javascript Programming Glossary: string.fromcharcode
keycode and charcode var charCode evt.which evt.keyCode var charStr String.fromCharCode charCode alert charStr If you're interested in detecting a non..
What are JavaScript's builtin strings? finding a replacement for the n and and came up with this String.fromCharCode '1'.charCodeAt 0 1 10 1 Which I feel in in the spirit of using..
Can anyone recommend a good, free javascript for punycode to Unicode conversion? [closed] UTF 16 value if value 0xFFFF value 0x10000 output.push String.fromCharCode value 10 0x3FF 0xD800 value 0xDC00 value 0x3FF output.push.. 10 0x3FF 0xD800 value 0xDC00 value 0x3FF output.push String.fromCharCode value return output.join Default parameters var initial_n.. i 0 len output.length i len i if case_flags i output i String.fromCharCode output i .toUpperCase .charCodeAt 0 return this.utf16.encode..
how do I access XHR responseBody (for binary data) from Javascript in IE? for var i 0 i 256 i for var j 0 j 256 j byteMapping String.fromCharCode i j 256 String.fromCharCode i String.fromCharCode j call.. var j 0 j 256 j byteMapping String.fromCharCode i j 256 String.fromCharCode i String.fromCharCode j call into VBScript utility fns var.. String.fromCharCode i j 256 String.fromCharCode i String.fromCharCode j call into VBScript utility fns var rawBytes IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr..
JavaScript implementation of Gzip phrase.charCodeAt 0 for var i 0 i out.length i out i String.fromCharCode out i return out.join Decompress an LZW encoded string function..
Converting byte array to string in javascript array var result for var i 0 i array.length i result String.fromCharCode parseInt array i 2 return result bin2String 01100110 01101111.. i return result function bin2String array return String.fromCharCode.apply String array string2Bin 'foo' 102 111 111 bin2String string2Bin..
JavaScript strings outside of the BMP up to U FFFF. Further investigation confirms this String.fromCharCode 0x20001 The fromCharCode method seems to only use the lowest.. i var n arguments i if n 0x10000 chars.push String.fromCharCode n else chars.push String.fromCharCode 0xD800 n 0x10000 0x3FF.. n 0x10000 chars.push String.fromCharCode n else chars.push String.fromCharCode 0xD800 n 0x10000 0x3FF 0xDC00 n 0x10000 10 0x3FF return chars.join..
fileReader.readAsBinaryString to upload files n var c string.charCodeAt n if c 128 utftext String.fromCharCode c else if c 127 c 2048 utftext String.fromCharCode c 6 192.. String.fromCharCode c else if c 127 c 2048 utftext String.fromCharCode c 6 192 utftext String.fromCharCode c 63 128 else utftext.. c 127 c 2048 utftext String.fromCharCode c 6 192 utftext String.fromCharCode c 63 128 else utftext String.fromCharCode c 12 224 utftext..
How do I decode a string with escaped unicode? var r u d w 4 gi x x.replace r function match grp return String.fromCharCode parseInt grp 16 x unescape x console.log x To explain I use..