

javascript Programming Glossary: window.location.reload

Difference between window.location.href=window.location.href and window.location.reload()


between window.location.href window.location.href and window.location.reload What is the difference between JavaScript's window.location.href.. JavaScript's window.location.href window.location.href and window.location.reload functions javascript share improve this question If I remember.. share improve this question If I remember correctly window.location.reload reloads the current page with POST data while window.location.href..

javascript location.hash refreshing in IE


may need to set a cookie. window.location window.location window.location.reload didn't work. In pseudo code if is Internet Explorer if cookie..

Preferred method to reload page with JavaScript? [closed]


true 3 input type button value Reload onClick window.location.reload true 4 input type button value Reload onClick window.location.href.. function' like a href urlOfCurrentPage.html onclick window.location.reload true return false Reload a won't work for me right javascript..

How to reload a page using Javascript?


does not create a history entry Javascript 1.2 window.location.reload false If we needed to pull the document from the web server..

Refresh parent window when the pop-up window is closed


main window. In the main window add function popUpClosed window.location.reload In the pop up window.onunload function if window.opener window.opener.closed..

Auto Reload web Page


function refresh if new Date .getTime time 60000 window.location.reload true else setTimeout refresh 10000 setTimeout refresh 10000..

Detect HTTP or HTTPS then force HTTPS in JavaScript


https window.location.protocol https window.location.reload Any help would be greatly appreciated... javascript https window.location..

how to refresh a page using javascript?


or html javascript share improve this question window.location.reload in JavaScript meta http equiv refresh content 1 in HTML where..

Is there a way to detect if the Facebook Javascript SDK loaded successfully?


true FB.Event.subscribe 'auth.login' function response window.location.reload function var e document.createElement 'script' e.async true..

How do I reload a page without a POSTDATA warning in Javascript?


warning in Javascript I want to reload a page using window.location.reload true But I receive the POSTDATA warning because the refresh..

window.location.reload with clear cache


with clear cache I want to reload a page using javascript but..

Detecting idle time in JavaScript elegantly


Server Side Reload Initiation on Ajax Call


One time page refresh after first page load


once. I'm stuck at the only once window.onload function window.location.reload this gives a loop without the only once ... JQuery is loaded..