javascript Programming Glossary: string.format
Format numbers in javascript available in C# or VB.NET via ToString format_provider or String.Format javascript jquery format numbers share improve this question..
Custom JavaScriptConverter for DateTime? serializer.Deserialize Person json Console.WriteLine String.Format 0 1 fromJson.Name fromJson.Birthday User Name 12 20 2010 12..
JQuery DIalog and ASP.NET Repeater control String.Empty string function String.Format javascript showConfirmRequest function 0 ' 1 ' ' 2 ' return..
Get GridView selected row DataKey in Javascript lnkSelect String.Empty click.AppendLine String.Format onGridViewRowSelected ' 0 ' e.Row.RowIndex e.Row.Attributes.Add..
Javascript Thousand Separator / string format a way for thousand separator for string or numbers... Like String.Format In c# javascript string numbers format share improve this..
Javascript - convert to European locale Format number currency w regards to culture like .NET's String.Format possibly useful if you're using ASP.NET format number to price..
JavaScript equivalent to printf/string.format equivalent of the C PHP printf or for C# Java programmers String.Format IFormatProvider for .NET . My basic requirement is thousand.. I realise Microsoft's Ajax library provides a version of String.Format but we don't want the entire overhead of that framework. javascript..
Is there a better way to get ClientID's into external JS files? foreach WebControl c in controls script.AppendLine String.Format var 0 '# 1 ' c.ID c.ClientID script.AppendLine script if page.ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered.. javascript foreach WebControl c in items script.AppendLine String.Format var 0 '# 1 ' c.ID c.ClientID script.AppendLine script page.Head.Controls.Add..
Does C# have an equivalent to JavaScript's encodeURIComponent()? txtOut.Text Regex.Replace txtIn.Text @ u0080 uFFFF m @ String.Format 0 x int m.Value 0 Returns a9 221a for © instead of C2 A9 E2..
Localize javascript messages and validation text Dim reader As New System.Resources.ResXResourceReader String.Format Server.MapPath App_GlobalResources 0 . 1 .resx resourceFileName..
Calling javascript from code behind this.GetType openCredentials string.Format radopen 'Services.aspx clientId 0 Window_Services' openCredentialsWindow_ClientId.ToString.. this.GetType openCredentials string.Format radopen 'Services.aspx clientId 0 Window_Services' openCredentialsWindow_ClientId.ToString..
parse and execute JS by C# 2 at line 3 column 4 . LastException new ScriptException string.Format message exceptionInfo.scode exceptionInfo.bstrSource exceptionInfo.bstrDescription..
Call Javascript function from codebehind on button click sender EventArgs e if btnAddItem.Text Add string script string.Format @ validate ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock this typeof..
ASP.NET - Javascript timeOut Warning based on sessionState timeOut in web.config Page.GetType timeoutWarning string.Format setTimeout function alert 'Session about to expire' 0 timeout..
Call Javascript onchange event by programatically changing textbox value something like txtCreateDate.Attributes.Add onchange string.Format JSfunction 0 ' 1 ' arg1 arg2 thanks in advance more info The..
PDF files do not open in Internet Explorer with Adobe Reader 10.0 - users get an empty gray screen. How can I fix this for my users? if filenameArgs null filenameArgs.Length 0 filename string.Format filename filenameArgs Add the filename to the Content Disposition..
Linking JavaScript Libraries in User Controls throw new ArgumentNullException fileName string jsTag string.Format script type text javascript src 0 script html.MEDebugReleaseString..
Include JavaScript file in partial views throw new ArgumentNullException fileName string jsTag string.Format script type text javascript src 0 script html.MEDebugReleaseString..
Update ValidationSummary list on control blurs? in this derived class e.g. this.Attributes.Add onblur string.Format ValidationSummaryOnSubmit ' 0 ' this.ValidationGroup Use tag..