jquery Programming Glossary: allowfullscreen
YouTube (injected) video ends callback http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12107202/youtube-injected-video-ends-callback .attr 'videoid' ' rel 0 wmode transparent frameborder 0 allowfullscreen iframe ' ... And I want to do a callback when video ends. I.. 1 autoplay 1 autohide 1 showinfo 0 ' 'frameborder 0 allowfullscreen iframe ' new YT.Player 'player_' vidId events 'onStateChange'..
Replace url from youtube to embed code - Error: Permission denied to access property 'toString' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13100611/replace-url-from-youtube-to-embed-code-error-permission-denied-to-access-prop http www.youtube.com embed regexyoutubeurl 2 frameborder 0 allowfullscreen iframe DEMO http jsfiddle.net 9e48p javascript jquery youtube..
find all youtube links with js (jquery) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1712847/find-all-youtube-links-with-js-jquery application x shockwave flash allowscriptaccess always allowfullscreen true width 560 height 340 embed object div javascript jquery.. application x shockwave flash allowscriptaccess always allowfullscreen true width ' vidWidth ' ' 'height ' vidHeight ' embed object.. application x shockwave flash allowscriptaccess always ' 'allowfullscreen true width ' vidWidth ' ' 'height ' vidHeight ' embed object..
How to get a YouTube thumbnail from a YouTube iframe? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18681788/how-to-get-a-youtube-thumbnail-from-a-youtube-iframe 315 src www.youtube.com embed 1sIWez9HAbA frameborder 0 allowfullscreen iframe How can I extract the thumbnail from this iframe javascript..
Embed youtube video without youtube link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2001558/embed-youtube-video-without-youtube-link v u1zgFlCw8Aw version 3 type application x shockwave flash allowfullscreen true allowScriptAccess always width 640 height 390 object ..
Dynamically change embedded video src in IE/Chrome (works in Firefox) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2985205/dynamically-change-embedded-video-src-in-ie-chrome-works-in-firefox color2 0x54abd6 rel 0 type application x shockwave flash allowfullscreen true width 575 height 344 wmode transparent embed object And.. src ' videoAddress ' type application x shockwave flash allowfullscreen true width 575 height 344 wmode transparent embed object ' ..
Fancybox popup + JSVideo HTML5 Video - Why do i lose my controls? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4271765/fancybox-popup-jsvideo-html5-video-why-do-i-lose-my-controls swf flowplayer 3.2.1.swf ' ' param name allowfullscreen value true ' ' param name flashvars value 'config playlist.. swf flowplayer 3.2.1.swf param name allowfullscreen value true param name flashvars value 'config playlist http..
Rails 3 - link_to to call partial using jquery ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4766383/rails-3-link-to-to-call-partial-using-jquery-ajax style 'border 1px solid #333333 ' height '316' width '540' allowfullscreen 'true' allowscriptaccess 'always' type 'application x shockwave..
Stop all YouTube iframe embeds from playing? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5503833/stop-all-youtube-iframe-embeds-from-playing src http www.youtube.com embed ' videoID ' frameborder 0 allowfullscreen iframe ' fullItem ' a href mailto subject ThinkerBot Video body..
start/play embedded (iframe) youtube-video on click of an image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6246939/start-play-embedded-iframe-youtube-video-on-click-of-an-image embed VIDEO_ID_HERE wmode transparent frameborder 0 allowfullscreen wmode Opaque iframe div Autoplay link a class introVid href..
How to change the video playing in Youtube embedded player? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/689376/how-to-change-the-video-playing-in-youtube-embedded-player application x shockwave flash allowscriptaccess always allowfullscreen true width 320 height 265 embed object How can I change the..
Trigger click on lower element (z-index) [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8134669/trigger-click-on-lower-element-z-index src http www.youtube.com embed O9REMmhvjQw frameborder 0 allowfullscreen iframe div div javascript jquery html css share improve this..
Is there a way to “seek” to a certain time in a video using JavaScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8663962/is-there-a-way-to-seek-to-a-certain-time-in-a-video-using-javascript video 18150336 width 500 height 281 frameborder 0 webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen iframe The source won't always.. 500 height 281 frameborder 0 webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen iframe The source won't always be vimeo it can.. 281 frameborder 0 webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen iframe The source won't always be vimeo it can be YouTube BrightCove..
How to get fullscreen video on jwplayer when using with fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8769553/how-to-get-fullscreen-video-on-jwplayer-when-using-with-fancybox x shockwave flash width 352 height 240 wmode opaque allowfullscreen true allowscriptaccess always embed ' fancybox return false..
