javascript Programming Glossary: varname
Switch statement multiple cases in JavaScript in switch statement in JavaScript Something like switch varName case afshin saeed larry alert 'Hey' break default alert 'Default.. statement is found so you could write it like switch varName case afshin case saeed case larry alert 'Hey' break default..
How to avoid global variables in JavaScript? scope function Your code here Expose to global window 'varName' varName To address Crescent Fresh's comment in order to remove.. function Your code here Expose to global window 'varName' varName To address Crescent Fresh's comment in order to remove global..
how to exchange variables between two HTML pages? the links with Javascript as desired. Just make sure the varName value gets onto the end of example2.html somehow. Then in example2.html..
Why does IE nuke window.ABC variables? question IE is dumb it doesn't recognize that window.varName and var varName access the same variable in some cases. When.. is dumb it doesn't recognize that window.varName and var varName access the same variable in some cases. When a new script tag..
parse and execute JS by C# object Parse string text bool expression const string varName x___ object result _engine.SetScriptState ScriptState.Connected.. should work for jscript vbscript at least... text varName text _parse32.ParseScriptText text null IntPtr.Zero null 0.. dispatch try return dp.GetType .InvokeMember varName BindingFlags.GetProperty null dp null catch if Site.LastException..
mocking window.location.href in Javascript go to the URL. window.location.href http varName foo expect actions.paramToVar test_Data .toEqual bar I'm using.. var localContext window location href http varName foo simulated context with localContext console.log window.location.href.. console.log window.location.href http varName foo actual context console.log window.location.href http
How can I access local scope dynamically in javascript? dynamically you can use window functionName window varName Is it possible to do the same thing for variables in the local..
About closure, LexicalEnvironment and GC big object var y another big object return function inner varName alert eval varName func get_inner_function func x func y See.. big object return function inner varName alert eval varName func get_inner_function func x func y See for yourself using..