javascript Programming Glossary: str.length
Convert string in dot notation to get the object reference function ref obj str str str.split . for var i 0 i str.length i obj obj str i return obj var obj a b 1 c d 3 e 4 f 5 str 'a.c.d'.. following function set obj str val str str.split . while str.length 1 obj obj str.shift return obj str.shift val var obj a b 1 c..
Reading bytes from a JavaScript string function stringToBytes str var ch st re for var i 0 i str.length i ch str.charCodeAt i get char st set up stack do st.push ch..
How do I measure the strength of a password? function pLen str res for i 0 i str.length i repeated true for j 0 j pLen j i pLen str.length j repeated.. i 0 i str.length i repeated true for j 0 j pLen j i pLen str.length j repeated repeated str.charAt j i str.charAt j i pLen if j..
Is there a JavaScript function that can pad a string to get to a determined length? ' ' if typeof dir undefined var dir STR_PAD_RIGHT if len 1 str.length switch dir case STR_PAD_LEFT str Array len 1 str.length .join.. 1 str.length switch dir case STR_PAD_LEFT str Array len 1 str.length .join pad str break case STR_PAD_BOTH var right Math.ceil padlen.. break case STR_PAD_BOTH var right Math.ceil padlen len str.length 2 var left padlen right str Array left 1 .join pad str Array..
Is there a version of JavaScript's String.indexOf() that allows for regular expressions? been added to the String object. function test str var i str.length 2 while i if str.indexOf 'a' i str.regexIndexOf a i alert 'failed..
endsWith in javascript function endsWith str suffix return str.indexOf suffix str.length suffix.length 1 EDIT As noted by @hamish in the comments if..
Converting byte array to string in javascript shortly function string2Bin str var result for var i 0 i str.length i result.push str.charCodeAt i .toString 2 return result But.. like this function string2Bin str var result for var i 0 i str.length i result.push str.charCodeAt i return result function bin2String..
convert '1' to '0001' in JavaScript [duplicate] before var str 1 var pad 0000 pad.substring 0 pad.length str.length str JavaScript is more forgiving than some languages if the..
Javascript StartsWith function str return this.slice 0 str.length str The difference between substring and slice is basically..
Converting between strings and ArrayBuffers buf function str2ab str var buf new ArrayBuffer str.length 2 2 bytes for each char var bufView new Uint16Array buf for.. char var bufView new Uint16Array buf for var i 0 strLen str.length i strLen i bufView i str.charCodeAt i return buf share improve..
Retrieving binary file content using Javascript, base64 encode it and reverse-decode it using Python var out i 0 len str.length c1 c2 c3 while i len c1 str.charCodeAt i 0xff if i len out..
Password REGEX with min 6 chars, at least one letter and one number and may contain special characters what pwd rule is not being met function checkPwd str if str.length 6 return too_short else if str.length 50 return too_long else.. checkPwd str if str.length 6 return too_short else if str.length 50 return too_long else if d 1 return no_num else..