jquery Programming Glossary: datastr
How to fire loadComplete after new row is added in jqgrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13761222/how-to-fire-loadcomplete-after-new-row-is-added-in-jqgrid style float left margin right .3em span span ' grid.jqGrid datastr xml datatype 'xmlstring' colNames 'cfgId' 'Name' 'Host' 'Operating..
jqGrid and dynamic column binding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2277962/jqgrid-and-dynamic-column-binding 'SomeUrl Getdata' datatype 'jsonstring' mtype 'POST' datastr colD colNames colN colModel colM pager jQuery '#pager' rowNum..
How to select jqGrid row on checkbox click? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6466750/how-to-select-jqgrid-row-on-checkbox-click '#configDiv' var grid jQuery #list1 grid.jqGrid datastr xml datatype 'xmlstring' colNames 'cfgId' '' 'Name' 'Host'..
JSON Object for jqGrid subgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6649451/json-object-for-jqgrid-subgrid '#compareContent' var grid jQuery #list2 grid.jqGrid datastr myJSONObject datatype 'jsonstring' colNames 'Name' 'Result1'.. ' class 'scroll' div jQuery # subgrid_table_id .jqGrid datastr myJSONObject datatype 'jsonstring' colNames 'Name' 'Value1'.. be removed. Now to your main problem. You should change datastr myJSONObject in the subgrid to something like datastr myJSONObject.list..
something similar to treegrid in jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6662475/something-similar-to-treegrid-in-jqgrid .appendTo '#compareContent' var grid2 #list3 grid2.jqGrid datastr myJson datatype jsonstring colNames 'KeyName' 'Config1' 'Config2'.. data for the subgrid jQuery # subgrid_table_id .jqGrid datastr myJSONObject.list iData datatype 'jsonstring' colNames 'Name'..
export to excel in jquery or jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6742567/export-to-excel-in-jquery-or-jqgrid My jqGrid My jqGrid Code grid jQuery #list2 grid.jqGrid datastr comparePatchData datatype 'jsonstring' colNames 'Name' starheader.. data for the subgrid jQuery # subgrid_table_id .jqGrid datastr comparePatchData.response iData datatype 'jsonstring' colNames..
Treegrid with JSON data in jqgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6772601/treegrid-with-json-data-in-jqgrid ' .appendTo '#topics' var grid jQuery #list2 grid.jqGrid datastr topicjson datatype jsonstring height auto pager false loadui.. table ' .appendTo '#topics' grid jQuery #list2 grid.jqGrid datastr topicjson datatype jsonstring height auto loadui disable colNames..
jqGrid tree grid with local data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6788727/jqgrid-tree-grid-with-local-data is almost the same as datatype local . One need to use datastr mydata instead of data mydata in the case. Additionally one.. loaded true grid #treegrid grid.jqGrid datatype jsonstring datastr mydata colNames Id Account Acc Num Debit Credit Balance Enabled..
Hide Grouping Heading in jqgrid if every row inside it is hidden http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6939096/hide-grouping-heading-in-jqgrid-if-every-row-inside-it-is-hidden .hide var gridDiff #list2 gridDiff.jqGrid datastr compareData datatype jsonstring colNames 'KeyName' 'SubCategory'..
Showlink custom formatter with anchor and image in jqgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7119297/showlink-custom-formatter-with-anchor-and-image-in-jqgrid is my jqGrid code var grid jQuery #list1 grid.jqGrid datastr xml datatype 'xmlstring' colNames 'cfgId' 'Name' 'Host' 'Description'..
Sorting of jqGrid (v4.1.2) treegrid not working with Ajacency Model http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7330572/sorting-of-jqgrid-v4-1-2-treegrid-not-working-with-ajacency-model ' ' grid.jqGrid datatype jsonstring datastr mydata colNames Id Account Acc Num Debit Credit Balance Enabled..
jqgrid - json looping issue with colModel in JSON response http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8658540/jqgrid-json-looping-issue-with-colmodel-in-json-response #myjqgrid .jqGrid datatype 'jsonstring' datastr columnData colNames columnNames colModel columnModel jsonReader..
jqgrid - resize and overlay http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8671052/jqgrid-resize-and-overlay #myjqgrid .jqGrid datatype 'jsonstring' datastr columnData colNames columnNames colModel columnModel jsonReader..
How to fire loadComplete after new row is added in jqgrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13761222/how-to-fire-loadcomplete-after-new-row-is-added-in-jqgrid style border 0 id expired span class ui icon ui icon alert style float left margin right .3em span span ' grid.jqGrid datastr xml datatype 'xmlstring' colNames 'cfgId' 'Name' 'Host' 'Operating System' 'Description' 'Product' 'Type' 'Last Updated..
jqGrid and dynamic column binding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2277962/jqgrid-and-dynamic-column-binding jQuery #list .jqGrid jsonReader cell id 0 url 'SomeUrl Getdata' datatype 'jsonstring' mtype 'POST' datastr colD colNames colN colModel colM pager jQuery '#pager' rowNum 5 rowList 5 10 20 50 viewrecords true error function..
How to select jqGrid row on checkbox click? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6466750/how-to-select-jqgrid-row-on-checkbox-click width 100 table ' ' div id gridpager div ' ' div ' .appendTo '#configDiv' var grid jQuery #list1 grid.jqGrid datastr xml datatype 'xmlstring' colNames 'cfgId' '' 'Name' 'Host' 'Description' 'Product' 'Type' 'Last Updated Time' 'Last Updated..
