javascript Programming Glossary: vendors
How to create a Web Worker from a string policy. There is currently disagreement among browsers vendors on whether data URIs are of the same origin or not Gecko 10.0..
Why does an unexecuted eval have an effect on behavior in some browsers? which does not appear to be implemented consistently by vendors no browser pass all tests . Also using arguments as a property..
HTML5 Local Storage of audio element source - is it possible? nothing which is highly annoying. I don't know about other vendors Google Chrome used to not support data URI's for audio but perhaps..
What is happening in Crockford's object creation technique? property descriptor to initialize the object. All browser vendors are implementing it already available on Firefox 3.7 alphas..
Why navigator.appCodeName returning Mozilla? of feature AKA object detection was a good idea so browser vendors started lying in order to compensate. Long answer History of..
How to detect online/offline event cross-browser? html5 offline share improve this question The browser vendors cannot agree on how to define offline. Some browsers have a.. internet access. The whole thing is a mess. Some browser vendors update the navigator.onLine flag when actual network access..
Why is JavaScript inconsistent across browsers?
What are “top level JSON arrays” and why are they a security risk? many components from 3rd parties and have external vendors who develop my code. javascript security json web security..
The javascript “resizeTo” function not working in Chrome and Opera in Firefox. It has been widely misused so most browser vendors feel that it should be disabled or at least a user controllable..
Get height of iframe with external URL in this case with an iframe instead of a link . Browser vendors had to plug the CSS History Leak so I supsect if you could work..
Detect Visited Link In Chrome visited security issue was fixed in 2010 by the browser vendors after a nifty demo Spyjax no longer up demonstrated that any..
Javascript engine can not be found - scripting for the Java platform bundled. JavaScript is an Oracle trademark so some vendors might be reluctant to use it as an identifier string. share..
How can I wrap text around a moveable image? rolled out in WebKit but developers working for other vendors have expressed mixed feelings about the proposal. Trident IE.. around smoothly would be very challenging. I strongly hope vendors will implement CSS Exclusions. People have been asking for these..
HTML5 Canvas Performance and Optimization Tips, Tricks and Coding Best Practices one which will probably remain the one to use to cover all vendors. Use more than one canvas A technique for animation heavy games..
loading a knockout.js observableArray() from .ajax() call model property with an empty array. var data var viewModel vendors ko.observableArray data ko.applyBindings viewModel function.. function WORKS. Html is updated appropriately. viewModel.vendors Id 01 Id 02 Id 03 DOES NOT WORK. Fiddler2 shows the same exact.. and the success function is being called. .ajax url ' vendors 10' dataType 'json' success function data viewModel.vendors..