

javascript Programming Glossary: window.opener

javascript - showModalDialog not returning value in Chrome


showModalDialog always returns undefined. However the window.opener property in the modal dialog points to the caller window even.. for further processing In the modal dialog window if window.opener window.opener.returnValue dateValue window.returnValue dateValue.. processing In the modal dialog window if window.opener window.opener.returnValue dateValue window.returnValue dateValue self.close..

Open popup and refresh parent page on close popup


this question You can access parent window using ' window.opener ' so write something like the following in the child window..

window.open returns undefined in chrome extension


window.open does not return a Window instance neither does window.opener and so forth . Alternatives Inject the code in the page so that..

Javascript to close IE6, IE7, IE8 and Firefox without confirmation box?


else if userBrowser.browser Explorer userBrowser.version 6 window.opener null window.close else window.opener '' window.close attempt.. userBrowser.version 6 window.opener null window.close else window.opener '' window.close attempt to close window first show user warning..

Facebook and Cross domain messaging clarification?


needing to send messages to the host page these will use window.opener window.parent .frames 'fb_xdm_frame_' location.protocol.replace..

problem with window.close and chrome


close here is what im using document .ready function if window.opener window.opener.closed window.opener.location http www.website.com.. is what im using document .ready function if window.opener window.opener.closed window.opener.location http www.website.com window.close.. .ready function if window.opener window.opener.closed window.opener.location http www.website.com window.close I tried a suggestion..

how to access parent window object using jquery?


is it possible to open a popup with javascript and then detect when the user closes it?


always work in Opera. window.onunload function var win window.opener if win.closed win.someFunctionToCallWhenPopUpCloses Since the..

Refresh parent window when the pop-up window is closed


for me to add something like window.onunload function window.opener.location.reload to the popup window page markup. Is there any.. In the pop up window.onunload function if window.opener window.opener.closed window.opener.popUpClosed So the answer.. In the pop up window.onunload function if window.opener window.opener.closed window.opener.popUpClosed So the answer to your question..

window.opener alternatives


alternatives I am opening a modal popup window. Then I access.. access a parent window textbox and other attributes using window.opener . It is working fine in firefox but not in IE8. It gives error.. is working fine in firefox but not in IE8. It gives error 'window.opener is null' . How can I access parent window attributes in child..

How to hide address bar in Firefox using javascript window.open


navigator.appName if browser Microsoft Internet Explorer window.opener self window.open ˜filename.htm 'null 'width 900 height 750 toolbar..

window.opener is null after redirect


is null after redirect I am opening a paypal window from the.. update the parent window url. I found out this works over window.opener.location. However the console shows window.opener.location is.. over window.opener.location. However the console shows window.opener.location is null after redirection because as the child window..

window.opener.focus() problem in FF5+


problem in FF5 I'm opening new window with next code.. 820 so window is not modal In new window I'm calling if window.opener window.opener.focus in IE Chorme FF3.6 parent window become.. is not modal In new window I'm calling if window.opener window.opener.focus in IE Chorme FF3.6 parent window become in focus BUT not..

run function from child window in parent window


declaring window.test function alert 'test' and calling window.opener.test in popup works fine. However this does not work in my case.. However this does not work in my case I think because the window.opener object is a reference but window.open and window in popup are..

Can I pass a JavaScript variable to another browser window?


window created in such a way gets a property applied to it window.opener pointing to the window which created it. Either can then use..