JSON Object for jqGrid subgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6649451/json-object-for-jqgrid-subgrid 0 cellpadding 0 table ' ' div id gridpager2 div div ' .appendTo '#compareContent' var grid jQuery #list2 grid.jqGrid datastr myJSONObject datatype 'jsonstring' colNames 'Name' 'Result1' 'Result2' colModel name 'elementName' index 'elementName'.. ' subgrid_table_id ' class 'scroll' table div id ' pager_id ' class 'scroll' div jQuery # subgrid_table_id .jqGrid datastr myJSONObject datatype 'jsonstring' colNames 'Name' 'Value1' 'Value2' colModel name name index name width 90 name firstValue.. trailing commas in the colModel the comma before ' ' should be removed. Now to your main problem. You should change datastr myJSONObject in the subgrid to something like datastr myJSONObject.list 0 then the modified demo will show the data see..
something similar to treegrid in jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6662475/something-similar-to-treegrid-in-jqgrid 0 cellpadding 0 table ' ' div id gridpager3 div div ' .appendTo '#compareContent' var grid2 #list3 grid2.jqGrid datastr myJson datatype jsonstring colNames 'KeyName' 'Config1' 'Config2' colModel name 'elementName' index 'elementName' key true.. row_id iData i return false if iData 1 return no data for the subgrid jQuery # subgrid_table_id .jqGrid datastr myJSONObject.list iData datatype 'jsonstring' colNames 'Name' 'Value1' 'Value2' colModel name name index name width..
export to excel in jquery or jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6742567/export-to-excel-in-jquery-or-jqgrid or jquery plugin or using jqgrid's inbuilt feature. My jqGrid My jqGrid Code grid jQuery #list2 grid.jqGrid datastr comparePatchData datatype 'jsonstring' colNames 'Name' starheader header1 header2 colModel name 'elementName' index.. row_id iData i return false if iData 1 return no data for the subgrid jQuery # subgrid_table_id .jqGrid datastr comparePatchData.response iData datatype 'jsonstring' colNames 'Name' 'Value1' 'Value2' 'Value3' colModel name name..
Treegrid with JSON data in jqgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6772601/treegrid-with-json-data-in-jqgrid format ' table id list2 cellspacing 0 cellpadding 0 table div ' .appendTo '#topics' var grid jQuery #list2 grid.jqGrid datastr topicjson datatype jsonstring height auto pager false loadui disable colNames id Items url colModel name id width 1 hidden.. true expanded false loaded true grid ' table id list2 table ' .appendTo '#topics' grid jQuery #list2 grid.jqGrid datastr topicjson datatype jsonstring height auto loadui disable colNames id Items url colModel name id width 1 hidden true key..
jqGrid tree grid with local data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6788727/jqgrid-tree-grid-with-local-data UPDATED Now I would be prefer to use datatype jsonstring which is almost the same as datatype local . One need to use datastr mydata instead of data mydata in the case. Additionally one have to use jsonReader as function . As the result one will.. 1000.00 enbl 0 level 0 parent isLeaf true expanded false loaded true grid #treegrid grid.jqGrid datatype jsonstring datastr mydata colNames Id Account Acc Num Debit Credit Balance Enabled colModel name 'id' index 'id' width 1 hidden true key true..
Hide Grouping Heading in jqgrid if every row inside it is hidden http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6939096/hide-grouping-heading-in-jqgrid-if-every-row-inside-it-is-hidden ' div id gridpager3 div div ' .appendTo '#compareContent' #compareParentDiv .hide var gridDiff #list2 gridDiff.jqGrid datastr compareData datatype jsonstring colNames 'KeyName' 'SubCategory' starheader header1 'isEqual' colModel name 'elementName'..
Showlink custom formatter with anchor and image in jqgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7119297/showlink-custom-formatter-with-anchor-and-image-in-jqgrid console.info Math.ceil diffDays return Math.ceil diffDays Here is my jqGrid code var grid jQuery #list1 grid.jqGrid datastr xml datatype 'xmlstring' colNames 'cfgId' 'Name' 'Host' 'Description' 'Product' 'Type' 'Last Updated Time' 'Last Updated..
Sorting of jqGrid (v4.1.2) treegrid not working with Ajacency Model http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7330572/sorting-of-jqgrid-v4-1-2-treegrid-not-working-with-ajacency-model ' ' .jgrid.formatter.currency.thousandsSeparator ' ' grid.jqGrid datatype jsonstring datastr mydata colNames Id Account Acc Num Debit Credit Balance Enabled colModel name 'id' index 'id' width 1 hidden true key true..
jqgrid - json looping issue with colModel in JSON response http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8658540/jqgrid-json-looping-issue-with-colmodel-in-json-response columnNames response.colNames columnModel response.colModel #myjqgrid .jqGrid datatype 'jsonstring' datastr columnData colNames columnNames colModel columnModel jsonReader root innerwrapper.rows repeatitems false gridview..
jqgrid - resize and overlay http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8671052/jqgrid-resize-and-overlay columnNames response.colNames columnModel response.colModel #myjqgrid .jqGrid datatype 'jsonstring' datastr columnData colNames columnNames colModel columnModel jsonReader root innerwrapper.rows repeatitems false gridview..