javascript Programming Glossary: str.replace
Replacing all occurrences of a string in javascript? test test abc test test test abc test test abc Doing str str.replace 'abc' '' Seems only to remove the first occurrence of abc in.. of it javascript share improve this question str str.replace abc g '' In response to comment var find 'abc' var re new RegExp.. to comment var find 'abc' var re new RegExp find 'g' str str.replace re '' In response to Click Upvote 's comment you could simplify..
how to get selected text from iframe with javascript? unescape 20 20 20 20 20 var regexp new RegExp regstr g str str.replace regexp else if document.selection document.selection.createRange.. unescape 20 20 20 20 20 var regexp new RegExp regstr g str str.replace regexp RegExp is basic JavaScript dating back to the very earliest..
Get computed font size for DOM element in JS getStyle el styleProp var camelize function str return str.replace w g function str letter return letter.toUpperCase if el.currentStyle..
Convert string to title case with javascript this question Try this function toTitleCase str return str.replace w S g function txt return txt.charAt 0 .toUpperCase txt.substr..
Fastest method to replace all instances of a character in a string a regular expression with g flag to replace all instances str.replace foo g bar This will replace all occurrences. If you just have..
Escape string for use in Javascript regex [duplicate] question Short 'n Sweet function escapeRegExp str return str.replace . ^ g See MDN Javascript Guide Regular Expressions escapeRegExp.. specials.join ' ' ' ' 'g' escapeRegExp function str return str.replace regex test escapeRegExp path to res search this.that share..
Replace all spaces in a string with '+' symbol. I thought I could use var str 'a b c' var replaced str.replace ' ' ' ' but it only replaces the first occurrance. How can I..
Remove characters from a string For example var str foo gar gaz returns foo bar gaz str.replace 'g' 'b' returns foo bar baz str str.replace g gi 'b' In the.. foo bar gaz str.replace 'g' 'b' returns foo bar baz str str.replace g gi 'b' In the latter example the trailing gi indicates case..
Fastest method to escape HTML tags as HTML entities? function I have found so far function safe_tags str return str.replace g ' amp ' .replace g ' lt ' .replace g ' gt ' But there's still.. tag tag function safe_tags_replace str return str.replace g replaceTag Here is a performance test http encode..
replace all occurrences in a string [duplicate] This will only replace the first occurrence of newline str.replace n ' br ' I cant figure out how to do the trick javascript regex..