javascript Programming Glossary: vertex
polyline snap to road using google maps api v3 street GEvent.addListener dirn load function snap to last vertex in the polyline var n dirn.getPolyline .getVertexCount map.addOverlay..
Multiple transparent textures on the same mesh face in Three.js ShaderMaterial var vertShader document.getElementById 'vertex_shh' .innerHTML var fragShader document.getElementById 'fragment_shh'.. uniforms uniforms attributes attributes vertexShader vertShader fragmentShader fragShader And create mesh with.. 80 80 80 material_shh You can put simplest vertex shader varying vec2 vUv void main vUv uv vec4 mvPosition modelViewMatrix..
Transforming vertex normals in three.js vertex normals in three.js I'm having difficulties with vertex normals.. vertex normals in three.js I'm having difficulties with vertex normals in THREE.js. For reference I'm using revision 58. For.. For various reasons I'd like to first calculate the face vertex normals when I setup my geometry then be free to transform it..
Javascript check Mouse clicked inside the Circle or Polygon of vertices in the polygon. Whether to repeat the first vertex at the end is discussed below. vertx verty Arrays containing..
Image manipulation and texture mapping using HTML5 Canvas? one component i.e. you cannot have a triangle where every vertex is an arbitrary RGB filled with bilinear interpolation but you..
A good approximation algorithm for the maximum weight perfect match in non-bipartite graphs? of edges such that no two of them are incident to the same vertex. A perfect matching is one in which all vertices are incident.. of growing paths using the locally heaviest edge at each vertex met. It has a performance ratio of 1 2 like the greedy algorithm.. the set of edges of G is not empty do 2 Choose arbitrary vertex v to which an edge is incident. 3 While v has incident edges..
Html Country List with flags [closed]
Basic Dual Contouring Theory quote For each cube that exhibits a sign change generate a vertex positioned at the minimizer of the quadratic function of equation.. is to it You solve a linear least squares problem to get a vertex for each cube then you connect adjacent vertices with quads... if cube_signs e 0 cube_signs e 1 #Solve qef to get vertex A n for p n in h_data b p n for p n in h_data v residue..