-problem .html With this body code... div span class days date.getDay 1 date.getDay 4 span input type text class datepicker div div.. With this body code... div span class days date.getDay 1 date.getDay 4 span input type text class datepicker div div span class days.. input type text class datepicker div div span class days date.getDay 2 date.getDay 5 span input type text class datepicker div What..
Highlight <TR> entire week datepicker http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7187796/highlight-tr-entire-week-datepicker new Date date.getFullYear date.getMonth date.getDate date.getDay 1 endDate new Date date.getFullYear date.getMonth date.getDate.. new Date date.getFullYear date.getMonth date.getDate date.getDay 6 var dateFormat 'yy mm dd' var newDate '#startDate' .text .datepicker.formatDate..
How can I add n days to a date but exclude Sundays using yyyymmdd format? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12238220/how-can-i-add-n-days-to-a-date-but-exclude-sundays-using-yyyymmdd-format
How to use jQuery UI Calendar/Date PIcker for week rather than day? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1289633/how-to-use-jquery-ui-calendar-date-picker-for-week-rather-than-day dateText inst var date this .datepicker 'getDate' startDate new Date date.getFullYear date.getMonth date.getDate date.getDay endDate new Date date.getFullYear date.getMonth date.getDate date.getDay 6 var dateFormat inst.settings.dateFormat .datepicker._defaults.dateFormat.. date.getFullYear date.getMonth date.getDate date.getDay endDate new Date date.getFullYear date.getMonth date.getDate date.getDay 6 var dateFormat inst.settings.dateFormat .datepicker._defaults.dateFormat '#startDate' .text .datepicker.formatDate dateFormat..
Can I highlight an entire week in the standard Jquery UI date picker? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2224135/can-i-highlight-an-entire-week-in-the-standard-jquery-ui-date-picker dateText inst var date this .datepicker 'getDate' startDate new Date date.getFullYear date.getMonth date.getDate date.getDay endDate new Date date.getFullYear date.getMonth date.getDate date.getDay 6 var dateFormat inst.settings.dateFormat .datepicker._defaults.dateFormat.. date.getFullYear date.getMonth date.getDate date.getDay endDate new Date date.getFullYear date.getMonth date.getDate date.getDay 6 var dateFormat inst.settings.dateFormat .datepicker._defaults.dateFormat '#startDate' .text .datepicker.formatDate dateFormat..
Disable specific days of the week on jQuery UI datepicker [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2968414/disable-specific-days-of-the-week-on-jquery-ui-datepicker combined with Date.getDay to do what you want like this #datepicker .datepicker beforeShowDay function date var day date.getDay return day 1 day 2 ‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€ You can see a working demo here this just takes the date checks if it's a Monday 1 or Tuesday..
jquery datepicker - beforeShowDay problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3812203/jquery-datepicker-beforeshowday-problem beforeShowDay function date return this .parent .find span.days .html With this body code... div span class days date.getDay 1 date.getDay 4 span input type text class datepicker div div span class days date.getDay 2 date.getDay 5 span input type.. function date return this .parent .find span.days .html With this body code... div span class days date.getDay 1 date.getDay 4 span input type text class datepicker div div span class days date.getDay 2 date.getDay 5 span input type text class datepicker.. code... div span class days date.getDay 1 date.getDay 4 span input type text class datepicker div div span class days date.getDay 2 date.getDay 5 span input type text class datepicker div What I want to be able to do is have each datepicker have different..
Highlight <TR> entire week datepicker http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7187796/highlight-tr-entire-week-datepicker dateText inst var date this .datepicker 'getDate' startDate new Date date.getFullYear date.getMonth date.getDate date.getDay 1 endDate new Date date.getFullYear date.getMonth date.getDate date.getDay 6 var dateFormat 'yy mm dd' var newDate '#startDate'.. date.getFullYear date.getMonth date.getDate date.getDay 1 endDate new Date date.getFullYear date.getMonth date.getDate date.getDay 6 var dateFormat 'yy mm dd' var newDate '#startDate' .text .datepicker.formatDate dateFormat startDate inst.settings var..