jquery Programming Glossary: datarow
Getting requests from a website and retrieving the response? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6701476/getting-requests-from-a-website-and-retrieving-the-response unsafeWindow.payloadArray while payload.length var dataRow JSON.stringify payload 0 payload.shift pop measurement off.. of the stack. if DEBUG console.log 'GM script pre Ajax ' dataRow PHASE 4 Send the data one row at a time to the our.. url http localhost db_test ShowJSON_PostedData.php data dataRow headers Content Type application json onload function response..
How do I get jqGrid to work using ASP.NET + JSON on the backend? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/727502/how-do-i-get-jqgrid-to-work-using-asp-net-json-on-the-backend data. JQGrid jqGrid new JQGrid int i 1 foreach DataRow dataRow in ds.Tables 0 .Rows JQGrid.Row row new JQGrid.Row row.id.. JQGrid.Row row new JQGrid.Row row.id Convert.ToInt32 dataRow MyIdColumn row.cell.Add dataRow MyIdColumn .ToString row.cell.Add.. row.id Convert.ToInt32 dataRow MyIdColumn row.cell.Add dataRow MyIdColumn .ToString row.cell.Add dataRow MyColumn .ToString..
Getting requests from a website and retrieving the response? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6701476/getting-requests-from-a-website-and-retrieving-the-response SendAnyResultsToServer if unsafeWindow.payloadArray var payload unsafeWindow.payloadArray while payload.length var dataRow JSON.stringify payload 0 payload.shift pop measurement off the bottom of the stack. if DEBUG console.log 'GM script pre.. payload 0 payload.shift pop measurement off the bottom of the stack. if DEBUG console.log 'GM script pre Ajax ' dataRow PHASE 4 Send the data one row at a time to the our server. The server would grab the data with jsonData json_decode.. GM_xmlhttpRequest method POST url http localhost db_test ShowJSON_PostedData.php data dataRow headers Content Type application json onload function response if DEBUG console.log response.responseText EOF Misc..
How do I get jqGrid to work using ASP.NET + JSON on the backend? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/727502/how-do-i-get-jqgrid-to-work-using-asp-net-json-on-the-backend null ds.Tables.Count 1 throw new Exception Unable to retrieve data. JQGrid jqGrid new JQGrid int i 1 foreach DataRow dataRow in ds.Tables 0 .Rows JQGrid.Row row new JQGrid.Row row.id Convert.ToInt32 dataRow MyIdColumn row.cell.Add dataRow MyIdColumn.. new JQGrid int i 1 foreach DataRow dataRow in ds.Tables 0 .Rows JQGrid.Row row new JQGrid.Row row.id Convert.ToInt32 dataRow MyIdColumn row.cell.Add dataRow MyIdColumn .ToString row.cell.Add dataRow MyColumn .ToString projectGrid.rows.Add row.. dataRow in ds.Tables 0 .Rows JQGrid.Row row new JQGrid.Row row.id Convert.ToInt32 dataRow MyIdColumn row.cell.Add dataRow MyIdColumn .ToString row.cell.Add dataRow MyColumn .ToString projectGrid.rows.Add row jqGrid.page 1 Set this when you..