jquery Programming Glossary: datatosend
ASP.NET: jQuery AJAX 'data' param problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1061884/asp-net-jquery-ajax-data-param-problem value 'myValue' key 'myOtherId' value 'myOtherValue' var dataToSend name 'fooId' value 'fooValue' args args .ajax type 'POST' url.. 'fooValue' args args .ajax type 'POST' url 'fooURL' data dataToSend contentType 'application json charset utf 8' dataType 'json'.. which kind of signature I should have to be able to get my dataToSend I've tried WebMethod ScriptMethod ResponseFormat ResponseFormat.Json..
jqGrid with inlineNav: is there a way to force the Add button to re-enable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10886699/jqgrid-with-inlinenav-is-there-a-way-to-force-the-add-button-to-re-enable return false var rowData #theGrid .jqGrid 'getRowData' var dataToSend JSON.stringify rowData .ajax url '@Url.Action UpdateGridData.. 'POST' contentType 'application json charset utf 8' data dataToSend dataType 'json' async false success function data textStatus..
Passing arrays in ajax call using jQuery 1.4 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2195471/passing-arrays-in-ajax-call-using-jquery-1-4 new Array items 0 Item 1 items 1 Item 2 items 2 Item 3 var dataToSend '_service' myService '_program' myProgram 'selections' items.. items .ajax type post url myURL dataType text data dataToSend success function request '#results' .html request End success.. traditional true type post url myURL dataType text data dataToSend success function request '#results' .html request End success..
ASP.NET: jQuery AJAX 'data' param problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1061884/asp-net-jquery-ajax-data-param-problem on my web service to handle this request var args key 'myId' value 'myValue' key 'myOtherId' value 'myOtherValue' var dataToSend name 'fooId' value 'fooValue' args args .ajax type 'POST' url 'fooURL' data dataToSend contentType 'application json charset.. value 'myOtherValue' var dataToSend name 'fooId' value 'fooValue' args args .ajax type 'POST' url 'fooURL' data dataToSend contentType 'application json charset utf 8' dataType 'json' success OnSuccess error OnError Now which kind of signature.. utf 8' dataType 'json' success OnSuccess error OnError Now which kind of signature I should have to be able to get my dataToSend I've tried WebMethod ScriptMethod ResponseFormat ResponseFormat.Json public string Foo string name object value List Args..
jqGrid with inlineNav: is there a way to force the Add button to re-enable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10886699/jqgrid-with-inlinenav-is-there-a-way-to-force-the-add-button-to-re-enable #selectedRowId .val false 'clientArray' if ValidateGridData return false var rowData #theGrid .jqGrid 'getRowData' var dataToSend JSON.stringify rowData .ajax url '@Url.Action UpdateGridData ' type 'POST' contentType 'application json charset utf 8'.. rowData .ajax url '@Url.Action UpdateGridData ' type 'POST' contentType 'application json charset utf 8' data dataToSend dataType 'json' async false success function data textStatus jqXHR #theGrid .jqGrid 'setGridParam' datatype 'json' #theGrid..
Passing arrays in ajax call using jQuery 1.4 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2195471/passing-arrays-in-ajax-call-using-jquery-1-4 jQuery 1.2.6 but causes a broker error in 1.4. var items new Array items 0 Item 1 items 1 Item 2 items 2 Item 3 var dataToSend '_service' myService '_program' myProgram 'selections' items .ajax type post url myURL dataType text data dataToSend success.. dataToSend '_service' myService '_program' myProgram 'selections' items .ajax type post url myURL dataType text data dataToSend success function request '#results' .html request End success End ajax method The broker error I get indicates that what.. true or as an additional option in the ajax call .ajax traditional true type post url myURL dataType text data dataToSend success function request '#results' .html request End success End ajax method jquery jquery ajax share improve this question..