Check if YouTube video is playing and run script http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8950146/check-if-youtube-video-is-playing-and-run-script www.youtube.com embed xxxxxx enablejsapi 1 frameborder 0 allowfullscreen iframe And it's inside a SlideDeck slider which I want to stop..
HTML5 video seeking [updated] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9311570/html5-video-seeking-updated flash data player.swf width 854 height 504 param name allowfullscreen value true param name allowscriptaccess value always param..
find all youtube links with js (jquery) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1712847/find-all-youtube-links-with-js-jquery www.youtube.com v 429l13dS6kQ hl en fs 1 param param name allowFullScreen value true param param name allowscriptaccess value always param.. www.youtube.com v ' var e2 ' hl en fs 1 param param name allowFullScreen value true param param name allowscriptaccess ' 'value always.. http www.youtube.com v vid hl en fs 1 ' ' param param name allowFullScreen value true param param ' 'name allowscriptaccess value always..
Embed youtube video without youtube link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2001558/embed-youtube-video-without-youtube-link http www.youtube.com v u1zgFlCw8Aw version 3 param name allowFullScreen value true param name allowScriptAccess value always embed src..
Change flash src with jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2830944/change-flash-src-with-jquery param name allowScriptAccess value sameDomain param name allowFullScreen value false param name movie value menu1.swf param name quality.. 69 name menu1 align middle allowScriptAccess sameDomain allowFullScreen false type application x shockwave flash pluginspage http www.macromedia.com..
How to popup a jquery window to play youtube video? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2838749/how-to-popup-a-jquery-window-to-play-youtube-video var videoUrl this .attr 'href' var flashvars var params allowFullScreen true allowscriptaccess always var attributes swfobject.embedSWF..
Dynamically change embedded video src in IE/Chrome (works in Firefox) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2985205/dynamically-change-embedded-video-src-in-ie-chrome-works-in-firefox en fs 1 color1 0x006699 color2 0x54abd6 rel 0 param name allowFullScreen value true embed id embeddedPlayer src http www.youtube.com.. ' ' param name movie value ' videoAddress ' param name allowFullScreen value true ' ' embed id embeddedPlayer src ' videoAddress '..
How to change the video playing in Youtube embedded player? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/689376/how-to-change-the-video-playing-in-youtube-embedded-player 1 rel 0 color1 0x3a3a3a color2 0x999999 param param name allowFullScreen value true param param name allowscriptaccess value always param..
fancybox 2.0.4 and Vimeo http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9003165/fancybox-2-0-4-and-vimeo 225 frameborder 0 webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen iframe C . Extract the content of the src attribute and set..
Vimeo vid in fancybox - playing only the first time http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9963056/vimeo-vid-in-fancybox-playing-only-the-first-time 240 frameborder 0 webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen iframe jquery fancybox vimeo share improve this question..
YouTube (injected) video ends callback http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12107202/youtube-injected-video-ends-callback width 761 height 421 src http www.youtube.com embed ' this .attr 'videoid' ' rel 0 wmode transparent frameborder 0 allowfullscreen iframe ' ... And I want to do a callback when video ends. I have read about onYouTubePlayerAPIReady but it has to be put..
Replace url from youtube to embed code - Error: Permission denied to access property 'toString' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13100611/replace-url-from-youtube-to-embed-code-error-permission-denied-to-access-prop regexyoutubeurl this .html iframe width 390 height 315 src http www.youtube.com embed regexyoutubeurl 2 frameborder 0 allowfullscreen iframe DEMO http jsfiddle.net 9e48p javascript jquery youtube share improve this question The error can either be..
find all youtube links with js (jquery) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1712847/find-all-youtube-links-with-js-jquery embed src http www.youtube.com v 429l13dS6kQ hl en fs 1 type application x shockwave flash allowscriptaccess always allowfullscreen true width 560 height 340 embed object div javascript jquery share improve this question I changed the content from.. em' 'bed src http www.youtube.com v ' var e3 ' hl en fs 1 type application x shockwave flash allowscriptaccess always allowfullscreen true width ' vidWidth ' ' 'height ' vidHeight ' embed object ' var vid txt.match v w w g end up with v oHg5SJYRHA0 if vid.length.. em' 'bed src http www.youtube.com v vid hl en fs 1 ' 'type application x shockwave flash allowscriptaccess always ' 'allowfullscreen true width ' vidWidth ' ' 'height ' vidHeight ' embed object ' '.content contains youtube.com watch ' .each function var..
