

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:46

jquery Programming Glossary: datainit

Is there anyway to include a MultiSelect Combobox in a jqGrid?


'select' editoptions value 'FE FedEx TN TNT IN Intim' dataInit function elem setTimeout function elem .multiselect minWidth..

How to validate the subgrid rows in jquery?


'text' editable true editoptions size 10 maxlength 15 dataInit function element element .timepicker dataEvents type 'change'.. 'text' editable true editoptions size 10 maxlength 15 dataInit function element element .timepicker dataEvents type 'change'..

DatePicker options “changemonth” and “changeyear” not working in jqGrid's edit form


editrules integer true required true editoptions size 5 dataInit function el setTimeout function SetDatepicker 'input name^..

Local form editing demo and jqGrid 4.4.1


'd M Y' editable true datefmt 'd M Y' editoptions dataInit initDateEdit size 14 searchoptions dataInit initDateSearch name.. Y' editoptions dataInit initDateEdit size 14 searchoptions dataInit initDateSearch name 'amount' index 'amount' width 70 formatter..

How do make datepicker onselect function works differently in toolbar search and advanced search in jqgrid


'date' search true searchoptions sopt 'deq' 'dge' 'dlt' dataInit function el el .datepicker onSelect function dateText inst.. prefix. So the implementation could be about the following dataInit function el el .datepicker changeYear true changeMonth true..

Hidden Columns in jqGrid


applying the following does the trick editoptions dataInit function element element .attr readonly readonly Scenario.. 100 editable true editrules required true editoptions dataInit function element jq element .attr readonly readonly The.. required true edithidden true hidden true editoptions dataInit function element jq element .attr readonly readonly Notice..

jqgrid incorrect select drop down option values in edit box


only once at the time on the initialization. Inside of dataInit function one can overwrite the value but after the changing.. 'select' edittype 'select' editoptions value countries dataInit function elem var v elem .val to have short list of options.. edittype 'select' searchoptions value allCountries dataInit function elem removeAllOption elem dataEvents type 'change'..

can jqgrid support dropdowns in the toolbar filter fields


'setColProp' 'Name' searchoptions sopt 'cn' dataInit function elem elem .autocomplete source getUniqueNames 'Name'..

jqgrid Save Cell Edit When DatePicker Is Closed


'DealerContactDate' width 105 editable true editoptions dataInit function element element .datepicker name 'Email' index.. 'DealerContactDate' width 105 editable true editoptions dataInit function element element .datepicker onSelect function ..

Customizing the Add/Edit Dialog in jqGrid


'select' edittype 'select' editoptions value countries dataInit function elem var v elem .val to have short list of options..

Is there anyway to include a MultiSelect Combobox in a jqGrid?


options. In the demo I used the following code edittype 'select' editoptions value 'FE FedEx TN TNT IN Intim' dataInit function elem setTimeout function elem .multiselect minWidth 100 'auto' height auto selectedList 2 checkAllText all..

How to validate the subgrid rows in jquery?


'StartTime' width 90 formatter 'text' align 'center' edittype 'text' editable true editoptions size 10 maxlength 15 dataInit function element element .timepicker dataEvents type 'change' fn GetRemainingEffort type 'focus' fn clearCellValues.. 'EndTime' width 90 formatter 'text' align 'center' edittype 'text' editable true editoptions size 10 maxlength 15 dataInit function element element .timepicker dataEvents type 'change' fn GetRemainingEffort type 'focus' fn clearCellValues..

DatePicker options “changemonth” and “changeyear” not working in jqGrid's edit form


'Column' editable true index 'Column' width width align center editrules integer true required true editoptions size 5 dataInit function el setTimeout function SetDatepicker 'input name^ ' el.name ' ' 100 formoptions rowpos 1 ... This works..

Local form editing demo and jqGrid 4.4.1


'center' sorttype 'date' formatter 'date' formatoptions newformat 'd M Y' editable true datefmt 'd M Y' editoptions dataInit initDateEdit size 14 searchoptions dataInit initDateSearch name 'amount' index 'amount' width 70 formatter 'number' editable.. formatoptions newformat 'd M Y' editable true datefmt 'd M Y' editoptions dataInit initDateEdit size 14 searchoptions dataInit initDateSearch name 'amount' index 'amount' width 70 formatter 'number' editable true align 'right' name 'tax' index 'tax'..

How do make datepicker onselect function works differently in toolbar search and advanced search in jqgrid


index 'Title' searchoptions sopt 'cn' name 'date' index 'date' search true searchoptions sopt 'deq' 'dge' 'dlt' dataInit function el el .datepicker onSelect function dateText inst #grid 0 .triggerToolbar width 70 pager jQuery '#pager'.. inside of searching toolbar will be cnstructed with gs_ prefix. So the implementation could be about the following dataInit function el el .datepicker changeYear true changeMonth true showButtonPanel true onSelect function var grid grid if typeof..

Hidden Columns in jqGrid


this question I just want to expand on queen3 's suggestion applying the following does the trick editoptions dataInit function element element .attr readonly readonly Scenario #1 Field must be visible in the grid Field must be visible.. name 'providerUserId' index 'providerUserId' width 100 editable true editrules required true editoptions dataInit function element jq element .attr readonly readonly The providerUserId is visible in the grid and visible when editing.. index 'providerUserId' width 100 editable true editrules required true edithidden true hidden true editoptions dataInit function element jq element .attr readonly readonly Notice in both instances I'm using jq to reference jquery instead..

jqgrid incorrect select drop down option values in edit box


The main problem is that the value of the editoptions are used only once at the time on the initialization. Inside of dataInit function one can overwrite the value but after the changing of the value in the first select drop down box with countries.. width 200 name 'Country' width 100 editable true formatter 'select' edittype 'select' editoptions value countries dataInit function elem var v elem .val to have short list of options which corresponds to the country from the row we have to.. width 100 editable true formatter 'select' stype 'select' edittype 'select' searchoptions value allCountries dataInit function elem removeAllOption elem dataEvents type 'change' fn function e changeStateSelect e.target .val e.target type..

can jqgrid support dropdowns in the toolbar filter fields


setSearchSelect 'Category' setSearchSelect 'Subcategory' grid.jqGrid 'setColProp' 'Name' searchoptions sopt 'cn' dataInit function elem elem .autocomplete source getUniqueNames 'Name' delay 0 minLength 0 grid.jqGrid 'filterToolbar' stringResult..

jqgrid Save Cell Edit When DatePicker Is Closed


width 260 sortable false name 'DealerContactDate' index 'DealerContactDate' width 105 editable true editoptions dataInit function element element .datepicker name 'Email' index 'Email' width 110 sortable false cellEdit true cellurl.. width 260 sortable false name 'DealerContactDate' index 'DealerContactDate' width 105 editable true editoptions dataInit function element element .datepicker onSelect function #requestTable .jqGrid saveCell saverow savecol name..

Customizing the Add/Edit Dialog in jqGrid


width 200 name 'Country' width 100 editable true formatter 'select' edittype 'select' editoptions value countries dataInit function elem var v elem .val to have short list of options which corresponds to the country from the row we have to..