javascript Programming Glossary: view.visible
Rendering Android webview to bitmap, html5 javascript , callback issue height imgView.setImageBitmap bitmap imgView.setVisibility View.VISIBLE This works. Pressing the button renders the drawn content to.. height imgView.setImageBitmap bitmap imgView.setVisibility View.VISIBLE 100 And of course I removed the Sleep stuff in my callback...
Android - Hide WebView until JavaScript is done new Runnable @Override public void run wb.setVisibility View.VISIBLE This functionality is going to be executed for every page..
How to play a video in a webview with android? View.GONE mCustomViewContainer.setVisibility View.VISIBLE interfazWeb.setContentView mCustomViewContainer mCustomVideoView.setOnCompletionListener.. Show the content view. mContentView.setVisibility View.VISIBLE @Override public void onCompletion MediaPlayer mp mp.stop mCustomViewContainer.setVisibility..
JQuery Mobile Detected if there's internet Connection
Android WebView + loadUrl with javascript + onPageFinished = lag visible after javascript is finished but wv.setVisibility View.VISIBLE fires before javascript. So for a moment I see page and how.. .setLoadsImagesAutomatically true wv.setVisibility View.VISIBLE I got that loadUrl works asynchronously so I tried to make another.. onPageFinished WebView view String url wv.setVisibility View.VISIBLE For now I just added delay after javascript SystemClock.sleep..