javascript Programming Glossary: window.orientation
Detect rotation of Android phone in the browser with javascript listening for the onorientationchange event and querying window.orientation for the angle. Is this possible in the browser on Android phones.. function alert 'HOLY ROTATING SCREENS BATMAN ' window.orientation screen.width false You can then check the window.orientation.. screen.width false You can then check the window.orientation property to figure out which way the device is oriented. With..
Can js/jQuery determine the orientation of the iPhone? jquery iphone ipod touch share improve this question window.orientation will give you an integer that denotes the rotation. You can..
iPad doesn't trigger resize event going from vertical to horizontal? you go window.onorientationchange function var orientation window.orientation Look at the value of window.orientation if orientation 0 iPad.. var orientation window.orientation Look at the value of window.orientation if orientation 0 iPad is in Portrait mode. else if orientation..
Force orientation on iPad - javascript this answer for code to detect it. You could also just use window.orientation to get it. For my webapps I simply have a popover view that..
How to find out if ipad is in landscape/portrait mode in javascript/jquery? question jQTouch checks it like so orientation Math.abs window.orientation 90 'landscape' 'portrait' http senchalabs jQTouch..
Detect viewport orientation, if orientation is Portrait display alert message advising user of instructions later orientationchange Also after some googling check out window.orientation which is i believe measured in degrees... share improve this..
How do I correctly detect orientation change using javascript and Phonegap in IOS? would be appreciated. window.onorientationchange function window.orientation returns a value that indicates whether iPhone is in portrait.. mode with the screen turned to the right. var orientation window.orientation switch orientation case 0 If in portrait mode sets the body's.. what I do script function doOnOrientationChange switch window.orientation case 90 case 90 alert 'landscape' break default alert 'portrait'..
Detect change in orientation using javascript window.addEventListener orientationchange function alert window.orientation false Older answer http blog 2010 04 06 ipad.. web development tips Safari on the iPad does support the window.orientation property so if necessary you can use that to determine if the.. or vertical mode. As reminder of this functionality window.orientation is 0 when being held vertically window.orientation is 90 when..
jQuery/JS, iOS 4 and $(document).height() problems Requires detection of orientation. 320px for our test window.orientation 0 screen.height screen.width Returns height of the visible area.. displayed var getHeightOfIOSToolbars function var tH window.orientation 0 screen.height screen.width getIOSWindowHeight return tH 1..
How do I detect when the iPhone goes into landscape mode via JavaScript? Is there an event for this? question Yup via the onorientationchange event and the window.orientation property. Documented by Apple Example code on Ajaxian share..