javascript Programming Glossary: verb
enabling cross-origin resource sharing on IIS7 config entries above should kick in when an HTTP OPTIONS verb is sent. Alternatively you can respond to the HTTP OPTIONS verb.. is sent. Alternatively you can respond to the HTTP OPTIONS verb in your BeginRequest method. protected void Application_BeginRequest..
jQuery POST, Error 405 Method not allowed this question A 405 is thrown by IIS when an HTTP verb GET PUT POST DELETE HEAD etc. is requested and is not supported.. the handler mappings as one of them is not allowing POST verbs. As you are not posting to any specific page .aspx .ashx etc... Request Restrictions then Verbs Make sure the appropriate verb is present in the text area. As I mentioned before I'm not sure..
Understanding XMLHttpRequest over CORS (responseText) cors share improve this question For a simple HTTP verb like GET or POST yes the entire page is fetched and then the.. JS is permitted to see the contents. For a non simple HTTP verb like PUT or DELETE the browser issues a preflight request using.. case the browser first checks to see if the domain and the verb are supported by checking for Access Control Allow Origin and..
IE closing just opened popup window [closed] I built and configured a Http Handler that manages a .pdf verb. The handler does exactly what the ReportViewer.aspx did but..
jquery.form and cross-domain requests that more recent versions of sinatra include an options verb require 'rubygems' require 'sinatra' require 'pony' # patch.. questions 4351904 sinatra options http verb configure do class Sinatra Base def options path opts block..
jQuery.getJSON - Access-Control-Allow-Origin Issue your server a preflight message using the OPTIONS HTTP verb method . It will contain the various headers it would send with..
JSONP and Backbone.js then calling a javascript callback... . To use all HTTP verb POST DELETE PUT you can use the CORS protocol http
Ways to save Backbone.js model data? requests. GET and POST. In a RESTful environment these verbs have special meaning for specific uses that Backbone assumes... two HTTP request methods. PUT and DELETE. These two verbs also have specific meaning to Backbone. When you want to update.. will do the appropriate task based on the kind of request verb you use. For example The URI pattern http localhost 8888 donut..