javascript Programming Glossary: strings
Where can I find documentation on formatting a date in JavaScript surprisingly it serves the purpose of formatting date to strings. var d1 new Date d1.toString 'yyyy MM dd' returns 2009 06 29.. you have three methods and you have to combine the strings for yourself getDate Returns the date getMonth Returns the month..
Sorting objects in an array by a field value in JavaScript I know about sort a b but that only seems to work on strings and numbers. Do I need to add a toString method to my objects..
Validate numbers in JavaScript - IsNumeric() close but it will fail in the following cases Whitespace strings IsNumeric ' ' true IsNumeric ' t t' true IsNumeric ' n r' true..
How can I obfuscate JavaScript? to obfuscate the code What's the best way to obfuscate the strings themselves within the application assuming that the answer to..
When is JavaScript's eval() not evil? case. From what I understand you're generating the strings yourself so assuming you're careful not to allow a string like..
Parse query string in JavaScript [duplicate] question Here is a fast and easy way of parsing query strings in JavaScript function getQueryVariable variable var query
When to Use Double or Single Quotes in JavaScript libraries out there using single quotes when handling strings. What are the reasons to use one over the other I thought they're..
Escaping HTML strings with jQuery HTML strings with jQuery Does anyone know of an easy way to escape HTML.. Does anyone know of an easy way to escape HTML from strings in jQuery I need to be able to pass an arbitrary string and..
How to get caret position in textarea? This should return 7. How would you get it to return the strings surrounding the cursor selection eg 'This is' '' ' a text' If..
JavaScript implementation of Gzip appears to be a better LZW solution that handles Unicode strings correctly at http blog pages lz string index.html..
Difference between == and === in JavaScript [duplicate] the objects being compared must have the same type and Two strings are strictly equal when they have the same sequence of characters..
Javascript StartsWith that's because in the future the language might have this strings extras methods defined as built in functions and native implementations.. Edit As others noted indexOf will be inefficient for large strings its complexity is O N . For a constant time solution O 1 you..
Best practice: escape, or encodeURI / encodeURIComponent suffer an injection bug. If you are constructing html from strings either use instead of ' for attribute quotes or add an extra..
Creating multiline strings in JavaScript multiline strings in JavaScript I have the following code in Ruby. I want to..
Building a Chrome Extension - Inject code in a page using a Content script script This method works because the operator on strings and a function converts all objects to a string. If you intend.. execute JavaScript by using inline event listeners. The strings are generated in the same way as the previous method so for.. ' The previous will work for numbers and booleans but not strings. To see why have a look at the resulting string var actualCode..
Problems with adding object with array
Localize Strings in Javascript Strings in Javascript I'm currently using .resx files to manage my.. for each string to be localized like this var localizedStrings confirmMessage 'en US' 'Are you sure ' 'fr FR' 'Est ce que vous..
Why is string “11” less than string “3”? string comparison share improve this question Strings are compared character by character unless they are no equal..
Phonegap Plugin to convert Base64 String to a PNG image in Android binary files. A common application is converting Base64 Strings to Images. So how do you go about this problem javascript android..
Pass a string by reference in Javascript string pass by reference share improve this question Strings in Javascript are already passed by reference calling a procedure.. the string's contents. There are two issues at hand Strings are immutable. In contrast to C strings once a JavaScript string..
Difference between the javascript String Type and String Object? a String . javascript share improve this question Strings are a value type in JS so they can't have any properties attached..
Passing a JavaScript object using addJavascriptInterface() on Android addJavascriptInterface only works with primitive types and Strings and so you cannot pass arbitrary Javascript objects. share..
jQuery single quote in JSON response are more forgiving in the texts they will accept ... Strings may be quoted with ' single quote . This is confirmed by the..
HTML5 File API read as text and binary an array of Numbers instead but they didn't perhaps large Strings are more memory efficient than large arrays of Numbers since..
Javascript String Equality… What's the correct way? way What's the right way to check for equality between Strings in Javascript javascript string share improve this question..
JSON security best practices? then you will only have objects at the top level. Arrays Strings Numbers etc will all be wrapped. A JSON object will then fail..
What are the differences between JSON and JavaScript object? object array A literal as true false null The grammar of Strings changes the have be delimited by double quotes while in JavaScript..
Why do alert(!!“0”) and alert(false == “0”) both output true in JavaScript convert to operands to numbers then compare the numbers. Strings containing numbers convert to the numbers that they contain..
Why is 4 not an instance of Number? chain of value for occurences of a specific object. Strings and numbers are primitive values not objects and therefore don't..
Are JavaScript strings immutable? Do I need a “string builder” in JavaScript? any operations on strings actually create new strings. Strings are assigned by reference not by value. In general when an object..
How to transfer java array to javaScript array using jsp? need to be VERY careful about escaping anything in those Strings that could cause them to be interpreted as JavaScript code most..
JavaScript: Can I detect IE9 if it's in IE7 or IE8 compatibility mode? check out this great compilation Browser ID User Agent Strings or even better share improve this answer..
Escaping Strings in JavaScript Strings in JavaScript Does JavaScript have a built in function like..
How is almost everything in Javascript an object? Arrays I understand since it has key value pair. How about Strings or Numbers or functions These things above listed seem to be..