How to get a YouTube thumbnail from a YouTube iframe? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18681788/how-to-get-a-youtube-thumbnail-from-a-youtube-iframe post that has the following iframe . iframe width 420 height 315 src www.youtube.com embed 1sIWez9HAbA frameborder 0 allowfullscreen iframe How can I extract the thumbnail from this iframe javascript jquery iframe youtube share improve this question..
Embed youtube video without youtube link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2001558/embed-youtube-video-without-youtube-link
Dynamically change embedded video src in IE/Chrome (works in Firefox) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2985205/dynamically-change-embedded-video-src-in-ie-chrome-works-in-firefox http www.youtube.com v Lmn94kn08Lw hl en fs 1 color1 0x006699 color2 0x54abd6 rel 0 type application x shockwave flash allowfullscreen true width 575 height 344 wmode transparent embed object And here's my javascript code. A link is clicked to change the.. name allowFullScreen value true ' ' embed id embeddedPlayer src ' videoAddress ' type application x shockwave flash allowfullscreen true width 575 height 344 wmode transparent embed object ' return false stop the default link so it just reloads in the..
Fancybox popup + JSVideo HTML5 Video - Why do i lose my controls? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4271765/fancybox-popup-jsvideo-html5-video-why-do-i-lose-my-controls 3.2.1.swf ' ' param name movie value http releases.flowplayer.org swf flowplayer 3.2.1.swf ' ' param name allowfullscreen value true ' ' param name flashvars value 'config playlist ' url '.png url http video js.zencoder.com oceans clip.mp4.. swf flowplayer 3.2.1.swf param name movie value http releases.flowplayer.org swf flowplayer 3.2.1.swf param name allowfullscreen value true param name flashvars value 'config playlist http video js.zencoder.com oceans clip.png url http video js.zencoder.com..
Rails 3 - link_to to call partial using jquery ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4766383/rails-3-link-to-to-call-partial-using-jquery-ajax video.name a h3 div object height '316' width '540' embed style 'border 1px solid #333333 ' height '316' width '540' allowfullscreen 'true' allowscriptaccess 'always' type 'application x shockwave flash' src ' video.url ' object div end routes.rb match..
Stop all YouTube iframe embeds from playing? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5503833/stop-all-youtube-iframe-embeds-from-playing ' iframe title YouTube video player width 900 height 536 src http www.youtube.com embed ' videoID ' frameborder 0 allowfullscreen iframe ' fullItem ' a href mailto subject ThinkerBot Video body ' videoLink ' Email This a ' fullItem ' li ' fullItem .hide..
start/play embedded (iframe) youtube-video on click of an image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6246939/start-play-embedded-iframe-youtube-video-on-click-of-an-image iframe width 450 height 283 src https www.youtube.com embed VIDEO_ID_HERE wmode transparent frameborder 0 allowfullscreen wmode Opaque iframe div Autoplay link a class introVid href #video Watch the video a p THE JQUERY The onClick catcher that..
How to change the video playing in Youtube embedded player? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/689376/how-to-change-the-video-playing-in-youtube-embedded-player hl en fs 1 rel 0 color1 0x3a3a3a color2 0x999999 type application x shockwave flash allowscriptaccess always allowfullscreen true width 320 height 265 embed object How can I change the video playing in Youtube embedded player jquery youtube share..
Trigger click on lower element (z-index) [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8134669/trigger-click-on-lower-element-z-index porch sprite div div class movie iframe width 695 height 435 src http www.youtube.com embed O9REMmhvjQw frameborder 0 allowfullscreen iframe div div javascript jquery html css share improve this question Check out this link Forwarding mouse events through..
Is there a way to “seek” to a certain time in a video using JavaScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8663962/is-there-a-way-to-seek-to-a-certain-time-in-a-video-using-javascript with a video for example iframe src http player.vimeo.com video 18150336 width 500 height 281 frameborder 0 webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen iframe The source won't always be vimeo it can be YouTube BrightCove Hulu etc etc. Is.. example iframe src http player.vimeo.com video 18150336 width 500 height 281 frameborder 0 webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen iframe The source won't always be vimeo it can be YouTube BrightCove Hulu etc etc. Is there a way to use.. src http player.vimeo.com video 18150336 width 500 height 281 frameborder 0 webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen iframe The source won't always be vimeo it can be YouTube BrightCove Hulu etc etc. Is there a way to use jQuery JavaScript..
How to get fullscreen video on jwplayer when using with fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8769553/how-to-get-fullscreen-video-on-jwplayer-when-using-with-fancybox file ' this.href ' amp autostart true amp fs 1 type application x shockwave flash width 352 height 240 wmode opaque allowfullscreen true allowscriptaccess always embed ' fancybox return false click ready script See example here share improve this answer..
