

javascript Programming Glossary: window.location

Reference: Why does the PHP (or other server side) code in my Javascript not work?


use Javascript to make the browser open a new page using window.location or submit a form emulating possibilities 1. and 2. share improve..

How to remove the hash from window.location with JavaScript without page refresh?


to remove the hash from window.location with JavaScript without page refresh So if I have http example.com#something.. the page to refresh I attempted the following solution window.location.hash '' However this doesn't remove the hash symbol # from the.. share improve this question Initial question window.location.href.substr 0 window.location.href.indexOf '#' or window.location.href.split..

Is it possible to trigger a link's (or any element's) click event through JavaScript?


done this var button document.getElementById 'myButton' window.location button.href I feel like this is not the best way to do this...

Can I call jquery click() to follow an <a> link if I haven't bound an event handler to it with bind or click already?


using jquery's click function. I have used .trigger and window.location also and I can make it work as intended with all three. I've.. jquery does is call your event handler. You can still use window.location to change page and that works fine for me. javascript jquery..

What's the difference between window.location= and window.location.replace()?


the difference between window.location and window.location.replace Is there a difference between these.. the difference between window.location and window.location.replace Is there a difference between these two lines var url.. between these two lines var url http www.google.com window.location url window.location.replace url javascript window location..

What's the difference between window.location and document.location in JavaScript?


the difference between window.location and document.location in JavaScript Should both of them reference.. of them reference to same object javascript documentation window.location share improve this question According to the W3C they are.. same. In reality for cross browser safety you should use window.location rather than document.location . See http www.w3.org TR Window..

Unexpected token ILLEGAL in webkit


document .ready function '.class table tr' .click function window.location this .find a .attr href return false '.special workshop' .click.. href return false '.special workshop' .click function window.location this .find a .attr href return false I am getting an Uncaught..

How to retrieve GET parameters from javascript?


javascript get share improve this question With the window.location object. This code gives you GET without the question mark. window.location.search.replace.. object. This code gives you GET without the question mark. window.location.search.replace From your example it will return returnurl 2Fadmin..

jQuery Table to CSV export


return true I've changed it to function popup data window.location 'data text csv charset utf8 ' encodeURIComponent data return..