javascript Programming Glossary: window.screen.width
Launch Facebook Share Popup at Center of Screen leftPosition topPosition Allow for borders. leftPosition window.screen.width 2 width 2 10 Allow for title and status bars. topPosition window.screen.height.. leftPosition topPosition Allow for borders. leftPosition window.screen.width 2 width 2 10 Allow for title and status bars. topPosition window.screen.height..
Shouldn't window.screen.width/height correspond to actual screen width/height? window.screen.width height correspond to actual screen width height Toying around.. the WebKit browser in the new Kindle 3G I noticed that window.screen.width and window.screen.height don't reflect the actual screen dimensions... question Update The issue we see in the emulator with window.screen.width is when we use screens which don't reflect the actual pixels..
screen.width + android It is an Android bug. Sometimes when page first loads the window.screen.width and window.screen.height are wrong. You can try to make a timeout..
How can you get the CSS pixel / device pixel ratio? to. A few properties are measured in device pixels e.g. window.screen.width which is the screen size e.g. 1024 that doesn't change when..
Load mobile CSS if user is on Android screen and max width 640px script type text javascript if window.screen.width 640 document.write ' meta name viewport content width 980 user..
How to set focus on the last element for which the window pop ups on error half the new window width plus 5 pixel borders . iMyWidth window.screen.width 2 75 10 half the screen height minus half the new window height..