Check if YouTube video is playing and run script http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8950146/check-if-youtube-video-is-playing-and-run-script WordPress iframe id video width 640 height 360 src http www.youtube.com embed xxxxxx enablejsapi 1 frameborder 0 allowfullscreen iframe And it's inside a SlideDeck slider which I want to stop when someone clicks the video. I can't figure out how to..
HTML5 video seeking [updated] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9311570/html5-video-seeking-updated use a Flash file though. object type application x shockwave flash data player.swf width 854 height 504 param name allowfullscreen value true param name allowscriptaccess value always param name flashvars value file video.mp4 if IE param name movie..
find all youtube links with js (jquery) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1712847/find-all-youtube-links-with-js-jquery object width 560 height 340 param name movie value http www.youtube.com v 429l13dS6kQ hl en fs 1 param param name allowFullScreen value true param param name allowscriptaccess value always param embed src http www.youtube.com v 429l13dS6kQ hl en fs 1.. ' vidWidth ' height ' vidHeight ' param name movie value http www.youtube.com v ' var e2 ' hl en fs 1 param param name allowFullScreen value true param param name allowscriptaccess ' 'value always param em' 'bed src http www.youtube.com v ' var e3 ' hl en.. vidWidth ' height ' vidHeight ' ' ' param name movie value http www.youtube.com v vid hl en fs 1 ' ' param param name allowFullScreen value true param param ' 'name allowscriptaccess value always param em' 'bed src http www.youtube.com v vid hl en fs 1 '..
Embed youtube video without youtube link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2001558/embed-youtube-video-without-youtube-link 3 object style height 390px width 640px param name movie value http www.youtube.com v u1zgFlCw8Aw version 3 param name allowFullScreen value true param name allowScriptAccess value always embed src http www.youtube.com v u1zgFlCw8Aw version 3 type application..
Change flash src with jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2830944/change-flash-src-with-jquery 9 0 0 0 width 825 height 69 id menu1 align middle param name allowScriptAccess value sameDomain param name allowFullScreen value false param name movie value menu1.swf param name quality value high param name wmode value transparent param name.. high wmode transparent bgcolor #ffffff width 825 height 69 name menu1 align middle allowScriptAccess sameDomain allowFullScreen false type application x shockwave flash pluginspage http www.macromedia.com go getflashplayer object div Php if loggedin..
How to popup a jquery window to play youtube video? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2838749/how-to-popup-a-jquery-window-to-play-youtube-video api true '.video link' .click function videoModal.load var videoUrl this .attr 'href' var flashvars var params allowFullScreen true allowscriptaccess always var attributes swfobject.embedSWF videoUrl 'video container' '425' '344' '9.0.0' '' flashvars..
Dynamically change embedded video src in IE/Chrome (works in Firefox) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2985205/dynamically-change-embedded-video-src-in-ie-chrome-works-in-firefox param name movie value http www.youtube.com v Lmn94kn08Lw hl en fs 1 color1 0x006699 color2 0x54abd6 rel 0 param name allowFullScreen value true embed id embeddedPlayer src http www.youtube.com v Lmn94kn08Lw hl en fs 1 color1 0x006699 color2 0x54abd6 rel.. viewer width 575 height 344 param name wmode value transparent ' ' param name movie value ' videoAddress ' param name allowFullScreen value true ' ' embed id embeddedPlayer src ' videoAddress ' type application x shockwave flash allowfullscreen true width..
How to change the video playing in Youtube embedded player? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/689376/how-to-change-the-video-playing-in-youtube-embedded-player name movie value http www.youtube.com v MzfAvHlIVjE hl en fs 1 rel 0 color1 0x3a3a3a color2 0x999999 param param name allowFullScreen value true param param name allowscriptaccess value always param embed src http www.youtube.com v MzfAvHlIVjE hl en fs 1..
fancybox 2.0.4 and Vimeo http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9003165/fancybox-2-0-4-and-vimeo title 0 amp byline 0 amp portrait 0 width 400 height 225 frameborder 0 webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen iframe C . Extract the content of the src attribute and set it as the href of your link like a class vimeo href http player.vimeo.com..
Vimeo vid in fancybox - playing only the first time http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9963056/vimeo-vid-in-fancybox-playing-only-the-first-time 1 amp api 1 amp player_id player_1 width 480 height 240 frameborder 0 webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen iframe jquery fancybox vimeo share improve this question Most likely you are using fancybox v1.3.4 aren't you Regarding..