jquery Programming Glossary: dataurl
cordova&jquery:value sent to another static html page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13928193/cordovajqueryvalue-sent-to-another-static-html-page values with changePage .mobile.changePage 'page2.html' dataUrl page2.html paremeter 123 data 'paremeter' '123' reloadPage true..
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14468659/jquery-mobile-document-ready-vs-page-events values with changePage .mobile.changePage 'page2.html' dataUrl page2.html paremeter 123 data 'paremeter' '123' reloadPage true.. #changePage function .mobile.changePage 'second.html' dataUrl second.html paremeter 123 data 'paremeter' '123' reloadPage..
jQuery Mobile navigate - Why is the state empty? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15765858/jquery-mobile-navigate-why-is-the-state-empty data from page to another. .mobile.changePage 'store.html' dataUrl store.html id 123 data 'id' '123' reloadPage true force page..
jQuery Mobile: Get data passed to page via changePage http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15840611/jquery-mobile-get-data-passed-to-page-via-changepage Send them like this .mobile.changePage 'page2.html' dataUrl page2.html parameter 123 data 'paremeter' '123' reloadPage true.. #changePage function .mobile.changePage 'second.html' dataUrl second.html paremeter 123 data 'paremeter' '123' reloadPage..
Setting the content-type of requests performed by jQuery jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2675625/setting-the-content-type-of-requests-performed-by-jquery-jqgrid . Parameters of ajaxSelectOptions are useful if you use dataUrl parameter inside of editoptions or searchoptions . I use for.. inside of editoptions or searchoptions . I use for example dataUrl inside of colModel for defining columns of the type edittype..
jqgrid incorrect select drop down option values in edit box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4469650/jqgrid-incorrect-select-drop-down-option-values-in-edit-box the usage of value parameter of editoptions 2 the usage of dataUrl and buildSelect parameter of the editoptions . The first way.. on the implementation are the same in case of the usage of dataUrl and buildSelect . I made the live example which demonstrate..
Customizing the Add/Edit Dialog in jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6495172/customizing-the-add-edit-dialog-in-jqgrid In the documentation it says Setting the editoptions dataUrl parameter The editoptions dataUrl parameter is valid only for.. Setting the editoptions dataUrl parameter The editoptions dataUrl parameter is valid only for element of edittype select. The.. is valid only for element of edittype select. The dataUrl parameter represent the url from where the html select element..
JQGrid: How can I refresh a dropdown after edit? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7874157/jqgrid-how-can-i-refresh-a-dropdown-after-edit this question I think it will be better if you would use dataUrl property of the editoptions instead of usage value property... corresponding call will do jqGrid for you. The URL from dataUrl should return HTML fragment for select element including all.. all options . So you can convert any other response from dataUrl to the required format implementing the corresponding buildSelect..
jqGrid setSelect function with parametrized query http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8063876/jqgrid-setselect-function-with-parametrized-query correct understand your question you use editoptions with dataUrl . You want to have the URL which has additional parameter tempid.. open source product. So I answer how you can add dataUrl parameter in JavaScript. jqGrid has ajaxSelectOptions option.. to modify the jQuery.ajax options of the call which use dataUrl . You can do following var myGrid #list myGrid.jqGrid all your..
cordova&jquery:value sent to another static html page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13928193/cordovajqueryvalue-sent-to-another-static-html-page only work while ajax page loading is active. III. You can pass values with changePage .mobile.changePage 'page2.html' dataUrl page2.html paremeter 123 data 'paremeter' '123' reloadPage true changeHash true and read them like this '#page2' .live 'pagebeforeshow'..
