javascript Programming Glossary: window.innerheight
Getting the width/height of the entire browser in IE? screen.height var navButtonsEtcHeight screen.height window.innerHeight var navButtonsEtcWidth screen.width window.innerWidth Note For.. window.innerWidth Note For browser independent solution to window.innerHeight support see this link Then you have the answer you're looking..
JavaScript. Solution to detect mobile browser [duplicate] than this i.e function detectmob if window.innerWidth 800 window.innerHeight 600 return true else return false Reference Detecting Browser..
Find the exact height and width of the viewport in a cross-browser way (no Prototype/jQuery) number. Here's my method for height var viewportHeight window.innerHeight document.documentElement.clientHeight document.body.clientHeight.. mozilla netscape opera IE7 use window.innerWidth and window.innerHeight if typeof window.innerWidth 'undefined' viewPortWidth window.innerWidth.. 'undefined' viewPortWidth window.innerWidth viewPortHeight window.innerHeight IE6 in standards compliant mode i.e. with a valid doctype as..
Browser size (width and height)
Determining when scrolled to bottom of a page with Javascript to the bottom of the page it never matches the value of window.innerHeight . What's the best way to do this window.innerWidth window.innerHeight.. . What's the best way to do this window.innerWidth window.innerHeight window.outerWidth window.outerHeight window.scrollX window.scrollY.. javascript pagination share improve this question when window.innerHeight document.body.scrollTop is greater than or equal to document.body.offsetHeight..
JavaScript get window X/Y position for scroll sure IE 6 FF 2 and Chrome Safari work window.innerWidth window.innerHeight window.pageXOffset window.pageYOffset document.documentElement.clientWidth..
Detect viewport orientation, if orientation is Portrait display alert message advising user of instructions device orientation share improve this question if window.innerHeight window.innerWidth alert Please use Landscape jQuery Mobile has..
How can I detect a Scrollbar presence ( using Javascript ) in HTML iFrame? else vHeight document.body.clientHeight else vHeight window.innerHeight if document.body.offsetHeight vHeight when theres a scrollbar..
Find out whether Chrome console is open page load. window.onresize function if window.outerHeight window.innerHeight 100 alert 'Docked inspector was opened' share improve this..
jQuery/JS, iOS 4 and $(document).height() problems height of the visible area It decreases if you zoom in window.innerHeight Returns height of screen minus all toolbars The problem is that.. document.documentElement.clientWidth window.innerWidth window.innerHeight returns height of the visible area. We multiply it by zoom and.. We multiply it by zoom and get out real height. return window.innerHeight zoomLevel You can also get height of the toolbars that are currently..