javascript Programming Glossary: vi
JavaScript. Solution to detect mobile browser [duplicate] answer here What is the best way to detect a handheld device in jQuery 30 answers I'm looking for a function which.. if user has mobile browser or not. I know that I can use navigator.userAgent and write that function by using regex but user.. for different platforms. I doubt that match all possible devices would be easy and I think this problem has been solved before..
How to watch and compile all TypeScript sources? b interoperability archive 2012 10 01 sublime text vi emacs typescript enabled.aspx you can create a build system..
Implementing the “system” command in Java process's stdio. This means that you can't defer interactivity to the subprocess. My first crack at this was to implement.. to prevent deadlock . Unfortunately this is giving us two problems. First the input does not close automatically.. public static void main String args C.INSTANCE.system vi Cursory testing worked on Windows anyhow. share improve this..
How to get a YouTube thumbnail from a YouTube iframe? can be found in this standard path http vi video id thumbnail number .jpg video id is the YouTube video.. can be found in this standard path http vi video id thumbnail number .jpg video id is the YouTube video ID.. http vi video id thumbnail number .jpg video id is the YouTube video ID e.g. 1sIWez9HAbA . thumbnail number..
Get Locale Short Date Format using javascript lv LV yyyy.MM.dd. lt LT yyyy.MM.dd fa IR MM dd yyyy vi VN dd MM yyyy hy AM dd.MM.yyyy az Latn AZ dd.MM.yyyy eu ES yyyy.. ug CN yyyy M d sr Cyrl BA d.M.yyyy es US M d yyyy var l navigator.language navigator.language navigator 'userLanguage' y.. Cyrl BA d.M.yyyy es US M d yyyy var l navigator.language navigator.language navigator 'userLanguage' y d.getFullYear m d.getMonth..
How does Linux emulator in Javascript by Fabrice Bellard work? http jslinux It compiles C programs it has vi and emacs it supports all shell commands etc etc. How does it..
How to get a youtube playlist using javascript API and json json This is part of my youtube project. I try to extract video information from JSON format but I have problem in this line.. from JSON format but I have problem in this line var videoId data.feed.entry i .link 1 .href When I do this in single.. get youtube ID function extract url pos1 url.indexOf videos pos2 url.substr 42 11 return pos2 My playlist LINK var url2..
Why does ('0' ? 'a' : 'b') behave different than ('0' == true ? 'a' : 'b') be compared which should be exactly the same as '0' true Obviously this is not true. javascript share improve this question..
Click Loads multiple videos using YOUTUBE Iframe Loads multiple videos using YOUTUBE Iframe I have some thumbnails below the main.. YOUTUBE Iframe I have some thumbnails below the main video container. I will like when you click on each thumbnail the.. will like when you click on each thumbnail the associated video loads and start playing Using the NEW YOUTUBE API IFRAME..