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14468659/jquery-mobile-document-ready-vs-page-events stackoverflow.com a 13932240 1848600 Solution 1 You can pass values with changePage .mobile.changePage 'page2.html' dataUrl page2.html paremeter 123 data 'paremeter' '123' reloadPage true changeHash true And read them like this document .on 'pagebeforeshow'.. .on 'pagebeforeshow' #index function document .on 'click' #changePage function .mobile.changePage 'second.html' dataUrl second.html paremeter 123 data 'paremeter' '123' reloadPage false changeHash true document .on 'pagebeforeshow' #second..
jQuery Mobile navigate - Why is the state empty? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15765858/jquery-mobile-navigate-why-is-the-state-empty Navigate .mobile.changePage Use the below code to pass data from page to another. .mobile.changePage 'store.html' dataUrl store.html id 123 data 'id' '123' reloadPage true force page to reload To retrieve data '.selector' .on 'pagebeforeshow'..
jQuery Mobile: Get data passed to page via changePage http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15840611/jquery-mobile-get-data-passed-to-page-via-changepage mobile jquery events share improve this question Solution Send them like this .mobile.changePage 'page2.html' dataUrl page2.html parameter 123 data 'paremeter' '123' reloadPage true changeHash true And read them like this #index .live 'pagebeforeshow'.. .on 'pagebeforeshow' #index function document .on 'click' #changePage function .mobile.changePage 'second.html' dataUrl second.html paremeter 123 data 'paremeter' '123' reloadPage false changeHash true document .on 'pagebeforeshow' #second..
Setting the content-type of requests performed by jQuery jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2675625/setting-the-content-type-of-requests-performed-by-jquery-jqgrid . You can set it on the same way as ajaxGridOptions . Parameters of ajaxSelectOptions are useful if you use dataUrl parameter inside of editoptions or searchoptions . I use for example dataUrl inside of colModel for defining columns of.. ajaxSelectOptions are useful if you use dataUrl parameter inside of editoptions or searchoptions . I use for example dataUrl inside of colModel for defining columns of the type edittype 'select' . The possible values of select option will be loaded..
jqgrid incorrect select drop down option values in edit box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4469650/jqgrid-incorrect-select-drop-down-option-values-in-edit-box for UK . The are two possibilities supported by jqGrid 1 the usage of value parameter of editoptions 2 the usage of dataUrl and buildSelect parameter of the editoptions . The first way is the best one in case of local editing or in the case if.. no dependencies to the server components. The most parts on the implementation are the same in case of the usage of dataUrl and buildSelect . I made the live example which demonstrate what you need. The main problem is that the value of the editoptions..
Customizing the Add/Edit Dialog in jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6495172/customizing-the-add-edit-dialog-in-jqgrid on how the data should be returned from the ajax request. In the documentation it says Setting the editoptions dataUrl parameter The editoptions dataUrl parameter is valid only for element of edittype select. The dataUrl parameter represent.. returned from the ajax request. In the documentation it says Setting the editoptions dataUrl parameter The editoptions dataUrl parameter is valid only for element of edittype select. The dataUrl parameter represent the url from where the html select.. the editoptions dataUrl parameter The editoptions dataUrl parameter is valid only for element of edittype select. The dataUrl parameter represent the url from where the html select element should be get. When this option is set the element will be..
JQGrid: How can I refresh a dropdown after edit? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7874157/jqgrid-how-can-i-refresh-a-dropdown-after-edit place. Any help Thanks Jeff jquery jqgrid share improve this question I think it will be better if you would use dataUrl property of the editoptions instead of usage value property. In the case you will don't need to use synchronous Ajax call.. get the select data manually. If the data will be needed the corresponding call will do jqGrid for you. The URL from dataUrl should return HTML fragment for select element including all options . So you can convert any other response from dataUrl.. should return HTML fragment for select element including all options . So you can convert any other response from dataUrl to the required format implementing the corresponding buildSelect callback function. On your place I would prefer to return..
jqGrid setSelect function with parametrized query http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8063876/jqgrid-setselect-function-with-parametrized-query parameters jqgrid share improve this question If I correct understand your question you use editoptions with dataUrl . You want to have the URL which has additional parameter tempid which value should be the rowid of the current selected.. In the case you should use tag jqgrid php . jqGrid is pure JavaScript open source product. So I answer how you can add dataUrl parameter in JavaScript. jqGrid has ajaxSelectOptions option which can be used to modify the jQuery.ajax options of the.. jqGrid has ajaxSelectOptions option which can be used to modify the jQuery.ajax options of the call which use dataUrl . You can do following var myGrid #list myGrid.jqGrid all your current parameters of jqGrid and then the following ajaxSelectOptions..